Chapter 16 - The Beginning Journey

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It took 10 whole days to get to Stant Rise Lea and Ava saw things they never seen but when they finally got there they knew now why the guild leader said it was different because Stant Rise was a city with technology, different rides and more the country it was way different from what they used to live.
Lea: "Woah!"
Oh my god this country...!
Darkness: (Oh my!)
Ava: "Wow! I see why it looks so cool!"
Zura: "I'm surprise as you both I never see anything like this I guess this is what people said of people are born from the country side and people born from the city."
I wonder why? Oh yeah I nearly forgot why we are here.
Lea: "I know that the guild leader said that someone who knows our brother will come to pick us up I wonder if he get here before we arrive but we should definitely get some new clothes."
My clothes are starting to get to me I see Ava fine but she knew she needed new clothes too.
They arrive in the morning and are now in Stant Rise where they could find Mia while staying at their brother's place once they got to a station they waited while Lea was showing Ava what the man looked like.
Zura: "So I guess this is goodbye..."
Lea: "Yeah it is but I know we'll see each other again someday."
She hug me and Ava.
Zura: "You better. And remember where ever you go Crystal Rein's wind will always give you a home to come back to."
Right...the winds there always have a home for us to come back to. It a saying at Crystal Rein. She waved goodbye as we did the same as she was gone was started walking to find someone it a good thing the guild leader told us who to find.
Lea: "He wears a suit he has glasses and...oh he right there."
Lea saw the man he first asked and he knew he was talking to the right person.
Please be the right guy.
Lea: "Excuse me I'm Lea Ruby and this is my sister Ava Ruby."
Teacher: "Well it's nice to meet you two I know your brother because I teach at his school he a good student. Well let get going your brother is waiting for you both I think you two could get rid of his shadow."
Wait shadow...does he have someone else in his body? I have to find out.
Lea and Ava were confused but followed the man in a car. He was showing them the city and how everything works here.
Darkness: (I really wanted to try the food here it too bad I can't feel hunger.)
I have to admit I want to try every new things my eyes land on.
Teacher: "You see while you're here you can go anywhere if you want to do battle you can always just leave to the field and you can always come back you get education here also you can join the Waves of Ruin if you wanted."
Ah so this country have hourglass too.
Ava: "Wait this city does every city has to fight the waves too?"
Teacher: "Yes there are hourglass everywhere and could be anywhere in the world if we don't do something we will lose everything."
We can't afford the risk to lose to the Waves.
Lea: "I see so the waves hit the cities or just the village." (I wanted to make sure when they are in random places or just one place.)
I remember that I register in two hourglass and it also a good thing that I have the option to go back to where I was.
Teacher: "Sadly just the village and fields but even if the waves are gone we still have to check if there any monster left so they won't go into the cities."
Maybe that why I kept fighting near towns.
Lea understood the waves but still wondered how it got here but he wasn't sure if anybody knew why so he asked that question in the future.
Were the Waves of Ruin were created in ancient time? If they were would they have the answer to stop it completely.
They got to a house it looked like a nice house we waited for the man to call our brother and minutes later he came out I was amazed of how he is dress. He was wearing a sweater with yellow all over but some black strips, the sleeves was a bit long, he has green eyes, his hair was black, he was also wearing black shorts, yellow shoes and a hat but backwards.
???: "Hey teach! Are they my siblings?"
Teacher: "Yes they are both going to live with you."
Jake: "I see well nice to meet you both am Jake, Jake Ruby I'm 12."
Lea: "Nice to meet you I'm Lea, Lea Ruby I'm also 12."
Ava: "I'm Ava, Ava Ruby I'm 11."
Jake: "So we do have the same last name?"
Lea, Ava: "Yep!"
Teacher: "Well I'm going to let you three get to know each other I got some work to do so see you."
The teacher let the three by themselves look back at each other wondering if one should say something.
Jake: "Well should we go inside? It's been awhile since I let anyone in." (Ever since that day...)
Ava: "Sure."
Lea: "Okay."
He sound so sad all of a sudden.
All three went inside when they did they went to the living room and talked more.
Lea: "So Jake I heard some people say that you live alone can you explain to us why we're not forcing you to if you want." (But I'm curious.)
Jake: "Yeah you two should know since you are my brother and sister you see my parents die because of the waves they try to protect me I survive but they did not it cause me pain in my heart I knew that you were my brother Lea but they never told me what happened to you and I don't hearing having a sister can you also tell me why?"
So I am his brother his little brother.
Lea: "Well you see..."
Lea explains his story and Ava but not about his Devil Mode if he knew something about it then Lea would be worried about him.
Jake: "Wow that some childhood you have to deal with but I don't know anything about Waves in other countries or places but also I don't know if I hear someone name Mia I was keeping my distance of others."
Well it was worth the time to know.
Lea: "I see well thank you for telling us well we have reasons for being here one is to find her and the second is meeting you so that we can help you. You can also help us to find her we're family aren't we bro?"
Darkness: (Just trying to help like always.)
Jake felt a light around him then he nodded and so they showed them the house there was six bedrooms one of them Jake is sleeping in while Lea and Ava got a room for themselves later Jake handed them new clothes.
They look perfect in my size.
Lea has a sweater that is all red but with black stripes black pants, red and black shoes with a black shirt, Ava has a sweater that is blue with a flower on both sides of the sleeves, she has blue pants with pink shoes and a hair clip. They went to their room to wear it and when they came out both of them liked it and it suits them.
Lea: "Wow I like these clothes thanks." (It really fits me how is it Darkness?)
Darkness: (It looks good on you.)
Ava: "I love to wear these they're perfect."
Jake: "Thanks oh it also has a ability it called 'Clothes regenerate' if your clothes are rip it can be restored by that ability."
Did you like enchant our clothes or something because that would be cool.
Lea: "Ah okay well I hope you take care of us."
Jake: "Yeah you both too when you are living here."
Both of them eat, play video games and go to sleep Jake was saying to Lea that he and Ava were already registered to go to school and saying that in two months. It was going to be fall and that is where the last day of summer break he explained how school works and he understood so now Lea was thinking about how his life started at the beginning of his mission and enjoying a school life.

Two Months Later September/8/2007

In the morning Lea woke up first and had breakfast while waiting for Jake and Ava to get ready and Lea who was already ready.
Lea: "Morning."
Ava: "Morning bro."
It been two months already so much happen.
Jake: "Well ready to go if your first time right you can get used to it soon so just bear in mind that there are some people who can't be trusted just so you know."
Lea: "I see..." (So there are scums here.)
Ava: "Okay we keep that in mind so let go."
We gotten ready as we headed out I was wondering how everything will work here.
The three went out to school. It was a five minute walk.
Jake: "So Lea it your and Ava very first time going to school?"
Lea: "Honestly yes me and Ava been rising our level just to fight the Waves we gotten stronger but we still need more leveling if thing keep the same.
I never really gone to school I hope it wasn't a problem.
Jake: "I see I've been here studying and working on housework and doing some quest to earn money."
Wow he really responsible.
Ava: "We're here now Jake you can rely on both of us and we rely on you."
Lea: "Yeah we count on each other."
Jake: "Thanks guys."
They talked about how today was going to be, they soon reached the school the three saw more students so they went inside.
Jake: "There are two empty lockers next to mine that you two can have."
Lea: "Okay led the way."
Jake showed them their lockers and he said to Lea that he can still have his katana but can't fight with it he understood then they went to class when they still have time left but before they got there two students stopped their way.
Umm why did they stop us?
Random student: "Well if it isn't Jake how are you being alone all the time you know you should really stay out of our way if you know what is good for you."
Lea: (Who the heck you're saying at least he did something in his life.)
Darkness: (I can see they are scums already.)
It our first day and you started to insult our brother in front of us.
Ava: "You leave him alone!"
One of the students saw Ava and was trying to approach her but was stopped by Lea.
Lea: "You leave her alone 'if you know what is good for you'."
There was no way after the wedding incident I can't trust any boys to be near Ava.
Random student: "Hey no one ask you so move."
Move? Ha!
Lea: "Yeah right there no way you make me do that besides do something to me or my sister and brother and see where it get you I won't even hesitate to use my katana."
I send them a glare I feel them shiver but they knew other students were watching.
The two grind but walk away while Lea was still being suspicious of them.
Lea: "I see what you mean Jake there are some you can't trust." (Maybe those two can maybe open a sin on me if they did something to me if they dare try.)
Jake: "Yeah well we dodged that bullet well let go." (They defend me no one defend me I'm glad I met them.)
Lea, Ava and Jake was in class the teacher was nice and we gotten assigned seats Lea got put in the back left a seat away from the window Ava was in the middle and Jake was in the front right side, lucky the two student who blocked them weren't in the same class or that could have been a problem for the trio.
I would been fighting them already.
During class where Lea was sitting when he turned at the window then he saw a girl she was wearing a red sweater but the sleeves were shorter her strips were white she had long black hair, she had short that were dark blue and light red shoes. Lea saw the girl but went back to look at the front. The school day was over when the three were walking home Lea was thinking about something.
She pretty.
Lea: (She was pretty who was she I want to know her but maybe I should not get worried about this maybe she would talk with me first but then again who knows.)
Darkness: (But you should focus on your school work and who know what will happen now.)
Lea: (Yeah your right Darkness I should be working on fighting the waves but is my brother strong enough to fight the Waves I'll find that out tomorrow.)
They went back home, had a good dinner and went to bed while Lea was still thinking about the girl but he let that slide for school.

Guardians of Light: The Series (Volume 1) The Beginning JourneyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant