Chapter 21 - Had Enough

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Lea is in school the break ended as he is walking to his next class.

Man school getting tough everyday I can see why Jake wanted to go home early.

As Lea is walking he remembers how he was training Leo. Lea was concerned of himself being a teacher even though he was still a kid but Leo appreciated the training he was giving him.

I wonder how Nia is doing now. I think about it. I went to her house this morning and Leo told me she already left.

Lea: (Do you think I should let her do her studies without me distracting her?)

Darkness: (Now Lea doesn't think that way, maybe she had another reason she went to school without you.)

Before Lea could say anything he heard voices at the roof.

???: "I don't want to!"

Lea went to the roof to see what was happening when he got there he saw Nia she was being harassed by the two bullies.

Student 1: "Come on just go with us."

Nia: "No! I have to go to my friend."

The two students laughed.

Student 2: "You have a friend, don't make us laugh."

Lea saw one punch her as he had enough he may not stop them from doing their ways with other students but to hurt Nia.

I've. Had. Enough!

Lea stepped in without even thinking twice as one of them was about to hit Nia again as Lea took out his katana and put it on one bully's neck.

Lea: "Hit. Her. Again and I leave a scar on your neck."

The two bullies looked at me as one felt like I wasn't joking and one thought I was serious.

Student 1: "Tsk! Hey weak you'll get in trouble for doing this."

Lea: "I may not stop you from bullying everyone else but for you to bully her what does the rules even mean."

My voice sounded in anger.

Nia: "Lea...!"

Student 2: "And how will you stop us?"

Lea: "Tomorrow Saturday at noon you two vs me no teachers involved, school yard is always open, no skills or magic unless you both are going chicken out?"

I said in a very serious tone the two look like they were going to deny but it's like they had an idea.

Student 1: "Alright we'll fight if we win you have to stop getting in our way and if you win which you won't."

Lea: "Admit that you are scums, idiots, that you both are weak and stop the bullying you've been causing."

Student 2: "Deal, don't dare to chicken out."

The two laugh as they leave the roof. I wanted to use my skills and magic so much but I had to stop myself.

Lea looked at Nia who was surprised but snapped out of it and realized what Lea had done.

Nia: "Lea do you know what you did!?"

Lea: "What? That I'm going to have a duel?"

Nia: "You challenge two nobles to a duel and-and!"

Lea: "And what I had of them to bully everyone including you I can't stand it anymore."

Nia: "Lea..."

Lea: "I don't want to see people looking down on others; it disgusts me."

Nia: "But still they always have their ways they might cheat the duel without you knowing."

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now