Chapter 2 - First Friend

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         Lea thought to himself the girl had a purple shirt,pink shirt with a heart shape, her shorts were small, had black hair with a ponytail and her eyes were gray and pink shoes. To Lea she was the cutest girl he had ever met even if he hadn't met other girls at his age.
         Lea: (I never talk to someone of my own height should I run away?)
         I never see someone my own size and yet I feel worried. I don't even know what to do. Agh! What should I do!?
         Lea didn't know what to do. He was just standing there as the girl was glaring at him waiting for an answer. He was going to run but was stopped by someone.
         ???: "Don't scare the child, maybe he has a reason why he came here."
         He saw a woman who wore a black She seems to be an adult.
         ???: "I wanted to know why he could be a thief."
         A thief, what's that? But after her reaction I guess it was bad. Maybe she thought I was going to do something very bad.
         ???: "Don't be silly, how could a kid be a thief? He's just a harmless kid."
         Lea wondered what they were talking about and still thought if he should just run or stay to see what happened next he just had two options but he chose to stay. Which was something he regretted very easily.
         I should have taken my leave while I had the chance but I chose to stay. Maybe there was a feeling why I stayed.
         Nun: "Is there a reason why you come here? Oh excuse my manners I haven't introduced myself. I am a nun who works here."
         A nun? Maybe there are other nuns like her but I'm not exactly sure.
         Lea: "Oh I was told that I should come here and I was wondering if there was information about this place. Or at least a place to rest for the day."
         Nun: "I see if you want to learn about here then you should come inside to read the books we have here, this church is called The Church of History. We also have a place for you to stay for the night."
         Lea: "Okay."
         Lea, the unknown girl and the nun went inside the church and inside were seats, a big statue, beds and a library all three of them went to the library where there were so many books in the bookshelf it made Lea want to read so that he could find something useful.
         Wow, this place looks good. I wonder if children play here? But I haven't seen any so far. I guess maybe they are somewhere.
         Lea: (Wow so this is a seems nice and cozy.)
         Nun: "You can read as much as you want and if you need some place to sleep don't hesitate to ask me. I'll be in the other room praying. May the Goddess of Love look after you."
         Lea: "Okay thank you." (I'm glad she is nice but what about the girl? Also the Goddess of Love? What did she mean by that?)
         ???: "Is it alright if I stay here with him?"
         Huh? Why did she want to stay with me? Didn't she try to picture me as a bad guy?
         Nun: "It's up to you if you want to make your choice but please don't scare him, I think that he needs more than just help."
         To Lea's worries the nun left the two alone; this made the library even more quiet. The two of them did not talk to each other for a whole minute. Lea wondered if he should say something to her but what would he say when they first met.
         ???: "Umm...I'm sorry for seeing you as a thief." (He seems cute.)
         Lea: "No I'm sorry I should have said something to you my name is Lea Ruby I'm five years old what yours." (I kinda like this girl, she looks pretty.)
         Mia: "My name is Mia, Mia Amethyst I'm also five year old I came here with my parents." (Not like they care about me but hey at least I got a job here.)
         Mia is a nice name for her. Wait a minute, why did she seem sad when she said she came with her parents? Did something happen between them?
         Lea: "Mia that is a nice name." (A sweet name.) "Hey, do you want to read with me while I'm here? I want to read all the books I can read here."
         Mia: "Sure I would like to. Besides, I did all my work today so I think I'll join you to pass the time."
         Both Lea and Mia read books one by one, as Lea and Mia were interested in a few books as Mia was blushing as she was close to Lea then both of them found interesting things that they never knew.
         Lea: "We actually live in one world out of all worlds I didn't even know I thought it was only this world." (I wonder what it feels like to be in another world. I wonder if it is fun?)
         I wonder how many worlds are out there? Can I visit all of them?
         Mia: "I didn't even know as well but it doesn't say how to get to other worlds I want to know. (And I want to be with Lea if we ever go.)
         Both of them kept reading books about the stats, skills, abilities but soon they found a book of history while reading they found something even more interesting about what happened in the past. Which was something Lea never guessed happened.
         Lea: "Wow there was royalty in the past?"
         I wonder if they were nice. Oh who am I kidding? The book explains they are the nicest people you could ever meet.
         Mia: "Yes this country was protected by them, they were the kindest people you could ever find in this world."
         She said it in a sad tone. Wait, why did she say it like it was bad? I wonder if I should ask but I went with it.
         Lea: "What happened to them?"
         Mia: "They are all dead, even their guardians. It was five years ago."
         Wait...all of them! The entire royal family!
         Lea: "What! What happened!?"
         Mia: "One day our Queen Serena died the next day our country and another there was a big battle going near the Crystal Palace our King Darien was fighting with his life while Prince Miles was protecting Princess Stella and their guardians die while protecting them with their own lives then the king use something we didn't know what it was but it cost him his life."
         What happened in those years ago?
         Lea was surprised by how much has happened during the past and how there were people protecting this world. It made him want to meet one of them to have what he lacks.
         Lea: (They died saving their home. I want to be like them.) "Did something else happen after that? If you don't mind me asking?"
         Mia: "Yes people were getting better after the loss which was a week then a dragon came from another world we couldn't tell what it really looked like it was all covered in shadow but it destroyed everything in its path roaring, killing even damage to the countries."
         A dragon covered in shadow? That sounds like something out of a book. But for some reason I couldn't help but believe in fact I sorta feel like something was trying to make me mad.
         Lea was surprise and shock of what he was hearing but was still listening to see if something good happen
         Mia: "So everyone from this world has to use what they have and manage to defeat the dragon. A week later they were deciding what to do with it and some say it was transferred into someone else's body and others think it dead but still to today we still don't know."
         Lea: "Wow...just wow." (A dragon destroys everything, was it really that big? If so then how did the people defeat it?) "Just to think about this world in the past, I wonder how everyone still feels now."
         Mia: "In the past this was a peaceful world but now it is not, not without the King, Queen, Prince and Princess."
         Lea: "So our world lost its long peace?"
         Mia: "Yes and every day people still pray for our peace to return as well for the royal family to return. Even though they are dead we believe their spirits are in some random bodies waiting to be awakened again to rebuild their home."
         I know what to know more about the world I'm living in but I have a feeling there more than I don't know. But what else do I want to know about? So I decided to ask her something.
         Lea: "Hey can you tell me about your parents?"
         She looked uncomfortable for a moment but she started talking.
         Mia: "During last year they loved me with all their heart. But after I turned five they slowly started to neglect me. If I wasn't important anymore so I decided to avoid them at least sometimes then I was able to find a job here which made me not annoy them more. I think that they are like that for a reason but I'm just not sure yet. So now I don't even know."
         I see...but...after hearing her talking about her makes me wonder about my parents. Did they leave me in the forest for a reason? I don't even know.
         What they didn't know was that the nun was behind them as they were still talking till she broke the conversation.
         Nun: "It's almost time for bed."
         Lea and Mia jump and they both realize that it is getting dark so they follow the nun to the bedrooms. They didn't realize how much time had passed since they were talking.
         Nun: "You can sleep there. You don't have to worry about paying back or anything. We don't want you to wander off into the fight so feel warm here."
         Lea: "Thank you."
         I said as she left as I looked at Mia.
         Mia: "Goodnight."
         Lea: "You too."
         Lea, Mia: (I had fun today with her/him. I want to hang out again.)
         Lea turned off the light and lay in bed thinking what will happen in the future wondering if he was able to survive this.
         I had fun today.
         Lea: (Everything that happened in the past...I should get a weapon tomorrow to defend myself and try to learn other things that might help me.)
         He closed his eyes and went to sleep for tomorrow to come. For some reason he was very excited to hang out with Mia again if something inside of him had burst open with emotions.
         Lea: (I want to keep Mia safe and by my side.)

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now