Extra Chapter 2 - Sophia Samantha

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A woman who was walking around in a forest had a worried look on her face.

How long had I been in this world?

A week or two?

The woman looked at the night sky as her worried face hadn't changed.

My name is Sophia Samantha.

I'm a married 26 year old woman who was chosen by a weapon but this wasn't a weapon but a holy item.

I have had it since I was younger.

That came with a sword that when I saw strange things I knew that was someone important and that is called a Guardian.

I never heard of this when I first got this.

I never knew what Guardians even did till I traveled to other worlds with my sister who didn't want me to leave.

Me and my sister visited another world.

At first we were very excited but we found out it was not because where we went I found out what role I had to do.

I was one out of six saviors called the Guardians of Light.

Me and the other Guardians have to save the world from destruction called the Waves of Ruin that is our main role.

The holy item I had was called the Holy Brooch.

At first I thought it was some joke but I learned it had a very different method of how it works.

I managed to make friends with the other Guardians and we worked so well together that we fought lots of Waves from the world I went to and their world.

Me and my sister got along better since I allowed her to help me even though I was worried for her safety but she managed to take care of herself.

After we beat countless Waves I went to another world where they fought the Waves too but I found out that they had their own Guardians but they weren't Guardians but Holy Heroes.

I met one of the Holy Heroes and I noticed how sad and broken he was.

I was able to befriend him as he told me his story.

I found out that his family is dead and that he lost his powers before being summoned.

He had no means of getting home but when I asked him what he was he said that he once was a Guardian then I asked him if what I had was his as I showed him my Brooch when he saw it he was surprised that it passed on to someone else.

He looked at me like he was mad at me but he wasn't.

He asked me if I knew what my role was and I answered him yes that I had to save the world.

That all I told him which surprised him like I didn't know much as he told me more of being a Guardian of Light which surprised me as I made my choices a bit more clear which made him happy.

I went back to my world as I kept visiting him which made him happy.

One of the visits I accidentally went to another world but it was alright I had a role to do and I needed to help even though it was too much for me to take on so many Waves.

After years with other Guardians, Heroes we manage to save not just my world but other worlds as well. We went through many trials and challenges but we did it.

Soon after that me and the Holy Hero I met got married and everyone was there.

Everyone was happy for us and my sister since the two of them are like brother and sister to each other.

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now