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--Four weeks and One day later--
--March 15th, 2003--

It was a Monday morning, so Draco was driving the van that held the children, on the way to school (or daycare.) Joseph finally back to a full time Job was getting a ride form Draco to work, no point in not when his car was still down anyway. The CD playing keeping the children relaxed and Joseph was having a light conversation with Draco, about nothing really, until Draco hit the breaks to the van, seeing the young couple standing there, back in his old school uniforms.

Draco climbed out of the van, before he walked over to the pair. "How, did you find me?" Draco frowned, as he felt his hand be grabbed. Ava, hurried to him. "Getting answers to questions why you never made the contact. Who's this?" Pansy said. "One of my daughters...You two should probably leave. I won't risk what will follow you to come." Draco said softly. "I promise-" she started to say. "No, just...no. I have a family to protect and that last year, you all joined the others." Draco said, before Joseph made his way over. "Do I need to make a call?" He asked. "No, they are leaving and will stay gone." Draco said. "We know about Potter's shop, Malfoy. Would you give her five mins?" Blaise said. "Leave. Me. Alone." Draco said, taking Ava back to the van. "I don't think I want to know, but leave him alone." Joseph said. Blaise looked over at his new bride before she nodded. "Mr. Lupin has a black market bounty...People are still after the man. People are also after Jesse." Blaise said. "What good is a fourteen year old to them?" Joseph said. "He can be controlled and taught, that is why. They should be warned and a spell has to be in place to block them, one I'm not certain Malfoy can cast nor Harry given his current mental health." Blaise said. "I'll have your message past along but you should keep your space. You are clearly not wanted and she might be small, but she has a lot of magic to use." Joseph said. "There's things you-" he started to say. "It doesn't matter what I might or might not understand. They won't listen if you push it on them. I think you know that." He said and after a huff. "Fine." Blaise replied and the couple disappeared.

Joseph ended up driving the van and dropping the children off before Draco grabbed his jacket, the one that would hide the pregnancy and allow him to finish teaching. "What...did he say?" Draco asked. "People are after Remus and your son, Jesse, for whatever reason. Says a spell is needed but doesn't feel you two will be able to handle it." Joseph said. "I'll see what can be done another time...thank you." Draco said, before Joseph got out and Draco soon went to work.


Draco didn't tell Harry about the visitors, he knew nothing good could come form it and they had enough problems to worry about without the true meaning behind why the couple game to be.
Harry, ended up closing the shop when Remus called the store form the pay phone, Lily had been admitted and he was having trouble keeping Christopher claim because he was worried about his mommy.
"Bubba." Christopher said, hurrying over to Harry who picked the boy up. Christopher nuzzled to his neck. "Your father also went back, but it's been nearly two hours." Remus pointed out. "Let me see what I can find out." Harry said, to have Remus follow him to the desk. "I'm not in the mood to play games." Harry said. "You don't have to be fussy." Was the reply the nurse gave Harry. "There is a reason I hate hospital. What is going on with my mother?" Harry asked. "Name?" She asked. "Lily Evans or Potter. I haven't a clue on if you people have updated it or not." Harry said and after a couple minutes. "They are still waiting on some lab who, but your son can't go back there." She said. "My brother and he will stay still. What room number?" Harry said. "5c." She replied back.


Remus followed Harry to the hospital room and Harry put Christopher down on his feet who hurried over to the bed. "Now, what happened?" Harry said, watching James out Christopher on the bed, who settled down on her lap. "I just got dizzy was all." Lily said. "You past out, lily, and it's not the first time." James said. "It's nothing but you all being overly worried. I'm sure it's just one of the medicines needed to be worked around." Lily tried to point out. "Even so, you'd have to see a doctor anyway and you are bad about-" Harry started to say. "Coming form the person who long passes out before you let somebody know your Suger has dropped." Lily replied back and after a sigh. "Fair enough. She said they were waiting on some blood work, so that will give a idea of what's going on." Harry said. "Potter." Said a voice he really didn't trust.
Harry turned, seeing Blaise standing there. "I can't imagine he would want to talk to you." Harry said. "I'm was certain muggle man wouldn't past along my message and just showing up at your home seemed like a good way to get ambushed by little ankle bitters." He said and after a huff. "What is it you want then?" Harry said.


Harry ended up stepping out of the hospital room, were he was informed of the 'hit out' on both of the, Remus and Jesse, but it really wasn't something he could get something done currently. He would have to have a plan and he wasn't looking forward to having to deal with anybody else, but keeping his son and Remus safe,  matter the most. Right now, the matter of what the hell was going on with his mother, matter most.
It would be another hour before any news would come back, by then James, Harry and Remus went to Harry's shop, living Christopher being held by his mommy asleep nuzzled to her. He was worried about her and cried until they agreed to leave him. So he was asleep when the doctor finally came and has a seat on the stoll. "I understood your last pregnancy was high risk." He said. "that's common knowledge, what does that have to do with anything?" Lily said. "Because the blood work confirmed your pregnant, Mrs. Potter. However, you told they knew you thought otherwise when you were first admitted?" He said, but also asked. "We have been trying since Chris was just three months old. We had pretty much gave up on having another child." Lilly said. "I can understand, but you are high risk, so I am getting you an appointment with a specialist, but you can have your husband pick you back up, alright? Just take it easy until you speak to her." He said. "okay, thank you, really." Lily said.

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