Chapter 6 - Feelings

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         When Lea found his way back he sneaked back in and made it without getting caught but he did stay awake, he took out a book that he found in his house that said journal so he made it his journal to write everything I did so far. While Lea was doing that he heard a knock on his door then it opened. He saw Mia half asleep but was willing to wake to do her job.
         Mia: *sleepy* "It's time to wake up...oh you already awake! I didn't think you would already be awake!"
         Wow, she made a cute face. Did I really surprise her? Well I mean I was in the night and for some reason I'm not tired. I think I may have jinxed that because I might feel tired later in the day.
         Lea: "Yeah good morning." (Let's not tell her about yesterday and we should keep you hidden from her.)
         I don't think she sees much of the outside world. But I don't want her to think of me as a reckless kid though I already am one.
         Darkness: (Yeah that seems like a good idea for now. But you and I both know she will find out someday.)
         I honestly can't disagree with him.
         Mia: "Morning what you doing?"
         Lea: "I'm just writing." (Which I actually am because I want to make sure I write everything of my life even if I make it like a novel.)
         I can't let her get suspicious of me. Because I won't hear the end of it plus she would tell the nun. I think yesterday I realized that I should not mess with her, I don't know why but my gut feeling is telling me not to.
         Mia: "Okay what are you going to do after?"
         Lea: "I guess I'll go do my first quest. I'll be leaving. You can tell the nun that I'm grateful for everything but I'll do this on my own."
         I saw the sadness in her when I said I'm going to leave today.
         Mia: "I see, can I see you again?"
         Lea: "Yeah we'll hang out after I'm done for today I'll make sure to remember." (If I somehow forgot to make sure to tell me?)
         Darkness: (Sure. I will make sure I don't forget as well.)
         Yeah me and Darkness will get along well.
         Mia: "Okay if you say so."
         Lea put his journal away and said goodbye to Mia and the nun then headed out to start his life. He went to the guild to find a quest to do, I found one that said 'Kill five wolves, bring evidence to prove you did this quest, reward 1 gold coin'.
         Lea: (I wonder how money works here but I'll try it anyway.)
         Darkness: (I think you'll find out soon because I don't remember. But hey at least you can get more EXP just by going on the quest.)
         He knew he was right as Lea took the paper of the quest and the person who was at the counter was surprised.
         Man: "Are you really going to take that quest?"
         Lea: "Yes, why?"
         Is it dangerous? Because I actually encountered wolves with my mom before.
         Man: "You're just too young and you could get injured badly."
         Lea: "I'll be okay. I'll make sure that I won't get a scar on me."
         Darkness: (Because you have me if you are about to close to death. Or maybe I should just leave you body just to make sure you don't die.)
         Lea: (Yep! Because if I'm being honest I would need your help.)
         Man: "If you say so but make sure you bring someone with you before you go."
         Yeah but I already have that covered. And that had the word 'dark' in it.
         The person handed back the paper to Lea but he just left without telling anyone to go with him he remember that he encounter a wolf but ignore it and he might knew it location so he went back to the forest he did encounter more than five wolves in fact there are ten wolfs so he took out his katana and use Metal Strike he did defected all of them he grab some fur and use absorb and that boost some of his stats.
         Lea: (Wow so there are some who can learn skills while others rise stats.)
         Darkness: (Seems like it. I wonder how many skills you can get. I mean it looks unlimited.)
         It's like someone really wants me to do this. But if so then who?
         Lea took some of the claws as evidence of completing his quest and he went back and showed his proof. Once he did the man was in shock to see him back in one piece.
         Man: "I can't believe that you went by yourself but I'm happy that you returned safely."
         Did some kid die from this quest before? Or were people too afraid to go near wolves?
         The person gives Lea a gold coin. Which reminded him that he needed a question answered.
         Lea: "Hey I was wondering how money works here?"
         Man: "Oh well there are four types of coin: copper is one coin, silver is 10 coins, gold is 50 coins and platinum is 100 coins."
         Lea: "Oh I see, thank you." (Wow 50 coins in a gold coin.)
         Darkness: (I'm honestly surprised too I thought it was more than that. But I guess the currency is different than I thought.)
         That's what I thought too.
         Man: "Oh before you go you have an opportunity to earn to raise your rank because the quest you took was an A rank."
         A Rank! That's surprising. I guess I should have inspected more of the quest.
         Lea: "What!? Well okay."
         Darkness: (Wow so you are a low rank and you made it back and found out it was for people who had an A Rank.)
         Lea handed his card to the person then left, Lea waited then the person came back. He had a smile on his face.
         Man: "Okay you are now an E rank adventurer."
         Lea: "Wow thank you." (Not to be rude but I thought I would rise higher.)
         Lea was happy he got a rank up then he left to see Mia while she was there since this morning Lea wondered what to do right now with Mia. But he saw her as he walked up to her.
         Lea: "Hey I'm back."
         She noticed him as she smiled as she ran up to him. She was happy to see Lea again.
         Mia: "Oh welcome back how did it go?"
         Lea: "It went okay, I got a rank up. And that was on my first quest."
         Darkness: (Oh try to impress her you bold kid.)
         Is he trying to embarrass me? If he is then it works. Because to me it is not funny.
         Lea: (S-Shut up!)
         Mia: "That's great, did you make money?"
         Lea: "Yeah I got a gold coin. Here I am already having a coin that can use to buy anything "
         Mia: "Wow a gold coin what are you going to do with it?"
         Lea: "I think I'll save up for important things."
         I mean I could literally buy anything I want with just a gold coin.
         Mia: "That's a good Idea- wait what you got there."
         Lea: "Oh this...this is my weapon, a katana."
         I literally forgot that she saw me without a weapon and that after I left I took it out so that it would keep reminding me of what I had once before it was gone.
         Mia: "Where did you get that? I don't remember seeing that here."
         Lea: "Well umm....can you keep this a secret if I tell you."
         Mia: "Okay I will just tell you."
         Well I had to tell her sooner or later. But I think I can trust her because I...don't even know this feeling but it was like that.
         Lea explains everything about how he got his memory's back and how he got the katana but didn't tell her the promise, it made Mia feel sorry for him.
         Mia: "I can't believe that happened to you, I'm so sorry."
         Lea: "That's okay, at least I have someone with me by my side right now." (I just hope she didn't think it was her and...nope she knew it was her.)
         That made Mia blush as she covered her face as she tried to say something but couldn't say anything. I was blushing too but Darkness spoke as it made me lose my blush.
         Darkness: (I wonder if you mean me or her?)
         Hmm I don't really know. Yeah I actually forgot about Darkness for a moment.
         Lea: "I want to ask you something if you don't mind."
         Mia: "What is it?"
         She said, still blushing. I guess I should have expected that because I never met someone my age of the opposite gender.
         Lea: "I wanted to know if you stay by my side forever?"
         Darkness: (Oh you are just going for it! I always knew you would be like this! Even though we met literally last night.)
         I ignore him. least for a while.
         Mia blushed more when Lea said that to her she turned to think about it then she turned back with a red face.
         Mia: "I would like to stay with you forever."
         Darkness: (Didn't expect that to be honest...)
         Lea: "Really!" (Wait Darkness what is that supposed to mean!?)
         What on earth was he thinking about before that!?
         Mia: "Yes you are the first one in my life who wanted me to stay because people see me as someone who doesn't want to be here."
         Lea: "That's not true, I want you to stay with me."
         Lea was now blushing again. He wanted her to stay with him ever since he was alone without his mom. He was not sure what he would do if he hadn't met Mia, both of them were about to say something but people were going somewhere in fact a lot of them were going somewhere. It caused the three of them to be confused about what was happening.
         Huh! What's happening? Why are the villages heading to the town square? Did something happen?
         Lea: "Where are they going?"
         Mia: "Let's go find out."
         Darkness: (I'm curious myself. But since I can't move I'll let you do all the moving.)
         They went to see what was happening. They soon found themselves in the town square wondering what really happened.

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now