Short: Tell me a Story

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The art above is my own! If you like it, find me on instagram @takastrapi!

You climbed into your bedsheets of your quarters, as Levi stood in the doorway. He leaned against the frame as you covered your whole body with the blanket, only allowing him to see your eyes.

Despite the late hour and long day of training behind you, you didn't feel very tired. These first few months of being at headquarters were quite exhausting, but right now you felt as energized as ever. Levi took notice of this.

"Go to sleep." He said. Tonight was one of the times he'd walked you home from his office, and sometimes he'd stick around to lecture you a bit.

"I'm not tired." You mumbled. "Will you tell me a story?"

"One day, a cadet stayed up all night and the next day, titans attacked and she died. The end." He said. He was proud of that little story.

"No! A good story. One that will help me fall asleep..."

"That's not my kind of thing. I'll send Hanji over here, if you need it that bad-"

"No, I want you to tell me a story, Levi..."

He sighed. "Whatever. But you better not have any high expectations or anything." You smiled as he made his way over to you, making sure the door was open behind him. He sat down at the foot of your bed. "This... is a story my mother used to tell me." He said. You snuggled under your blankets even more, getting comfortable.

"There was a young girl who used to look up at the stars every night. She always wished for the same thing- wings. All she wanted was to fly up there with the birds during the day, and at night she wanted to touch the stars." His usual bored tone was transformed now to one of expression. He was actually a pretty good storyteller.

"One night when she was looking at the stars off of her balcony, a young boy was doing the same thing. She tried waving to him to get his attention, but she lost her balance and started to fall off the balcony. She fell all the way to the ground, but she didn't make contact. When she opened her eyes she was just inches above the ground, saved by a pair of sparkling wings that sprouted from her back." He glanced at you. You stared wide-eyed back at him.

"The girl was overcome with joy. She had finally gotten the thing she wished for. But when she looked to where the boy was earlier, he was gone. She couldn't let that ruin her fun, so she got the hang of her new wings and shot up into the air, soaring wherever she wanted. The moon illuminated her town and she watched as her own house became smaller and smaller."

"She flew through the clouds, over the treetops, and she let herself glide high in the sky. She felt like she could never stop flying." Levi glanced at you again. You had your eyes closed, but upon noticing his pause, you opened one eyelid.

"What happened next?" You whispered.

He continued. "After a little while, she noticed something following her, so she turned around abruptly. She was met with the face of the boy from earlier, who was now hovering before her, wings supporting him from behind. They looked almost identical to her own. He smiled at her and held out his hand, and wordlessly, they flew off into the night."

You felt yourself starting to drift away as Levi carried on with the story. He spoke very slowly. "They returned to their town by sunrise, and as it rose their wings started to disappear. The boy and the girl had to go their separate ways, and carry on with their daily lives. But at least once a week, they'd meet up in the middle of the darkness, sprout wings made of stardust, and fly out into the night."

Levi looked down at your sleeping face. Your mouth was slightly open, and your breaths had regulated. Your chest rose and fell under the military-grade blanket. He thought for a moment. When his mother told him this story as a child, she would always give him a kiss on the forehead. It felt wrong to tell the story without adding that crucial tradition.

He slowly leaned over you, his face just inches from your forehead. He placed his lips on your soft skin, letting them linger there for just a second before leaning away from you, letting himself admire your peaceful sleeping face.

"The end." He whispered.


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