33. Debrief

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Post Date: 02.09.21

Word count: 1.3k

Based off: 04x15 "Stand By Me"


The next morning Caroline and I head back over to Elena's to clean up the mess. As we were scrubbing the floors Elena and others walk-in.

"Hey, you're home," Caroline says as I continue scrubbing the floor.

"We were trying to clean the burn mark where Kol--" I start before we both notice Stefan carrying Jeremy's body. "We couldn't get the spot out," I say quieter.

"Come on. Let's get him upstairs," Elena says. Caroline and I look at each other confused before we start to clean again, giving them their space.

"How long has she been like that?" Caroline asks Stefan as he makes his way into the kitchen.

"Ever since we found his body. She hasn't said anything except that she's waiting for him to wake up," Stefan explains while helping.

"But he's not going to wake up. She knows that right?" I state. Stefan puts his finger to his mouth and moves to the sink to turn the faucet on.

"Look. Deep down, I think she has to, but we're talking about Elena here. She feels grief more powerfully than anyone else. I think her denial is the one thing protecting her from letting it all in," Stefan explains.

"She can't stay like that forever," Caroline says.

"I know, but I don't want to be the one to break her out of it, not until we know that bonnie is safe, not until we get Damon over here too, you know--," Stefan trails off.

"Use the sire bond to convince her that everything is ok?" Caroline finishes for him.

"I'm not in denial," Elena says and Stefan turns the water off. "I know that he was supernatural, but did you see? His tattoo is gone. The tattoo had the spell that opened Silas' chamber. Maybe it being gone means that he fulfilled his supernatural destiny. Maybe he's back to normal, it's possible right?" Elena suggests.

"Elena--" I say.

"It's possible, Athena. There's a chance. It may be minuscule, but it's hope, and I'm gonna hold on to that hope with everything that I've got because there's no way-- there's absolutely no way that my brother is dead. I'm not in denial," Elena states before walking away.

I continue to finish cleaning while Stefan and Caroline step outside to make a plan. After a little while, I start to smell something. "What's that smell?" I ask making my way to the porch.

"It's his body. He's starting to decompose," Stefan says. "Tell your mom to get Dr. Fell over here," Stefan says to Caroline.

Dr. Fell came over to inspect Jeremy's body, but as she inspected it I heard a commotion from upstairs. Elena was freaking out over Dr. Fell saying that Jeremy was dead. I head outside since it was a family matter that I don't think I should involve myself in. As I wait for Dr. Fell to finish, Caroline arrives at the house on the phone with Bonnie and Damon arriving shortly after.

"Thank god," Caroline says.

"We were so worried," I say as we take turns hugging Bonnie.

"I'm ok," Bonnie says.

"Could you get Stefan out here?" Damon asks.

"They said that she knows what to do," Caroline says.

"Caroline, I need to talk to my brother," Damon demands.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I head back inside with Caroline and Bonnie to talk about what happened. Me, Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and Matt all sit at the table.

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