Chapter 20 - Stant Rise King

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For some reason my body felt small pain but it wasn't serious. It was like I was forced to sleep as I woke up.
Lea woke up in a mysterious carriage as he looked around and saw a butler.
I was about to speak only to find out I was gagged. I looked at him as he had a calm face.
Butler: "You're awake sir that good we are nearly here."
I really don't know what he was talking about as I try to think back what kind of event led me here.
Lea thought for a moment as he remembered that on his way home for school which was now on break. Lea saw a boy being bullied by the two students that kept causing trouble as he stopped the bullying. The boy thanked Lea as he left but before Lea could go he was grabbed by men and was put in a sleep spell.
Oh yeah that happened...wait did those two call their guards wow and they didn't even bother to fight such cowards.
As the carriage stopped two men came inside and grabbed Lea as he was taken into a Castle to Lea's surprise.
...Where am I!?
Darkness: (What!? Where!? Huh!?)
I heard Darkness woke up, maybe the spell affected him as well.
Lea: (Darkness do you remember the guys who knock us out?)
Darkness: (Yes I do! Wait, they are the same guys!)
I looked at them and indeed it was the same guys who knocked us out. But what did I even do!?
As the men bought Lea in the castle Lea saw how work was put to build this castle as Lea was brought into the throne room.
Men: "Sir we brought our guest."
Guest!? You treat your guest like this!?
???: "Thank you but why do you tie him up?"
Men: "We thought he might run away so we made sure he won't escape."
Bruh seriously? I would run away if you guys didn't hide well.
I looked at who was talking and I was beyond surprised it was the kid I saved from the bullies. I was surprised how much time passed since I was knocked out?
???: *sigh* "Untie him and get that gag off his mouth and leave only us in here."
Men: "Yes sir!"
They untied me and took off the gag that was in my mouth. I coughed as I let air into my mouth as the men left the throne room.
???: "I'm so sorry for this, my savior. I would have asked them to bring you here politely but I had to return quickly."
I looked at him and he was wearing clothes that were fit for royalty.
Lea: "It's alright I understand I was just surprised."
He nodded and gasped like he forgot something.
Geo: "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Geo Willan. I was born to the royal family and I am the ruler of my county of Stant Rise I'm sixteen years old."
Wait the king of Stant Rise oh my god I'm meeting the king here!
Darkness: (Lea kneel! Kneel!)
I quickly kneel. I know he is the king because one he is speaking so politely, he wears fancy clothes and I even see the crown on his head.
Lea: "Excuse myself your majesty."
Geo: "Oh! You don't have to be formal for me, just treat me like I am your friend."
Lea: "O-Oh okay..." (Still I'm talking to a king here!)
Darkness: (I never really thought one day you will be able to meet one of the rulers of the county.)
Lea: "But umm I don't want to be rude but is there a reason why you brought me here."
Geo: "Well I thought you could help me with something."
Lea: "I see oh and I have another question."
Geo: "Ask away."
Lea: "Umm why did you get involved with those two bullies if your king should you do anything about it?"
He sighed.
Geo: "I heard families saying that their children are being harassed, bullied and hurt by two bullies. I came to see if what I heard was true and I saw that it was."
That explains why he wore differently.
Geo: "I don't want to reveal my status as king and I don't want to cause trouble but they didn't listen to me or not bullying me. It was like they enjoyed too much bullying till you came and saved me."
Yeah everyday we had to deal with their crap if I had the chance I would strike them with my katana.
Lea: "So do you happen to know the two students?"
He sighed again like he did but was ashamed of them.
Geo: "They are nobles. I met them and their family. They always wanted power for themselves to rule but that caused their families to die only the two of them are left as their power of the family rises. Mainly because this country rely on luck."
So they act like they rule the school that explains so much and how much hate I had for them. Plus I recall that Crystal Rein worship the Goddess of Love so I guess this country worship the God or Goddess of Luck.
Lea: "I see anyway we're getting off track why do you need me?"
Geo: "Oh thanks for reminding me."
He went from the nice smile he had to a serious one. I knew that something must have happened.
Geo: "The Waves of Ruin recently many people heard that the Wave boss has been getting stronger for some reason and we don't know why exactly."
The bosses are getting stronger? Are the Waves thinking we're not strong enough to deal with it?
Geo: "If we don't do something then the seals will be released without them."
Lea: "Hold on excuse my interruption but what do you mean by seals?"
He looked at me and thought about I mean I am a twelve year old kid so I don't know much.
Geo: "The Wave Beasts these monsters are stronger than the Waves but these Beasts are not your ordinary boss you can defeat."
Lea: "Hmm but how does the seal work?"
Geo: "If the Guardians of Light are here and do their roles and somehow if they don't do good on their roles then the seals will have a timer for how long they have till the Wave Beasts are released."
Lea: "So did it happen to the previous Guardians?"
Geo: "Yes they knew it was the way to stop the Waves the ancient Guardians left behind a message of what their roles are."
So how did they get seal if they are Beast from the ancient time?
Lea: "So if Guardians from the ancient times fought these Beasts, how are they here?"
Geo: "You see after they defeat the Beasts you have to leave a part of a Beast for them to be reborn and wait for the time of the Waves of Ruin to come back."
I nodded if these Wave Beasts are part of the Waves then saving the world would be very difficult to gain peace...but I'm not letting go of that goal. I want the world to go back to what it was once before.
Darkness: (Wave Beasts wow and I thought the Waves are difficult enough.)
Lea: "So you want me and anyone else to make sure to defeat the upcoming Waves to make sure the seals won't be released?"
Geo: "Yes I heard from rumors that a boy with a white hat with a girl fought the Waves at a very young age and were successful in defeating the Waves."
I have been fighting the Waves in two places for this day and I'm still fighting.
Lea: "The boy IS me and the girl is my sister. I gave her a choice to fight and she chose to fight and I, I want to protect the world."
I saw Geo smile like I made my answer. I nodded at him and said that it meant that I'll help him.
Geo: "Thank you and I never got your name."
I kneel again and do my introduction.
Lea: "I'm Lea Ruby I'm the Katana Swordsman."
Geo: (So this is the Sensational Ruby she was talking about. I see, no wonder she spoke so highly of him.) "Thank you sir Lea for helping my country."
Lea: "I choose to fight and I make sure I do whatever I can to help."
Geo: "Oh my! I kept you for too long."
I looked out the window and saw what he meant. It was night. I checked my status screen to check the time it was so late. I bet Ava is waiting at the door and then scolds me for staying out too long.
Lea: "Welp I better get home."
Geo: "At least allow me to get you home."
He did like some kind of teleportation magic as I feel like I could teleport at any moment. I waved at him goodbye as he did the same. I close my eyes then open them to see I am in front of my house.
Lea: "I think I can see why he is king."
Darkness: (Yes though he was sixteen.)
I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Ava waiting and Jake was at the table with hot chocolate.
Ava: "L. E. A."
I felt fear everywhere I just stood there.
Ava: "Where. Were. You?"
I snap out as I am going to be really honest with her.
Lea: "I spend my day talking with a king."
It's like I did something because the two of them just stare at me.
Jake, Ava: "What!?"
Then Lea had to explain what happened during today but he did not explain the Wave Beasts he did not want them to be worried for him as Lea was thinking of what would happen soon.

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