Chapter 19 - New Friend

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The next day Lea woke up still thinking about the girl he thought if he should talk to her but today he might ask the teacher if there have been a student that was here for five years or so so that he could get a clue for his search, then he went to school with Jake and Ava and during class Lea saw the girl again but after class he want to get a chance to talk to her. After class Lea asks the girl next to him.
At least I should try to talk to her maybe she might now something about Mia?
Lea: "Hey how are you?"
Darkness: (Is that all?)
Maybe I should just said something different. I mean I'm in a new country and I want to make a new friend here.
But luckily for Lea she respond.
???: "Oh I'm doing good...How about you?"
Her voice sound so calm.
Lea: "I'm good. Hey how you like this school?"
I notice she though for a moment.
???: "I like it okay it keep me off of stress of my parents."
I wonder what's going to between her and her parents.
Lea: "I see..." (I wonder what kind of problem she and her parents had.) "Well do you want to be friends with me? I mean if you want."
The girl was surprised that Lea asked to be friends. It made her think if he was serious.
???: "Do you really I'm not someone who can talk much."
I want at least to have more friends.
Lea: "Well I'm sure we can get along in fact I'll make sure to never turn my back on a friend." (I wanted that to never ever do that since that day...)
???: "Really if you say so then I hope we can get along."
Yay new friend in another country!
Lea: "Yeah me too well I'm Lea how about you?."
I notice she look down now it making me wonder why.
???: "I can't say my name or my last name but you can I can give you my nickname."
Oh she that of a shyer well at least I can get her nickname.
Lea: "Oh okay then what should I call you?"
???: "You can call me Nialut. Nia for short."
Lea: "Okay that a good name." (The name sound sorta like Mia.) "Well we are now friends."
Nia: "Yeah we are...I finally made a friend."
Nia whisper the last part but Lea knew what she said.
Lea: "Oh so you didn't have any friends."
Does everyone have something against her or something.
Nia: "No but you are not like the others your different somehow I can't explain it."
Does she know!? No maybe that I not mean like other like she can't see it.
Lea: "I see hey do you want to hang out after school?"
Darkness: (Again you're going for it. You sly dog you.)
And again I ignore him.
Nia: "Sure I would like to."
Okay we're getting somewhere now!
Lea: "Okay I'll meet you at the entrance."
We focus back at class it was lucky for us that we didn't get caught by the teacher but I knew she was happy.

Time Skip

After a school day Lea went to see Nia. He was happy when he made a new friend and he saw her and approached her.
Lea: "Hey!"
She was surprise of me close to her.
Nia: "Hi...! Are you going to go home?"
Lea: "Yeah why you want to ask something?"
Nia: "Well I was wondering if you can go home with me to my house."
Lea: "Oh sure I would like to." (I guess we're on good term so far.)
Darkness: (Oh without knowing and you're getting that far with her.)
I really have no idea what he meant but I know that I going make him pay someday.
Lea and Nia walk home together and they talk about everything in Stant Rise and how it is a good country then both of them are at Nia house.
Wow it a nice house maybe like ours.
Nia: "Oh I forgot to tell you I have a younger brother and he is always alone and I wonder if you could cheer him up because I try but he still feels sad but he doesn't hate me he knows that I'm trying to help him."
Oh a brother problem...well I never really dealt with Ava's 'brother' but a younger brother I really don't know I have to try at least.
Lea: "Okay I see what I can do. (I wonder why?)
They went inside and Nia was greeted by her younger brother then he stared at Lea, he wore a red shirt, white shorts, black hair, glasses and red eyes. Lea also notice that on his right cheek is a scar. He saw it was a symbol that almost look like the symbol of something...but what was it? He found that out becuase of an ancient book he found during his travel at Crystal Rein.
For some reason I feel like I've seen this kid before.
???: "Who is he sis?"
Nia: "Well he someone who is going to hang out with you."
He look at me with concern.
???: "...I rather be alone"
It like he trying to be cold.
Nia: "Hey you have to talk with someone sooner or later."
I decide to help her.
Lea: "She right you can't stay alone forever but anyway I'm Lea what your name?"
Still looking concern he talk to me.
???: "I'm Leo and I can't say my last name and I can't say why."
Maybe their last name is important that no one should know.
Lea: "Oh okay well you don't really have to tell me I won't force you."
Leo: "You won't okay...but I'm still watching you."
Yep he doesn't trust me and I can't blame him I can't trust boys near my sister either.
Leo stared at Lea with suspicion but Nia told them to go outside and talk to each other but with a strange aura it made both of them do what she told them to do and so they went outside while Leo was still staring at Lea.
Okay maybe she not a shyer than I how Ava show it to me.
Leo still look at Lea.
Lea: "Is there something you want to ask me?"
Leo: "Just who are you really what do you want with my sister." (I know he the famous Katana Swordsman but still he came home with my sister.)
Oh he really want to protect her sister.
Lea: "Nothing I just wanted to be friends with your sister but...I'm someone who from outside the country who is fighting the Waves well I'm not sure if I should keep doing fighting."
I wasn't sure if someone could really defeat the Waves of Ruin.
Leo: "What your fighting the dangerous waves of ruin!? Aren't you like a bit too young to even fight the Waves at all!?"
He sounded surprise.
Lea: "Yeah it does sound surprising since for like 7 years I've been fighting the waves to make myself stronger to protect who I care for."
Leo: "Woah so you know how to fight."
Lea: "Yep I got my weapon with me right now I'll show you."
Lea showed Leo his wooden katana Leo was surprised by the Lea weapon he was watching Lea's katana then said something.
Leo: "Lea are you the Katana Swordsman? Also the mister I met on the day at the park." (I already know who he is but I don't want him to think he can have an advantage over me.)
Oh right now I remember, he was the kid I met. Well this is some reunion.
Lea: "Yeah I am why? Oh and also nice to see you again."
Leo: "I'm actually talking to the new Katana Swordsman everyone talks about you all over Stant Rise."
Oh I guess lots of people are hearing about me. I mean I did have fans but it feels weird.
Lea: "Really I never paid much attention to the news."
Darkness: (Really many people talk about you since you're the first ever person to defeat Chase.)
Silence came a whole minute as Leo broke it.
Leo: "Lea Ruby right? Can my teacher?"
Wait hold up what!? Did I hear that right!?
Lea: "Wait what your teacher!?"
Darkness: (Oh my! I honestly thought he would ask for your autograph.)
Leo: "You see I always been weak and I'm always been picked on ever since my parent abandoned me I've lived in the orphanage while I was just born, but then my sister found me I knew she was abandoned too so she took care of me she try everything to keep me happy but I'm still too weak I want to protect her but I can't I..."
So he and Nia been abandoned by their parents why didn't she tell me? it was like Mia but Nia didn't say why she was abandoned by them.
Lea: "If you want to be strong I can help you."
Leo: "...Really!?"
Lea: "Yeah you care for someone who loves you I understand that I want to protect someone...someone who used to be with me but then she was taken away I wasn't strong enough to save her even though I was I still couldn't save her, so that why I need to be more stronger then someday I can save her. (I don't want you to go down the path that I went into of how I got Devil Mode.)
Leo: "So you are doing the same thing wanted to protect?"
Lea: "Yes I have with the power that I you have a weapon?"
Leo: "Yes a wooden katana like yours why?"
Well we start now.
Lea: "Well let's get started I'll train you teach you everything I know come on we don't have all day."
Leo was happy and ran back inside then back out holding a katana it was really like Lea's katana then they started training Lea teach him on how to fight and how to use skills after a few minutes Leo was getting good and Lea was happy that he learn a lot of thing when he was fighting the waves it made him learn how to survive and now he teaching that to Leo, while Nia was secretly watching and was proud of her brother being able to hang out with somebody.
Nia: "Hey I think it getting dark come back inside."
I knew I felt a feeling that someone was watching us.
Leo: "Okay!"
Lea: "I have to go home since my sibling might be worried of me being out for too long."
Leo: "Wait...can you come back for more training?"
Lea: "Someday I can but I'll make sure you can be stronger well see you tomorrow Nia."
Nia: "Wait Lea!"
Nia stop me before I could go I look at her.
Lea: "Yeah?"
Nia: "I want to thank you for being my friend and for thanking you for making my brother happy I'm glad you came home with me I hope we can get along better during school."
Wow it's like I have some kind of power to make friends happy.
Lea was now blushing but he smiled.
Lea: "Me too I'll see you tomorrow."
Lea left while saying goodbye to Nia and Leo and went home while thinking about Nia.
Lea: (Is this what people call love but do I really love Nia do I also love Mia...I wonder if she love me back but then again love is a mystery.)
Darkness: (Oh Lea you clueless kid. Who will it be Nia or Mia?)
Lea got home and was greeted by Jake and Ava while dinner they asked a question to Lea.
Jake: "So Lea do you like someone?"
...What brought this on? Why is he asking that question? Does he like someone? I mean the only girl I spoke to in this school was Nia.
Lea: "What...? What do you mean?"
Jake: "Don't lie I saw you going home with a girl so who is she?"
Wait how did I not notice he was watching?
Lea: "...Fine her name is Nia and she has a younger brother and we talk that all I know."
I decide to leave the part of me being Leo's teacher.
Jake: "Oh Nia I know that name she is a quiet girl and I bet you are friends with her."
Lea: "Yeah your right."
Maybe he know something about her.
Ava: "That...nice I'm happy for you." (It's similar to Mia.)
Jake: "Anyway you should really talk to her some students ask about her but she kept quiet but for you I think she talked to you for a reason."
Because she really shy. I mean why else if no one else talk to her?
Lea: "Really I wonder why."
Jake: "You might find out sooner or later but for now just talk to her."
Lea: "Okay thank you for the meal good night."
Lea went to bed thinking about school tomorrow and wondered if anything would happen but sleep.
Maybe I should be concern of myself.

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now