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"I think it will be good for the both of you, to have another set of hands. I'm sure he could use the love that comes off the children, as well." Lily said. "I know. The boys are very excited to have a big brother, a brother at all. I'm just...I just don't have a lot of information on what he is." Harry said softly. "I...can talk to your father and see if he recalls any information, but you have time. The moons just past by." Lily said. "I know, and I have been meaning to get together with her, it just gets busy." Harry said. "Yes, I know." Lily said.

Draco opened the door a little after four to Harry's shop. Harry smiled and waved Draco over, before he continued his work. Jesse, was sitting on the floor with Christopher, who was being helped with spelling. The requirements he would need to start preschool next year. Seen Draco walk in and sat his own backpack down at Harry's small desk in the lobby, before he walked over to the two boys. "Hi, Draco!" Christopher smiled, reaching up. Draco smiled and lend down and picked Christopher up off the floor. Christopher give Draco a big hug, as Jesse got to his feet. "Is Jesse helping you today?" Draco asked and he nodded. "I couldn't help brother anymore and mommy said it was time to try again. It's hard!" He frowned. "You'll get it buddy! I'm sure Jesse doesn't mind to help you." Draco said. "I don't mind at all...I certainly didn't want to get in the way." Jesse said. "I can promise you, you aren't in the way Jesse." Draco said. "Harry...said your a teacher?" Jesse asked. "Yes, I am." Draco smiled lightly. "Cool." He replied. "Draco." Lily said and Draco got a hug. "Hey." Draco smiled. "How was work?" She asked. "It's good. I have a couple of girls who love to talk, I'm hoping I don't have to pull them apart, but I just might." Draco said. "Aw. I hope not either." Lily said.

--Saturday, September 7th, 2002--

Meeting with Hermione, didn't good as planned. Harry had completely spaced on a four year olds birthday party. Little faith was Turing four years old today!
The triplets, were first to woke up and hurried to their parents room. Harry and Draco both got woke up by the girls wiggling in their big bed. "Girls." Harry laughed, but grabbed his glasses. "It's time to get ready! Faith is four years old today!" June said. "We know, girls. The party isn't even until this afternoon and we still have to have breakfast and get ready for the day." Harry pointed out. "Pappy! We have to hurry over there before anybody else." May said. "Girls, it doesn't work that way. You three can go get ready for the day, but we leave when it's time. Not when you three decided." Harry said and they all frowned, but hurried out the bedroom to go to their changing room. "Is Jesse ready to start school Monday?" Harry asked, as the pair climbed out of bed. "I have everything ready for him, yes. He wants to walk though." Draco said. "I think not." Harry said. "Harry, he is fourteen and the secondary school is just a couple miles away." Draco tried to point out. "I'll take him to school." Harry said. "Harry. The secondary school doesn't started until half after eight. The walk is too far form your shop to the secondary school, you know." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "I suppose we can talk about it tonight." Harry said, feeling a kiss on the cheek. "I think he will be just fine, but alright." Draco said.

It was a little after nine when everybody climbed in the van. Jesse, ended up with the two boys. At first they were just going to move their car seats, but Jesse said he was just seat in their roll. The boys both talked his ear off the whole ride to the Malfoy Manor. Jesse, felt a lot more comfortable. All seven children welcomed him, Christopher loved talking to him to, Lily was very kind to him and James was fine with listen him talk about cars, even if it made no since to the once, magical man. He was now going to meet his new other grandparents, Narcissa and Lucius, and his 'aunts' Destiny and Faith.

The kids climbed out of the van and Harry grabbed the birthday present for Faith, before closing the truck and they all walked to the door. Narcissa was quick to opened the door. "Grandma!" The kids giggled and one by one all got their hugs. She stood looking at Jesse, and gave him a smile. Draco put his hands on Jesse shoulders. "This is Jesse." Draco said and she smiled. "Lily told me a touch. There's not exactly going to be anyone close to your age, but the girls are excited to meet you." Narcissa said. "Harry...gave me one of his older models of camera." Jesse said. "That's perfect! The girls love to take pictures too and I could use more of everybody or whatever you get." She said and Jesse smiled lightly. 
Narcissa took Jesse to meet the girls. Faith was still a small girl, but she smiled at him. "Girls, this is Jesse." Narcissa said, before she went off to joined the rest of the adults to start setting up for the party.

"Mum, what do you recall about werewolves?" Draco asked after following her into the kitchen. "Your knowledge is about the same as mine, on that subject, Draco. Have you started the potions?" She asked. "I have. We are just trying to learn as much information as possible. He's a broken kid, but the kids have helped the boy open up I feel like." Draco smiled lightly. "I'm glad, Draco. Really. I'm sure you too will get the information you need." Narcissa said.

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