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The babies soon sat on the play-mat in the living room, all fully and less whinny since they all had their bottles. Harry eased Draco to set on the couch and he grabbed the phone. "Harry, I really-" Lily started. "Mama, your seeing the doctor. Why are you so fussy about this? You seen one for your glasses, they aren't going to hurt you." Harry said and she let out a sigh. "It's just hard to believe is all, Harry. Some things you won't quiet understand." She whispered. "I understand more then you, mama. Go lay down. I'm calling the doctor." Harry said and after a small whine, she let James take her to bed. "Am I really that whinny?" Draco asked, but Harry couldn't help but chuckled. "At times, you get very whinny, love." Harry said, as Draco rested he head on Harry's shoulder. "I don't mean to be, Harry." Draco said and Harry chuckled. "I know." Harry said, and Draco let out a whined. "Harry! Your babies are kicking my insides!" Draco whined and Harry give him a light kiss. "I'm sorry they are being so active inside you. Just means they are happy and growing." Harry smiled, getting his hand put on Draco's belly. Harry lend over, giving Draco a kiss, a kiss Draco didn't let him pull away form. Harry wanted to just lay Draco on the couch, and fuck him right then, but his mother needed to see the doctor and they were in the living room.

"Why don't you go wait for me in the bedroom?" Harry said, a little cocky and Draco blushed. "Okay."

Harry set Lily up an appointment, for tomorrow. He knew she wasn't going to be too happy to hear it was so soon. He pushed her appointment, because he did worry about the effects of the pregnancy would have on his mother. She had been through so much, and even Harry was surprised to hear she was going to have a baby. Could her body really handle it?

Harry locked the bedroom door, once he entered it. Draco blushed, already laying under the blankets. He knew what Harry wanted and that was still slightly embarrassing for Draco, at times. Harry turned the over head light off, and slipped under the covers. Harry hand found Draco's belly frist and he smiled, planting a big kiss on Draco's lips. "I love you, so much." Harry said and Draco smiled. "I would sure hope so, you keep putting babies in me, after all." Draco laughed, getting another kiss. "Yes. Get on your side." Harry said, and helped Draco to get on his side. "I'm sorry, this is the only way we can do it right now." Draco said, to feel the kiss on the back on his neck. "Draco, I don't care how we have to do it. My cock can still go up your ass." Harry said, giving Draco's eye a small bite, before Draco let out an almost uncomfortable noise. Harry was half hard, pushing into Draco. "Harry...you can't start so rough without that stuff." Draco half whined. "Sorry...it's in the draw, can you reach?" Harry asked, and got handed the small bottle. "Just use a little if you want a rougher fuck. I don't mind, but otherwise you can't be so rough." Draco admitted, getting a kiss on his neck. "I know, I should have grabbed it. Just, I only had one thing on my mind, I'm sorry." Harry said. "No, it's okay, Harry." Draco said.

Harry went to sleep, on the floor, after their activity. Draco was hungry, again, and went down to the kitchen. Lily sat feeding Ava some apple sauce. "Now, Ava. Did you give grandma a hard time about going to sleep?" Draco said, but planted a kiss on his baby's cheek. Ava giggled. "She's just hungry again. I couldn't sleep anyway." Lily said, her glasses laying on the table. "Lily, the doctor said you have to keep them on. The headache will go away." Draco said. "I...know, but James...rather I not wear them." She admitted and he let out a sigh. "Harry and I can try and talk to him. The doctor got your sight back, it doesn't need to be damaged." Draco said, opening the fridge. "Draco...I get where you are coming form, but...James still means everything to me. He so self conscious about what he looks like...and I lived years blinded. I rather my relationship be stronger, then not and have my sight. I don't expect you to understand." Lily said and Draco let out a sigh. "No...I understand, Lily. I just...think that isn't the answer." Draco said, making himself a sandwich. "Maybe not for you, but I feel as if it's the right decision." Lily said, gathering the empty jar of baby apple sauce. "...Alright. I'll get her to bed." Draco said, turning back to the high chair. Ava seemed to have the same idea as she was reaching out for Draco. Draco smiled and picked her up out of the high chair. "Goodnight, Lily." Draco said.

Ava wouldn't lay down in her crib or even lay down on Draco's arms. Draco realized just why she was being so fussy. She wanted her pappy. Draco smiled lightly and carried her to the bedroom. He eased her down on the floor beside Harry. She whined out, giving his face a little hit. She wanted Harry to pay attention to her. Harry let out a little groan, but he knew who was hitting him. "...Ava...why are you...giving daddy a hard...time." Harry mumbled half asleep, pulling the baby up on his chest. Ava yawned, before she nuzzled to his chest. "She wouldn't lay down for me." Draco said, pulling a blanket up over them. Harry's words were inaudible, and Draco just smiled. Draco went to check on his other babies, before he too, finally went to bed.

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