Chapter 7 - Family Member

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         I wonder what's happening in the town square? In the town square where everyone was gathered when Lea and Mia were there they tried to see what was happening but couldn't see anything because of so many people.
         Random guy: "Okay settle down and leave, I'll handle it here."
         Everyone started leaving when it did both of them saw a girl unconscious she was wearing a blue shirt, she wore a short that were close to cover her leg, she has black hair, she has blue eyes and she had a necklace on her neck, on the floor next to her was the guild leader Lea went to ask the situation.
         Lea: “What happened here?” (Who is she?)
         Why is she unconscious?
         Guild leader: "Well she was found here all of a sudden...wait what's your name."
         Lea: "My name is Lea, Lea Ruby."
         Guild leader: "I see well Lea can you come with me then."
         Lea: "Of course but can I bring my friend?"
         Guild leader: "Sure but let's help this girl."
         Lea: "Okay."
         I looked at her and I felt something that I should be aware of but I wonder what. The guild leader picks up the girl while Lea asks Mia to come with them so she follows the guild. They went to a room where the guild leader was. He placed the girl on a couch then sat in a chair then asked Lea to also sit down which he did.
         Guild leader: "Okay I heard of you both. You seem to be talented but it also seems you don't know everything about this world."
         I didn't know I was THAT talented I just did quests.
         Lea: "There's more that I don't know." (How much do I not even know.)
         Guild leader: "I see but I'll make sure you do because I have a feeling you might be the one we've been looking for."
         What? What does he mean by that? Lea and Mia couldn't understand what he was talking about because it seemed to be important.
         Lea: "Is there something happening in this world?"
         Guild leader: "Yes but first we have to help this girl do you know cure magic."
         I guess that could mean like a potion.
         Lea: "I think I can but I'm not sure but I can try."
         Darkness: (Lea can you hear me?)
         Lea: (Darkness yeah why?)
         Darkness: (Good you can use cure I check you magic list.)
         Lea: (Oh that great I was wondering if I have more magic.)
         Darkness: (I think you do try saying cure but say it like you mean it.)
         Lea: (...Okay.) "Cure!"
         Lea cast the cure magic which healed the girl Lea saw in her HP bar. She was getting better and he felt relieved. It actually works!
         Guild leader: "Wow so you can use the cure spell? But I wonder how she got here, no one else was with her."
         I've been wondering about that myself. Why exactly is she there?
         Lea: “What if she was alone? Perhaps if she was separated from her family?”
         Guild leader: "Seems like looks like she is waking up."
         I looked back and he was right. She started to wake up. The girl did wake up but seemed to be confused about her location.
         ???: "Where am I?"
         Mia answered her question.
         Mia: "You are in Roothoot Town."
         ???: "Roothoot Town, I have never been here."
         Is she from another world? I have to check. I kinda doubt it because she seems to be from this world. Or at least that's what I am feeling right now.
         Lea: "If you don't mind who you are and why are you here by yourself."
         The girl tried to remember but when she did tears were flowing out of her eyes. Wh-What? Why is she crying? Did something happen to her?
         Lea: "Wait what happened?"
         ???: "I-my name is Ava I...was being hated by my big brother...he didn't want to do anything but shut in his room...after that my parents took me somewhere...then the sky change color and strange monster came and attack...they killed my parents they were about to kill me but I was somehow transposed...and lost conscious I was alone one cared about me nobody."
         She was crying hard. They knew she was telling the truth by seeing the sadness in her. They felt really bad for her that they wanted to help her. To me how can her big brother be that cruel to her? Does he even care at all?
         Lea: (She was treated like that, what are these people, how could they let this girl suffer, why did she have to go through.)
         Darkness: (I agreed with you that she doesn't look like she had the right to suffer.)
         Me and Darkness agree about what we thought. She grew up without knowing about her brother and he paid no attention to her. Plus her parents were murdered by monsters.
         Guild leader: "We want to help you but I don't know what to do."
         While they think Lea had an idea as he said something to her.
         Lea: "Then let me take care of you as your new big brother."
         He said without giving a second thought as Ava, Mia and the guild leader were surprised he said that which made him wonder what he was thinking.
         Darkness: (Hold up, are you serious?)
         Lea: (Yes I am!) "I'll take care of you, I won't hate you, I'll make sure you will be happy."
         I don't want her to be sad anymore.
         Ava: " you really mean it?"
         Guild leader: "Lea are you sure about this I mean you don't have to do this."
         Lea: "If I don't then who will? Let her be my sister. I'll make sure she never gets sad."
         He looked at me as he sighs.
         Guild leader: "Well...okay but she will be your responsibility you know right."
         Lea: "Yes."
         Ava and Mia didn't know what to say but Ava did stop crying and felt a bit happy in her. At least she stopped crying. That was all I needed to see why I needed to help her.
         Guild leader: "Mia right can you take Ava and wait outside while I'll talk with Lea."
         Mia: "Sure come one Ava."
         Mia holds her hand and walks out then the guild leader talks with Lea more. I hope she gets along with Mia. Maybe they will start a friendship together.
         Guild leader: "I think I know where she was at when it happened."
         Oh prefect another thing I don't know. Wait, does that mean he knows what happened to her?
         Lea: "You know then you do know what has been happening here?"
         Guild leader: "There is this ruin that is going to destroy everything called 'The Waves of Ruin'."
         Lea: "'The Waves of Ruin?'"
         What are they? Is it...some kind of water waves or something?
         Guild leader: "This world is suffering from these Waves ever since we lost our peace the skies change the color it look like it been rip them swarm of monster came to land and village to destroy everything leaving in ruin it being control by hourglass there are lots but somewhere in the world but something dangerous will happen if you destroy even one of them it could cause the wave to never end so everyone gather people who can fight every time it done it keep repeating it only repeats every 3 weeks so we have to get stronger to keep fighting Ava said about which could have been in one which mean she was in one when it started."
         Oh my come I never knew about something that dangerous! My mom, she never allowed me to go outside for some reason every three weeks she kept me safe. Was Mia involved?
         Lea thinks that if this happened to Ava they could be anywhere and everything could be in danger because of the waves.
         Lea: "Then I guess you're going to ask me to fight in these waves?"
         Guild leader: "That's your choice to make once you do you won't know if you're going to come back alive many people have died because of this including their homes."
         Lea: (This is a risk if I'm not strong enough I could easily get killed. This is life or death either way everyone will soon die if we don't do something.) "Are there hero's or something that could help us by chance? Or at least some kind of protector that can save everyone?"
         Guild leader: "There are legends about guardians they called themselves 'The Guardians of Light' with six names, six element to one person and there could be more than six guardian they would be a big help to defend these waves but no one has seen them in years no one know if there were chosen to be one of them but we have to fight until someone is worthy enough to be a guardian."
         Guardians of Light?
         Lea: (Guardians of Light woah! Hey Darkness, did you know about this?)
         Darkness: (Yes these guardians get something to prove they really are the guardians and that proof is unknown to me.)
         Lea: (I see well thanks for the help.)
         Darkness: (Sure anytime.)
         Lea: (I will have to get strong so I can protect that I care for. I want to be with Mia so...I will fight these waves until they're all gone if that day ever comes.)
         I'm not going to change my mind.
         Lea: "I've decided I will fight the waves and protect this world. I'm not going to think about running away when I'm in it. I have something that I want to protect. I want to protect everyone."
         He looked at me with shock and smiled a little. It was like I was ready to risk my life and without being told to get out of it before it happened.
         Guild leader: "I see well since you made up your mind and it doesn't look like that I'll try to change your mind but I'll make sure you are prepared enough until that day comes."
         Lea: "I understand I won't let them down."
         Guild leader: "Well then let's get you a sister now come with me."
         Lea hasn't forgotten it, he was going to get a little sister. Lea follows the guild leader as they step out the room they find Mia and Ava and tell them to tag along as they were in a room which had a person inside which happened to be a mage.
         Mage: "Oh hi what brings you all here today."
         This Mage...for some reason I kinda knew this very one for some reason makes me so mad that I have an urge to kill this Mage. But I held it back or else it would have been bad.
         Guild leader: "This kid wants this girl to be his sister. Can you make that happen?"
         Mage: "Yes, just tell me the names and one of the last names so I can make it permanently."
         Lea: "Lea Ruby."
         Ava: "Ava. Just Ava"
         Maybe she didn't have a last name. I was wondering since she had a family so I thought she at least had a last name.
         Mage: "Okay I will need both your blood it is going to sting."
         Darkness was concerned.
         Darkness: (Is that really necessary?)
         Lea: (If it means to make her happy then what a drop of blood will do.)
         The mage used a needle on their finger then they got the blood. To Lea it felt weird a bit but he knew he needed his blood in order to adopt Ava. She was going to be his responsibility.
         Mage: "Okay do you want your last name to be Ruby, to be in the family of the Rubies?"
         Ava thinks for a moment then looks at Lea, Lea gives her a smile then she decides.
         Ava: "Yes I do. I Ava, no last name to have my last name to be Ruby!"
         Then her status changed and her name was Ava Ruby. She felt happy that she hugged Lea, Lea was happy now she got a sister that someone he can look after then she let go.
         Mage: "Okay it's done oh it and it seems you have a brother as well."
         Hold up what!
         Lea: “I’m sorry, I have a brother!?” (I actually have a brother!?)
         Darkness: (Wait what!)
         Mage: "Yes he lives somewhere else but you will be able to see him somewhere it says his location on your map maybe."
         Lea: "I see well how you feel about your new brother Ava."
         Ava: "Are you really going to look after me?"
         Lea: "I will look after you."
         Ava was smiling which made Lea smile too.
         Mia: "How does it feel to get a sister?"
         Lea: "It feels good that I have a sibling."
         It feels great! Like to finally have a sibling that I can actually talk to other than my mom!
         Darkness: (Only to find out you have a brother.)
         Lea: (No one asks you! I swear Darkness, one of these days you feel the same way I am going though!)
         Mia also smiles feeling happy for Lea then they all walk out. The guild leader says goodbye as they leave, then Mia says goodbye leaving Lea and Ava alone.
         Ava: "Can I call you big brother?"
         Lea: "You can but you can also call me Lea by the way how old are you?"
         Ava: "I'm four years old."
         Oh! She is a year younger than me. Okay now I need to think about her future very clearly. If I’m being honest her future is at the palm of my hand. Or at least that's how the saying goes.
         Lea: *surprise* "I see them make sure of something when something bad happens to you, make sure you rely on me to save you okay."
         Ava: "Okay I will!"
         The two of them went to an inn, Lea asked for a room with two bedrooms, then they got their room. Lea made sure to stay by Ava's side as she fell asleep, making sure she got a nice sleep.
         Lea: (I will watch over you no matter what happens.)
         Ava was asleep then Lea went to sleep too thinking of getting more money so that he can get food and something for Ava too he slept for tomorrow morning.

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora