Chapter Five

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"I will, what about my blood sugar?" Harry asked. "Keep it close, but see if eating regularly helps. Come back in a week as well." He said, as Harry opened the folder and looked down at the prescriptions for Narcissa. " she on prenatal vitamins?" Harry asked. "Oh, simple." The doctor said. "You didn't say you-" Harry started. "I wasn't sure, these pills-" Narcissa started herself. "Are very safe. Don't worry. You'll feel a lot better in the coming week, other then the normally pregnancy stuff." He said. "This thing in my ear?" She asked. "I'll explain it too you, later. How long is her battery for?" Harry asked. "A week." He replied. "Again, thank you for your help." Harry said. "Just bring the babies by soon." He said. "Of crouse! However, how are you at glasses?" Harry asked. "Not well, but I know somebody. Yours?" He asked. "No. Destiny and maybe the babies, half a chance you know." Harry said. "Chances are the quads are to young, but I will ask as I get Destiny an appointment."  He replied.

"What is this thing in your ear?" Lucius asked the second he seen her late that evening, but got passed the overly excited little girl, who nuzzled quickly to her mama. "It's a hearing aid. Her hearing should be a lot better, and a check up in a week to see how the meds are reacting." Harry said, grabbing a bottle of water. "Why did you pass out now?" Lucius asked, little his concern show just a little bit. "Er, to bit it simple something in my body isn't working properly and needed a little help." Harry said, before Draco followed him upstairs.
Harry still wasn't sure what to think about his mother being alive, but what choice did he really have? They needed the help anyway. Even more so with another child on the way by Narcissa. Five babies under five was already a handful. Harry slowly pushed the nursery door opened hearing the giggles form the babies and little Richard had the small TV on the dresser going. "You sure your mama is going to be alright with you watching so much TV?" Lily asked. "Yeah! She doesn't like me going outside around here. She rather step daddy's neighbor." Richard replied, and Harry seen little Ava sitting on his lap half asleep. Somebody was a sleepy girl that did cause him to smile lightly. "Do you know how your mama and step daddy meet?" Lily asked. "Not really. They seemed like two different kind of people, but he's cool I guess. Mama's happier so I guess that's all that matters." Richard said. "You came here before?" Lily asked. "Not here, no. Harry's come and go before, so I knew him. It was the first time I really came by here. I like it here." He answered, before the questions stopped when Harry stepped close enough for the spell to let her another person had entered the room. "Hi!" Richard waved, and the sudden excitement woke Ava up fully who after a moment seen Harry and giggled out, reaching for him. "Hi baby!" Harry said picking her up. "Even with your mama being okay with you watching so much T.V. you should go outside. Draco's got you a broom ready." Harry said. "Really?" He said kind of excited. "Yeah, just stay in the yard." Harry smiled lightly, and he hurried out the room. Harry sat Ava down by her siblings before turning back towards the picture on the wall. "I can't tell what the picture is." Lily said kind of quiet. "Just...the first picture I got of the four babies." Harry said. "I... didn't think she would personally come for me, or I would have tried-" She started. "Chances are I wouldn't have believed it anyway and I'm not sure she did. That's why she went with her, she knew not to go alone, but knew not to tell me." Harry replied, walking over to the window. "I-" She started. "It's fine. There's a lot still not understood about the war before it even began. I just... Haven't been feeling the best so I rather not get into some deep conversation. Not like it really would change what happened." Harry said, pushing open the blinds with his two fingers.  She kept quiet for a while, walking over to Destiny who looked up at her and giggled out. "She's their daughter, right?" Lily asked. "Yeah, who's going to be a big sister. I have to find her a muggle doctor thought. She's got to many problems to let some healer try and work around her pills when I can just chance a couple things and she can see a doctor." Harry said, as Lily lend down and slowly picked her up. "There's been a lot of dark magic used on them." She replied and Harry let out a sigh. "Yeah, I know. That's the only reason I agreed in the start...the plan was to just...stay here until I could find a second job, but Draco got all fussy and Narcissa pretty much just told as we was staying. The longer I spent time here, I started noticing what was mentally wrong with her and physically wrong with him." Harry said. "She'll be alright?" She asked and Harry nodded, unaware still she couldn't see. She just assumed he had agreed with her, and put destiny up on her hip before slowly walked over to the window.

Harry smiled lightly when he felt the small hand start giving him a small slap to get his attention. "Yes, I see you." Harry said, giving her check a kiss before she pointed up at Lily, that's when he noticed her eyes greyed out and the scars around her eyes. It looked at if a potion had been dropped on her face, it was burned slightly. You couldn't really say burned, but more of a scar burned lighter then her skin. " blind?" Harry asked.

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