Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Commander Erwin stood on a stage, proudly displaying the scouts flag to the 102nd training corps. You hung in the back of the courtyard, standing near Levi and Hanji. You watched the backs of your friends heads as they were filled with determination.

Silva had finished top of the class, which was no surprise. Mylius had come second, which you didn't expect but did make a lot of sense. He was always physically gifted, and he had the same pre-training that you did before you started officially in the military. Renko ranked about six in the lineup, falling behind only because of his test grades. Altiena just barely made the cut at number 10.

It didn't really matter if any of them got in the top of the class, though, since they weren't proceeding on to the Military Police like most people do. All four of them were set on the Survey Corps. Ella and Jun had joined the garrison, so when Erwin reached the climax of his speech, they fell away with the others, only leaving the remainder of soldiers willing to give their lives for the fight against the titans. There were about ten cadets remaining. Some of them were notable; you remembered writing good notes about them on your visit a few months ago.

You were sad that not all of your friends would join you in the scouts, but you had to come to grips with the reality that not everyone is willing to throw their life away like you are, nor are they all as naturally gifted. The truth was that you were still worried about your friends who were joining, regardless of their inherent strength. You still needed to make sure they were going to be safe.

Because of your hypothetical rank as Levi's second hand, you had the privilege of riding in a carriage with him, Hanji, and Erwin on the way to and from headquarters. You poked your head out of it every once in a while to wave to your friends, who were feeling the pain of long horse-rides much like you were the first time on this journey. The ride was silent for most of the way, until Erwin spoke.

"I am hopeful for the future of the scout legion. I've heard great things about these new recruits from you, (Y/N). I'm going to place them under your direct supervision, squad leader."

Your eyes widened. "Wait, squad leader? Can you really just give out ranks like that?" Your eyes flicked around the cabin, meeting Hanji and Levi's unsuspecting gazes. They didn't have the answer, either. "I haven't even fought a real titan yet."

"I have no doubt you are the right person for this, (Y/N). Your leadership skills have been squandered until now; you will be responsible for the training and commanding of the 102nd corps." Erwin declared. He said things with such conviction that you couldn't even argue with him. What he said was fact; who were you to defy him, the commander of the Survey Corps?

"Thank you, Commander. I won't disappoint you. I will do everything in my power to make sure those cadets are trained well."

"Woo! Congrats, (Y/N)!" Hanji exclaimed, letting out her excitement. She had to know Erwin would offer you this position. You wondered if Levi already knew, too.

You smiled. "Thanks, Hanji."

Levi crossed his arms. "You sure you want to give the responsibility to this brat, Erwin? She's a loose cannon." He said jokingly.

Erwin grinned. "Yes, I am confident with my choices. I don't have any regrets."

Hanji pouted. "Leviiii... that's no way to talk about your girlfriend~ OW!" He stomped on her foot, then ignored her like she didn't say anything. "That hurt..." She whimpered.

Erwin offered you an apologetic smile, but you let loose and burst out laughing. You didn't really know exactly what was so funny, but you just couldn't control yourself any longer. Hanji and Levi's antics just pushed you over the edge this time. Something about them reminded you of you and Mylius, and now thoughts of him didn't have to be sad anymore. Now you were able to be with your old friends and your new friends. Things were really looking up for you.

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