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It's been almost two weeks in the Potter household. It was a very cold, Snowy December 7th, Monday day. The preschool (and all schools) got called out, because of the snow, but unfortunately, Their Nanny couldn't watch the quads until their normal time, after preschool. So, a ten week pregnant Draco Malfoy, was sitting on the couch, calling around to see if somebody would come over and help him. Draco's morning sickness was awful, and it was diagnosed as it was going to keep being awful. However, both his and Harry's parents had other commitments. Finally, Jesse walked over. "Joseph is okay if the twins come over. We can help you keep an eye on the kids." Jesse said. "I can't ask you teens to watch the kids because I'm feeling icky." Draco tried to point out. "We offered and they don't mind. Besides... It's a way Jessica can come over." Jesse said and after a thought. "Oh, alright, but you will have to stay downstairs. Her daddy is fussy about that." Draco pointed out. "That's fine!" Jesse said.


So, within an hour, Jessica and her twin brother Jack were dropped off before Joseph went to work. Draco had the quads and Triplets bring down some activities to do and their no school work packet to work on some, so they at least learn something today. The triplets, who really haven't spent time with the twins, started talking to Jessica and Jack. They told them how they really didn't like daycare and they missed living with their grandparents, but the weekend came every weekend and they got to spend time with them again. At one point, the quads took Jessica to the room they shared. The two sets of bunk beds pushed together almost. The boys ones and the girls one. "So...where do you change?" She asked. "We have our changing rooms!" Ashton said, opening up their toy chest, and brought out his trains. Jessica smiled lightly, as the boys started to play as Brooklyn went over to their small television and turned back on the movie to watch. Jessica eased to to Ava. "Are your classmates still giving you a hard time?" She asked. "Not so much. Daddy got really mad because the teacher wasn't doing much. The girl who broke my aids parents had to pay for them and she ended up kicked out because she hit another girl. She was mean." Ava frowned. "That's no fun, I'm sorry." Jessica said. "It's not your fault, Jessica. Daddy says her parents need to learn...Discipline?" Ava said, but wasn't sure if it was the correct word. "That's a possibility. I never understood why others were mean to people." Jessica said. "Daddy...told us not to asked." Ava said softly. "My mama died a long time ago." She replied back. "But your daddy seems lonely, that is what Jesse says." Ava said. "He is, but woman haven't been kind to him or understanding of him being a single father. They aren't very nice to us sometimes either." Jessica said. "That isn't right. It shouldn't matter he is a daddy! People make me mad." Ava frowned. "People make me mad too, Ava. How come...Your vocabulary is so much better then your siblings?" Jessica asked. "Because...I tested higher. I could be in year two, but I wanted to stay with my sister and brothers. I have trouble out of classmates with my siblings, I don't need to be away from them and then Ashton isn't there to protect me. Wouldn't you keep with your brother if your teachers weren't being mean about it?" Ava asked. "Yeah, I suppose I would back in primary school. However, now? It's better I do my own thing. I promise you will see that one day." Jessica said. "Sometimes we are apart, but it's us who chooses that. Not everybody else." She pointed out.


Draco then knocked on the opened door of the quads room. "Jessica, I told your father you'd stay downstairs." Draco said. "My father said to stay in company if I with Jesse. I am with the quads, Jesse kept downstairs." Jessica tried to point out. "Your father told us two different things then and I am going off of what I was told. Downstairs, young lady." Draco said. Jessica frowned, but gave a nod and went back downstairs.
She dropped back down on the couch, beside Jesse, who had been taking to Jack about something she didn't realize catch the details of. "Your daddy, Is fussy." Jessica pointed out. "Father told him you and I, really you, were suppose to keep downstairs in supervision." Jack pointed out. "Jesse was RIGHT here, there wasn't anything I could possibly do with him downstairs." Jessica said. "Even so, father told him you needed to keep downstairs. Don't take it out on Draco, you can take that up with our father." Jack said. "Sometimes I don't understand him, at all." Jessica said and Jack shrugged his shoulders. "He doesn't really care that we understand him. He's our parent, not friend. He says that is were some parents make mistakes. They worried more about there child liking them, then being a parent. That's why kids are so mean sometimes or things like that." Jack said and she let out a sigh. "Some of it Is, I believe they see that behavior at home and are coping such behavior." She pointed out. "Yeah...I suppose that is a possibility..." Jack said. "What was you two talking about?" Jessica asked. "That Jesse needs to do more then year book club." Jack said. "I'm not a sports person."  Jesse said. "I just don't believe that!" Jack said. "I might look not a tig, but I have no mass to me at all and I don't trust a lot of people, let alone the whole football time." Jesse from. "Brother!" Ashton called for. "Hang on." Jesse said to the twins, before he got to his feet and disappear up the stairs.

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