Chapter Eight

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Draco flipped out when he didn't see Harry laying on the bed, and he hurried through the now quiet Manor as it was nearly two in the morning. Well, it wasn't all quiet. He heard the giggles form little Ashton as he made his way down the last bit of stairs. "You like the apple sauce don't you?" Draco heard Harry's voice say and then heard the excited giggles form Ashton and the baby clap. "Such a good boy." Harry said, and Draco slowly walked in view of them. Harry gave Ashton a pat who sat in the highchair in his diaper. He was a very happy little baby, eating his apple sauce slowly as Harry picked at some sandwich he ended up somewhat slapping together as he still really didn't want to eat the stupid thing. "I know your there." Harry said, kind of quiet as he reach for the baby bottle after Ashton started to yawn slightly.
Draco slowly got to his feet, as he had been sitting down in hopes he was out of view. Harry sat a little folded in the chair, holding Ashton in his arm as he laid half asleep trying to finish his bottle. The sandwich was about half eaten, and Harry felt the kiss to his. "Come to bed? Bring Ashton." Draco said but Harry only shook his head. "You really should sleep, Harry." Draco said, lending down to give Ashton head a kiss, who somewhat giggled but give a yawn. He was very sleepy. "I can't...sleep right now. Just...go to bed, Draco... I'll join you in a couple hours." Harry said, but let Draco slowly pull him to his feet and Draco gave Harry's hand a kiss. "Please, just come to bed. Nobody else is up." Draco whispered and after a small sigh, Harry agreed.

It seemed the next week, was a little easier. Harry was just eating the once, but it was at least a FULL meal, so they agreed for now, it was be enough. As Harry was starting to look a little healthier and they didn't want to push him to quickly.

Harry, Narcissa and Destiny was in the muggle neighborhood. The doctor had finally found somebody who could work with Destiny, but the Quads were still not old enough. Little Destiny stood, on very unsteady feet, holding into a small table, looking hard at the fish tank as Harry and Narcissa had a sit. "How is this suppose to work if she does need glasses?" Narcissa asked. "I can see if they can get the glasses finished by this evening. We have your check ups anyway while we are out." Harry said and she let out a sigh. "I feel fine, Harry." Narcissa said. "You need a check up and so does that baby. How the hell you go 19 weeks before we even knew?" Harry asked. "It was...a little difficult when Lucius found out about Destiny...I forget sometimes he has much different then he used to be...I guess...I was a bit scared." Narcissa admitted. "I...suppose that is a reasonable explanation. Still! You are 26 weeks on medicine for the first time, ever. You need follow ups. You'll be fine." Harry said and after a sigh. "Alright, but we are stopping for a milkshake." She fussed and Harry chuckled. "Your husbands owns me an hour of babysitting tonight." Harry said to get some what of an offended look. "Did you bet on me?" She said and Harry laughed. "Oh, come on. Don't act like that." Harry said and she just playfully rolled her eyes. "We'll watch the babies the Friday so you and Draco can go out. That new movie is coming out, he wants to see, right?" Narcissa said and Harry nodded. "What movie?" Narcissa then asked. "The Parent Trap. It has been remastered and I did never see the first one. It's a family movie, but he seems to like the idea of it." Harry smiled lightly. "Leave early and have dinner." Narcissa said and after a pause. "It's... difficult enough with you guys watching me, letting alone a shit ton of randos." Harry kind of fussed. "I never said a fancy dinner, he is very pleased with that muggle fast-food. Pick sometime out and go to that lake or whatever he likes so much." Narcissa said and after somewhat of a frown, but a smile to himself he nodded. He did somewhat like the idea of a date night with Draco so...he agreed. "He's ready for little Destiny." Said the receptionist. "Thank you." Harry smiled at her lightly, pulling Narcissa to her feet.

Yes, little Destiny needed glasses. That they would be picking up that evening, right now? They sat on the car in the doctors office parking lot. Narcissa was drinking her milkshake slowly as Destiny kept the van a little noisey with her toy she kept hitting the window with. "You don't have to drink it so slowly." Harry kind of joked, turning the van off. She really didn't say anything, that caused Harry to look over at her. "Narcissa, what's wrong?" Harry asked, nothing she gone pale and looked like she might pass out. Harry just start r the van up, and pulled out his phone.

"What the hell happened?" Was all Lucius said when the cab dropped him, Draco and Brooklyn as little Brooklyn did NOT want to be left behind today. "That dark magic is what happened. You damn well know that. You also know the damage it caused her, it was only a few months before she got pregnant again. The hell do you think was going to happen?" Harry said, somewhat pissed off at his tone. After a sigh. "What can you tell me, that I will understand." Lucius said. "More then likely, They'll have to deliver the baby if she doesn't stabilized. Yes, I already tried and got thrown across the room. Room B122." Harry said, before taking Brooklyn form Draco.

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