Chapter 38 - Iron Sloth Pierce

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Dark Realm

We entered the Dark Realm when we first saw it wasn't what I thought would be.

Lea sees nothing but darkness but a white path is showing not glowing but was there.

Lea: (So this is the Dark Realm?)

Darkness: (Looks like it I can see where it gets its name.)

Yeah he's right about that everything just sounds nothing just darkness it a good thing I can still see myself.

Lea: (Anyway Darkness I think it best you stay unless I get myself into a fight.)

Darkness: (Well if you say so.)

Since I don't feel any danger...I guess I could just walk around.

Lea started wandering through the dark realm.

He stopped to rest; he wondered if there was time or anything here.

Lea: "I hope I'm not lost but is there even anything here or what?"

Darkness: (You won't find anything if you stay there.)

As Lea was about to keep going Darkness came out of him.

Darkness: "Lea I think it best I should go with you like this by your side. I'll help as it takes."

I nodded at him. I can tell he smiled at my answer.

Lea: "Thank you let's go."

Lea and Darkness went further as they walked they encountered some familiar monster Lea took out his katana while Darkness was about to fight they charge and he did it but to Lea it felt that it was stronger.

Wow there stronger here it's a good thing I'm at a higher level.

Lea: "Are monsters different from our world?"

Darkness: "Looks like it and- wait what is that?"


Was something there?

I look where he is looking and- wait what is that?

Darkness saw a wind shadow and it had purple glowing eyes heading for him.

Lea used Protego but it went through and was knocked over by Darkness.

It went through!?

Lea: "Darkness you okay!?"

He managed to look at me.

Darkness: "Yeah I'm fine and wait...are you?"


Does he know who is on top of him?

The other shadow hugged Darkness while Lea was wondering what was happening right now.

...! Ohhhhhhhh I see.

Maybe it is his lover.

???: "I wanted to see you again."

Oh oh!

Lea didn't know that some memories are coming back to him.

Darkness: "I remember you your..."

???: "Just call me Wind!"

I can tell he is smiling.

Darkness: "Okay oh Lea some of my memories are coming back and this person is someone who I know."

Yeah sure tell that to your position right now.

Lea: "I see nice to meet you."

Wind: "Nice to meet you...! Wait, we don't have time!"

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now