Chapter 4 - Skills & Abilities

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         Lea quickly tried to land a attack he wanted to get stronger he did land one but it deal some damage so he land another but he got stop by the creature it was going to land a attack but Lea body move on it own and block the attack when it did he saw a screen pop up as he saw a sentence. It was something he didn't think he'd learn just by blocking.

         You have learned Guard!

         Did I learn a new skill? Woah!
         He realizes that he unlocked a skill so when the creature attacks again he uses guard to block it attack and soon he manages to kill the creature he gains experience points that show on his screen then he sees his level rise by one he is now level two.

         Level-Up! 1 > 2

         Lea: "Whoa I hit level two...I wonder what to do with this? Should I bring it with me?" (No really what should I really do with this dead I think it looks like a bear. Hmm...what to do?)
         I honestly don't know if I should bring this back or just let it rot here. Let's see there are many ways I can do this like sell it. Or have someone craft me something with it or...
         He wonders what to do with the dead body of a creature. He remembers that he has the Absorb skill he uses and some of it fur went in his hand and his skill screen showed up and two more circles were added.

         Unlock Body Heat and Scan abilities!

         Wow this seems useful to me. I wonder what it can do. Oh hey it has an on and off option I guess I can choose if I want the abilities on or off.
         He went to equip the skills but nothing seem to happen so he read the description and understand what it was for him body heat that he can handle any cold, the ability of it is fire reflect that can send back fire attack and scan can show the enemy's HP bar while the ability is lock on it can lock a person while fighting more than one, he wonder if there was someway to do weapon skills then he remember the things he got from his home he check his inventory and took out a metal bar and use absorb.
         Lea: (Maybe I'll unlock a skill.)
         After absorbing it, unlock a skill. And that it seems like it can make Lea deal damage better.

         Unlock Metal Strike skill: It allows the weapon to do more damage. Requires SP to use any skills.

         An attack skill? I guess I should use this when battling more creatures in the forest.
         After that he went to grind more levels. While he walked he felt more excited to get level ups.
         Lea: "I can do this! I know I can, I have to get stronger!"
         Lea went to fight more creatures he found different kinds and same but this time he used one of his skills the Metal Strike once he said it his katana started glowing the handle had a round half circle by two sides and the end was getting sharp he sliced them making it easier to win he grind more.
         Lea: "Wow! That's some power." (I could do this easily but it cost some of my SP.)
         He noticed his SP bar went down a bit; he knew he had to use it carefully. He then reached level 15 he felt tired, he absorbed some of the creatures and gained new skills.

         Sense: Can feel other presence nearby when not noticing.

         MP Charge: Can quickly and recharge your MP when used all.

         SP Charge: Can quickly and recharge your SP when used all.

         Cure: Can heal your injury.

         Lea: (Wow those are some I'm wondering if there is a limit to these or something. If not then who knows how many I can unlock!)
         He equips them all knowing they'll be useful for him to either go deeper or go back. He was still lost but he'll be fine with the skills he has. While he was walking he encountered the shadow he saw outside. The fear he felt that vanished came back.
         Lea: "Is that...!" (Wait what even is that...?)
         He looked like a human but all the cover in shadow had a dark aura coming out of his hand and his eyes were bright red. He saw Lea and approached him. Lea couldn't move, he just stood there looking at it.
         What am I seeing? What kind of form is that? ...Is it going to hurt me?
         ???: "I'm finally out, I'm free."
         Lea: "What?"
         What did it say?
         ???: "I have enough strength to be in my shadow form."
         Lea: "Your shadow form?"
         What on earth was this being talked about? Actually the better question is why is this thing a shadow? Can I just blow air to make it go away?
         ???: "Yes I was inside your body for five years Lea Ruby."
         It knows my name!
         Lea: "What five years...! Wait, are you the Shadow Dragon?"
         ???: "What are you talking about, the Shadow Dragon? What do you mean by that?"
         Lea: "You mean you don't know what happened here?"
         ???: "No"
         ...Okay this...thing had been inside of me for five years. How does he not know what happened? Was it sleeping or something?
         Lea explained everything to the shadow and the shadow was in shock. Even though he doesn't show it, despite it doesn't look like it had a mouth he sounds very shocked.
         ???: "So that's what happened...I'm going to tell you something but you have to believe me."
         Lea: "Depends what it is? I don't know if I should trust you. But I'll hear you out."
         ???: "I am one of the guardians of the royal family."
         Lea: "Wh...What! Wait what!?"
         Wait what am I hearing right now!? He is an entirely shadow person and is a guardian of THE royal family!?
         ???: "I used to be a human being but I was really born as a Demon but the royal family took me in and changed me. I was absolutely loyal to them but then our deaths came and somehow only six of us guardians were still alive but we were also demons."
         Lea: "I can't believe what I'm hearing right now." (I'm really surprised by what I'm hearing. If he was once human then how did he change back?)
         I was surprised by this confession but I can't help but believe his story. I also want to hear more of his story.
         ???: "Our body turned back to our form and were put into deep sleep and our age has yet to continue but were pulled back."
         Lea: "Then you know your name." (If you do remember your which I don't really know.)
         This shadow must have a name. I mean what kind of being doesn't have a name?
         Darkness: "I can't remember my name but I do know that our prince, princess and the other guardian were reborn while the others were inside into another like me but you can call me Darkness since my body is the shadow of darkness so I think it's fine if you call me that."
         Okay I can see that. But I'm sure you have a better name than Darkness.
         Lea: (Reborn that means there are still here but been rebirth?) "Okay nice to meet you, Darkness , are you trying to find them?"
         Darkness: "Yes I am there the reason I'm still here they give me hope to live and I swore all loyalty to them and I'm not going to let someone stop me from finding them."
         Lea: "I see then. Then can I help you on your mission?"
         I asked without thinking a second thought. I want to help him on his quest.
         Darkness: "What...!? I mean, is it okay with you?"
         He sounds so confused and yet so surprised that I trust him that much.
         Lea: "I do. I want to see this world as it was before as well to help you get back what you lost."
         Darkness: "It looks like there is no changing your mind...okay then I'll be in your care."
         Lea: "Okay!" (I do anything if it means to bring this world peace back.)
         The two of them quickly became friends and started to go back while Darkness was showing Lea the right path then he went back inside of Lea. He felt that the first time Darkness got out of him he suddenly felt weak but with him back it was like he gained back a boost of some sort of power. They soon found their way back when it was getting sunrise. This causes Lea to hurry back to the church so that he doesn't make anyone worried that he left in the night.
         Lea: "I should really get back. Or else either the nun or Mia will give me a scolding. I really miss mom and her scolding."
         The times I was in the forest with my mom I sometimes got myself into trouble. Mom usually scolds me each time I do something that could have gotten me hurt. I remembered calling myself as the Forest Boy since my time living in the forest with my mom so I got used to calling myself but I don't think I'll keep living in the forest. As much as I wanted to keep living in the forest I knew I couldn't. I have to go explore the entire world.
         Or at least try to get all around the world. I should start with this country. I only know Roothoot Town and this forest. I know there is more out there. I just have to see it.
         Lea chuckled at himself as his memories of him doing wild things during his time in the forest. He knew with the skills that he learned during his years in the forest and the skills he gained by absorbing he could achieve his promise and make sure nothing would stop him. He will try to accomplish his goal.

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