Chapter Four

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"(Y/N)." The distant voice called again. It sounded even less distinct this time.

You opened your mouth to call out to it, but no sound escaped you.

You started to feel a jabbing sensation on your cheek, growing stronger and more annoying.

Slowly, you opened your eyes to Altiena standing next to your bed, poking your cheek. Her soft, green eyes looked at you like a mother looked at her children. You swore these strange dreams were getting more realistic.

"(Y/N), it's time to get up." She said quietly, speaking so softly that her voice could have lulled you back to sleep. You would have done so if it weren't for the others in the room making noise.

You sat up and stretched your arms, remembering Levi's words last night about today being a tough one. You fixed up your (H/C) hair, taking an extra second to stare yourself down in the bathroom mirror. Your skin almost looked like it was glowing.

The girls started to file out of the cabin, heading towards breakfast. Altiena waited for you, and upon your arrival she snaked her arm to interlock with yours, walking with you to the mess hall.

It was nice to have a new friend, especially one who seems so cheery. You bet you could tell why she was feeling that way, though.

"Hey, Altiena?" You said approaching the mess hall.

"Yes?" She said, innocently.

"I'm setting you up with Mylius Thatcher." You say with a smirk.

A blush creeps onto her face, and flustered, she responds. "It's not like that... (Y/N)... I swear."

You raised an eyebrow at her as the two of you got in line for food.

"Fine! You got me! I think I have a crush..."

"Perfect." You said. "Well, sit with me. Mylius and I always sit together, so you can just slide on in on the other side of him!"

Her eyes lit up, and you went to sit down, soon joined by Mylius.

As you scarfed down your breakfast, Mylius became somewhat preoccupied talking to Altiena. This gave you time to let your brain wander, which is exactly what you don't need right now. Whenever you were left to your own devices, your head was occupied by Levi.

You noticed the man in the corner, staring right at you. It was still hard to tell if he was a hallucination or not. You suspicions were dashed when Commander Shadis stopped to talk with him, and his piercing gaze left you.

Now that your food was gone, there was no point in staying. You still had about half an hour before training would start, so you wanted to get a bit of warm-up in, especially since today would be difficult.

Upon leaving the doorway, you looked up at the expanse ridden with rain clouds. They extended to every corner of the sky. It was likely to rain today, all day. And that didn't mean you get a day off.

You reached the main training ground and sat to work on some stretches, then did a few jogs around. After about 20 minutes, you stopped to drink some water, which you suspected you probably wouldn't have much access to today if your intel was correct.

You held out your hand and felt the first raindrop of the day land on your palm. It was soon followed by many more, the rain almost becoming a downpour immediately. You ran for solace under the first overhang you could find, not noticing the other person who was already standing there, completely dry.

"You're filthy." He said. You spun around in shock.

"Oh, Captain, it's just you." You said, placing a hand on your heart in relief. He surely has the most unorthodox greetings. Though you were close to the mess hall, the heavy rain would obstruct your voices enough for no one else to hear you.

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