Chapter 30 - Knowing Each Other

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It's been a week since Lea had a new student and because Diana learned way too much Lea had forced her to take a break which she listened to.

I never thought she would be that of a quick learner but honestly she would pass the exam with no problem.

Lea thought as he remembered his childhood home it had been months since he and Ava left as he wanted to see it again.

Maybe I should take Diana with me to Roothoot town.

Lea: (I wonder where she is.)

Lea went to find her, which he found her in the library focusing her mind of knowledge.

Darkness: (She is really trying to get in the school.)

Yeah I'm not going to interrupt her studies since I met her. I learn she does not like the nobles I met; she likes the nicest girl I met, not that it passes Mia and Ava.

She notices Lea as she waves at him.

Diana: "Sensei is there something you want to ask me?"

Well I guess I should tell her.

Lea: "Yeah actually I wanted to know if you want to visit my home."

Diana: "You mean outside the county?"

Lea: "Yeah if you want we could go there on winter break."

She thought as a smile was on her face.

Diana: "I would love to go see sensei home."

Lea: "Okay we'll wait till winter break then but I wonder what we should do today?"

We both thought for a moment as Diana though of an idea.

Diana: "How about I meet your family? You know the people you think of as family."

Lea: "Oh I see well I think that you should meet them since they don't know much about me helping you."

She nodded as she stood up. I looked as I saw she finished with her studies.

Diana: "Well I have time to go visit so I think it will be good to see what you do."

I found out that she once went to school but since I heard her father was worried about her so he didn't let her go to school but when he heard of her going to Swordsman Academy he wanted to get someone who can teach her to be a Swordsman.

Lea: "You know now I think about it, where are your parents? I haven't seen them since I came here?"

Darkness: (Yeah it's weird to parents for their daughter to have a boy at their house.)

Lea: (What does that mean?)

I notice that she looks down sad. I feel bad for wondering about her parents.

Diana: "My mom...she left my dad for another man."


Darkness: (! I...didn't expect that...!)

Lea: "Your mom left?"

She nodded what happened?

Diana: "I guess she was only using dad for being rich since I saw the man who is more rich."

I guess he is a noble but for someone who lost his wife to another man...

Diana: "Sometimes my mom would ignore me when I do something successful but my dad was always proud of me which made me happy."

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