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"For now? Let me help out." Lily said. "Sure. I suppose I can cold for a couple hours for lunch tomorrow and we can hit the town..." Harry said a little... uncomfortable. Harry was getting a LOT better eating, but public eating was still a real struggle for him. "Within walking distance?" She asked. "Of course." Harry said.

Ava would NOT let Harry leave without her that next morning. She started screaming and every light blown downstairs. "They really should be apart of each other more, Harry." Lily said as Harry picked the very upset little girl up. "She is your little girl Harry. Take her with you." Draco said, as she was already calming down. "Oh...alright." Harry said, and quickly gathered a diaper bag.

Ava went to sleep shortly after they got to the shop and Harry spent most of the morning teaching his mom want to do. Anybody they came into the shop, wasn't even aware she was blind and the children really enjoyed how giddy and playful she was between pictures. Harry had to admit, he enjoyed having his mother close by. Even if he was still very confused on how she'd been alive all this time. What...happened to his father? Did she know? He wouldn't dare ask, however. "Hey, Narcissa said the doctor said something to you guys about Ava?" Lily asked. "Oh, yes. However, until we know for sure...I rather not share. I don't want them to worry when it really isn't such a big deal." Harry replied, picking Ava up out of the playpen after getting ready to leave for lunch. "I have a lot more knowledge then they do about-" Lily started. "I know, I still rather wait until we know for sure." Harry said, feeling a little sick and weak suddenly. His blood sugar was dropping, which, was confusing him. His eating was in fact a lot better and he wasn't having trouble out of his own insulin. "Mum...get Ava." Harry whispered and Lily quickly took Ava. Harry hit his knees, feeling like he would vomit. "I...need...my kit." Harry mumbled.

"Maybe...I should call the doctor?" Lily said, when Harry wasn't really feeling any better after ten minutes. "... just...get me there." Harry said, before passing out.

Harry woke up, hearing the cries form Ava, before feeling his fingers being somewhat sucked on, and the hand locked in his hair. "... Draco?" Harry whispered. "Shh...Just rest Harry. Your mum isn't here and I don't understand what's going on." Draco replied, giving Harry's head a light kiss. Harry? He couldn't sleep, but he laid there still, making Draco believed he had fallen back asleep. Little Ava was very upset, and Harry just wanted to snuggle her close, but he wasn't feeling good at all. Harry still felt very weak and at some point, he did fall asleep.
When Harry woke up? He felt a lot better, sitting up in the bed. Draco was asleep in the chair beside him and Ava laid asleep nuzzled to his leg. Harry slowly got himself out of that hospital bed and made his way into the bathroom were he seen the small object on his stomach. "Oh, that's just great." Harry whined to himself grabbing the hospital robe out and made his way out if the house room. "Back to bed." One of the nurses said. "Where's the doctor at? Somebody should have talked to me by now." He fussed. "He spoke to your mother, a few times, Harry. You need to rest." The nurse replied. "I feel fine, get the doctor. I'll leave if he doesn't come talk to me." Harry said, before storming back to his room.

Harry found the clothes he had on the day he passed out and was in the middle of putting the shirt on when the doctor opened the door. "You shouldn't leave until your body makes up its mind about rather or not it's going to make the insulin." The doctor replied. "I don't do hospitals and I feel a lot better now." Harry said. "After we gave you a pump that your body is still using." He said and Harry let out a sigh. "Then give me the paperwork I need to learn about the stupid thing so I can go home. I have a shop and things that really can't wait." Harry said. "Your going to have to start eating more, and I'll give instructions on how to turn it on and off." He replied, before walking out of the room and Harry just let out a sigh. He didn't have time for his body to shut down. Harry just picked up Ava who yawned but got very giddy when she seen Harry and nuzzled to his chest. "shh. I'll be okay." Harry said, giving her back a small pat.

"Should...you have left like that?" Draco frown. "I don't do hospitals and I know what to look for." Harry said, easing to lay down on the floor were Draco dropped down to sit. "I don't understand what the thing is suppose to do." Draco said. "It's just a quicker form of insulin...and it's on at the moment giving me some. I guess I fucked up my body to much." Harry said, but Draco lend down to give Harry a kiss who smiled lightly. "I'll...be okay. I'll just have to see the doctor myself to see what's going on." Harry said. "You also have...to eat more." Draco whispered. "Yeah...and that's going to be difficult...I know you don't understand..." Harry said. "I don't have to understand why your mind is thinking such a way. I understand thought it is very difficult to overcome those thoughts. That helps me understand enough to be able to give you the help I feel you need." Draco replied, getting the light smile form Harry. "Thank you, Draco." Harry said. "I love you, very much, Harry." Draco said. "I love you too, Draco."

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