Chapter 8 - First Wave

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         In the morning Lea woke up and went to check on Ava. She was still asleep. He wondered if it was okay for her to go with him on quests and wondered if he should tell her about fighting in the waves. It made him question himself about what he should do.
         Lea: (Should I really want her to fight? I don't want her to get hurt.)
         It has only been like a day and I already am worried about my choice of her fighting the waves. If something happens to her then I will never forgive myself for letting her get hurt.
         Ava: "Lea?"
         Lea looked at her. He wondered what she was thinking about. The way she spoke as she was wondering if all of it was a dream. So I had to do what any brother would do, which is to respond.
         Lea: "Yes you awake?"
         She nodded as she spoke.
         Ava: "Yes, what are we going to do today?"
         Lea: "Well I planned on getting you something if that's okay."
         Ava: "I would like that"
         Lea: (She needs equipment if she is going to get strong, maybe I should train myself to be a great swordsman or maybe something better.)
         As her new brother it is my responsibility to keep her safe. I will be better than her so-called brother she had before.
         The two of them got ready to head out. Lea was checking his money. He got some change when he gave the gold coin. He now has 4 silvers and 5 copper. They went out to the street market.
         Lea: "Hey Ava what kind of weapon do you want?"
         I haven't known much about her so it is a good chance to know.
         Ava: "I think I'll choose what is best for me."
         Lea: "If you say so."
         They went to the weapon shop to get Ava a weapon. They had a hard time choosing one then she asked for a wand and so they brought a wand which cost one silver when they got out of the shop.
         Maybe I should ask her about the wand. I mean it seems easier and simpler to use than having her use a sword or at least any weapons.
         Lea: "So Ava, how do you like your wand?"
         Ava: "It's wonderful I always want to use magic spells."
         Lea: "I see..."
         Well I have to respect her choices. it a good idea or not? Ugh...being a brother is harder than I thought.
         They went to a safe place to test the wand, Lea was checking her status and saw that she can use absorb too then he realize if Ava knows any kind of magic them so he took out a fur and told Ava to use absorb she did but that only raise her status so Lea tried to teach her of learning cure, she soon did and she was happy that Lea helped her then he ask a question.
         Lea: "Hey, do you want to help me make money?"
         It's not like I can do everything by myself. I need help.
         Ava: "Sure I want to be with my big brother."
         Okay that melted my heart. I think I made the best choice in my life.
         The two of them went to the guild to accept quests they did a lot and earned more money after that they went to gain exp for their level, they fought countless monster but still did it, their levels were now 20 and they got drops and gain news skills Ava learn a new magic 'Barrier' she and Lea absorb monster parts to improve their status after that they went back while Lea was checking the system to see if there was anything new, he found a screen that show you can upgrade your weapon but it require materials Lea's weapon upgrade was an item away but Ava's was ready to upgrade.
        But to Lea he didn’t fully understand the system in the world he lived in. He was just a boy who literally came out of a forest that looked like anyone can be lost in.
         Lea: (Upgrade...what does that do? I guess the system works strangely.) "Hey, if it's alright for you, you can upgrade your weapon."
         Ava: "Sure."
         Lea upgraded her wand and the status of the wand was raised; they were impressed by the system.
         Woah! Is this some kind of method?
         Lea: "Wow it can buff up what it was but better."
         Ava: "Woah!"
         Then the guild leader asked Lea to come with him to the hourglass Lea remembered and followed him so did Ava they went to the church where they found Mia, she wanted to come as well so they went to a room which they had never been in and that where they found the hourglass.
         I never thought it would be this big. The hourglass size is higher than a seven layer cake.
         Guild leader: "Just register and it will show when the wave will come. Once it comes you can teleport with your party members to where it hits people already registered so you should too."
         Lea: "I see." (So this is one of the many sources of the waves...I did say I do it but I have no choice.)
         Darkness: (Well that's true and you did mean it.)
         Lea went to the hourglass and touched it. It said if you wanted to register, he said yes and it showed him how much time was left.

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