Prologue - The Story

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         Where it starts

         Date: 7/10/1995

         All of it begins where it always starts just in a world where everyone lives on planet earth and in that planet people live in perfect harmony and that is why it was a peaceful world not a single being had fights since it had peace. They all thought it would last forever but there are people who want a world for their own, as beings known as world invaders come to that world and try to take over but luckily for the world two being kept their own world safe from the evil with mysterious power of their own.
         "I thought it would all be peaceful. But to my misery it wasn't. It all went away because of something I did."
         King: "I wonder if our child will be happy to be a princess."
A man that has red hair and clothes that represent him as the king of his country. He was known for being the bravest and noble king of all the countries of the world. He wields a sword that was presented by the person who was known for being a protector of the world.
         Queen: "She will be our daughter and to the boy you bring who you made a prince will protect her."
         A woman who has purple hair and clothes that also represent her as the queen of her country alongside the king. She was known for being a matchmaker in the world. She was presented by a staff member who was also known for being a protector of the world as well. The two had a child, a princess who will become the next queen as well as a prince who they raised when he was abandoned. He was a part of their family as he was loyal alongside them as the years went by.
         "I remember like it was all yesterday when I used to be like this. The memories and the emotions that I felt during all those happiest years. I had only hoped that it would stay like this forever. For an eternity"
         Princess: "Hey let's go play my darling! I want to explore again! Maybe we can be alone this time!"
         The princess who wears a purple dress, a tiara and purple hair. She was liked and loved throughout her country. It was rumored that if someone didn't like her then they would be in for a beating by the citizens who adored her.
         Prince: "Hold on, we have to meet your parents. They said that we will have an important family meeting! We HAVE to be there!"
         The prince wears a black clothes, a red cape, a small crown and red hair. He was respected by the country. He believed that he would be like the king who they all loved and respected. He was like the king, brave and noble but something he can be as reckless as he wants. But he loves his family so dearly.
         Princess: "Oh please dear. At least this one time! I will make sure that no one will find out. Not even our protectors will find out."
         Prince: *sigh* "Alright...but don't stay, I didn't warn you. Because you know what will happen if they catch us sneaking around outside the palace."
         Princess: "Yay! Thank you my darling!"
         In that world where everyone lives in peace there is a country where everyone is living happily but soon with depression. A sudden disaster came upon the country. A war was made in that world because of the war this country lost its King, Queen, Prince, Princess and their guardians along with the Palace they all live in. It's been a week since their deaths but everyone stayed strong and kept living in peace, the royals were very nice helping others and keeping everyone safe, they had something that kept the world safe but it has been lost ever since that day. It was unknown where that very thing vanished because without that then there was no chance of being back at peace.
         "Ever since that day we have lost something very important. EVERYONE lost something that day. But for me...I lost everything. So did the citizens."
         Random citizen: "Should we be okay?"
         Random citizen: "They give us hope and we never got to repay them."
         Random citizen: "We should keep everyone safe and not let anyone cause any problem."
         But a week later, if war wasn't enough for the world, a giant monster that looks like a humongous shadow but with the appearance of a dragon but looks like a demon, destroyed everything in its path. And no matter how many tried...they can't deal any damage to the monster. As if it was a demon coming from hell to make everything fall. Not even the strongest knight, mages or adventures were able to get a hit on it.
         Random mage: "Damn how can we defeat it so strong!"
         Random knight: "We have to keep our country safe from what we have left!"
         Random knight 2: "It's all for them, they give us all hope now we must keep our home safe!"
         Not only was it destroying the country, it came from another world but the place where it was was never found. Everyone from this world has to stop it from destroying everything. Lots of people fought with it, some were hurt very badly, some may have died from it. Everyone was using skills and abilities, very soon they were able to stop. With the help of the seven holy beings that had god-like abilities that came from their respective countries they manage to defeat the monster known as the Shadow Dragon.
         But sadly it came with a price now the world where they all live was no longer a peaceful world it was all gone.
         Random citizen: "Our home..."
         Random mage: "The palace..."
         Random knight: "We failed to protect our land..."
         Another week later the dragon demon was in a weak state but it couldn't let it loose but didn't even know what to do with it. It was very dangerous that if it returned it could finish what it started but again they didn't know what to do they were running out of options.
         Random mage: "We somehow can't get rid of it but we obviously can't let it run in the wild."
         Random mage: "Maybe if we can put a seal on it but we need a new born but after what happened everyone is now in a place and can't leave until we get rid of the Shadow Dragon." (If only the royal family were still here maybe they would have had an idea already.)
         Somewhere in the night there was a newborn. He was all alone in the dark road sleeping, then suddenly a person came and saw the baby. Once he saw it he showed a weird smile that looked crazy. He picked up the newborn and took it somewhere. Let's say he planned on making the newborn's life difficult.
         ???: "Let's see if you find your peaceful life after what I'm going to do to you."
         The guy arrived where he found the mages then he showed the newborn. They all had curious looks.
         ???: "I found this little one that we can use to seal the dragon away."
         Random mage: "He'll be perfect but after we're done, leave him somewhere to die. The dragon might die with him. It's a possibility that it might die with this baby."
         ???: "Okay." *handing the baby*
         The mage performed a spell which the Shadow Dragon was soon placed into the baby as it forms into a big scar on the top of the baby he was sleeping through all that then the spell was complete. It was a miracle that he didn't wake up, which was supposed to be painful.
         Random mage: "Okay it's done now, get rid of him. Make sure nobody finds him."
         After that the guy who found him placed him somewhere where he thinks that nobody will find him, which was somewhere deep in a forest not even he knew. That smile never left as he knew there was no way he would be anything special.
         ???: *creepy smile* "Now let's see who can save you now."
         "The bastard thought I would die along with the dragon but destiny changed my fate. That made me feel that I was accepted."
         He left the baby all alone but what he didn't know very soon was that a woman who looked like a teen but was older was going on a night stroll and found the baby. She noticed me as she took pity on me.
         ???: "Why are you all alone?"
         She wondered why he was all alone in the forest so she decided to take him in and raise him but left a familiar aura around him. And that was someone who she lost on the same day the war began.
         ???: (It's him...I see so he didn't die. I'm glad but...will it be alright for him...I don't care if he needs to be raised so I'll take responsibility.)

         Date: 6/20/2000

         The woman took care of him. She raised him so well that he might be able to survive in the forest, but after five years fate took her life but she made sure that her little boy was safe by giving him protection so that no creature could hurt him until he thought he was ready to fight. She looked at him one last time. Sad that she wouldn't be able to see her little boy who she raised to grow up to be a wonderful man.
         ???: "I'll always be with you even if you don't remember, don't be afraid of what is going to happen, be brave always."
         She cast a spell on him that caused him to fall asleep then her heart came out heading to the sky while her body disappeared from this world. The boy was all alone again with no memory of what happened. But soon he'll start his life surviving in the forest then soon become a fighter to see places he never went. Then a sudden voice was talking to the little boy. It was a rather weak voice but was enough to be heard.
         ???: "It's okay-! I'll be there for you until the day we meet."
         I didn't know whose voice was that but I began to lose my memories of my life and now into a new being. I swore that I will put things right for the ones who died for me who loved me once I have my memories back but till then I will make sure that I will not make the same mistake ever again. The voice disappeared as the boy was still laying down sleeping as his memories of everything were fading away till he could no longer remember everything. His journey will start at an unexpected age.

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