Chapter Ten

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"I'm not pregnant again." Draco said and after a pause and a sigh. "You easily could be. Not like I even thought about putting anything on. It's been made appoint your body is healthy enough, even with a lactose problem since the birth of the babies." Harry then said. "I'm not pregnant again, how would that even be possible after Quads so soon?" Draco somewhat whined. "The same way it would be for me, Draco. The first pregnancy pretty much give you the female reproductive system, until you take the potion to remove it permanently, the option to have our own children will be there ...until about fourty five ...maybe fifty years old." Lily replied and after a sigh. "This is ridiculous!" Draco fussed. "Take a pregnancy test, it will work." Lily said. "You can't be serious." Draco said. "I'll pick one up on my way home tomorrow form the hospital. I'll have to try and explain what's going on with Narcissa, again." Harry said, slightly annoyed. "What about...your store?" Lily asked. "Closed...I can't be a translator and work." Harry said, disappointed. "I can handle the translation." Lily said. "Are you sure you can handle...the way there and around?" Harry asked after a moment. "I'm sure. I wouldn't have suggested something I couldn't handle." Lily said. "Alright." Harry said.

"This is bloody ridiculous!" Draco mumbled, getting handed the pregnancy test by Harry. "Just take it, because you won't believe me another way." Harry said, giving Draco a push into the bathroom. " believe I am?" Draco kind of asked. "Yes, I do. It does make sense, seeing how we know for sure it isn't dairy and knowing for sure I never once thought about pulling out or using protection." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "Very well." Draco mumbled, to be holding the positive pregnancy test a couple minutes. "How the hell are we suppose to have another child? Our babies will just be a year old!" Draco fussed and Harry gave Draco a kiss. "We will just have to make do, won't we?" Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "But we have a lot of babies in the house already." Draco said and Harry just smiled lightly. "We will just have to make due." Harry said and after a sigh, Draco nodded.

Harry was holding Destiny on his hip as they looked into the window as Narcissa and Lucius was sitting around a small crib with their newborn daughter inside. "Looky, it's your baby sister." Harry said and she put her hand on the glass. "How come they won't let her inside?" Draco asked. "They are just worried. Children really aren't suppose to be even this close, but your mama is kind of pushy." Harry replied. "I think it would do her and the baby some good." Draco said. "I can try and ask, but until your baby-baby sister gets a little stronger...I'm sure the answer will be no." Harry replied and Draco let out a sigh. "I don't feel as if that is right." Draco mumbled. "Good thing it doesn't matter really what you two think, however...I can't let your parents take that baby out of here. Keep her under control, I mean that." Said a doctor, somewhat hatefully and in passing. "I'm so making a phonecall." Harry said, under his breath as he pushed opened the door. "My baby!" Narcissa smiled, getting Destiny dropped on her lap. "Who said what to the doctor?" Harry kind of laughed. "We both did. I know they don't understand." Narcissa said. "Agreed. She really does have to behave." Harry said and Narcissa nodded.

The doctor was very quiet when he walk in to check in the very tiny girl, as she was laid on Destiny for her Skin on skin. Destiny was long asleep, and so was the tiny little girl. They were at least being hold by Lucius. "Who's idea was to remove her breathing tube?" He asked more in disbelief for her levels. "Harry's, before he left." Narcissa said and Lucius Just let out a sigh. "We told you, don't question it ... just let us be and we will contact you if we need you." Lucius said and he let out a sigh. "Seeing how she can breath on her own, and she's already took a bottle. Take your girls, all of them, home. I'll stop by in a couple days. Bring. That. Baby. Back. If something, any little thing goes wrong." He said, before walking off.

"She is too little to even wear her clothes!" Draco said, being handed the still very tiny newborn girl who had used most of her magic to heal herself. "But other then being tiny, she's healthy and that doctor give me an ear full." Harry said, walking over looking down at the tiny girl who was going back to sleep. "He very much dislikes us." Narcissa said. "I some ways he knows about us." Harry said. "How? It isn't like we would have told him." Lucius said. "Just something he said on the phone, makes me believe he knows." Harry said.

"You don't want to tell them do you?" Harry asked. "Now, why in Earth would I want to tell them. Mum just had her second baby girl, Just ten months after her first. How am I suppose to bring up, theirs yet another baby coming?" Draco ask, somewhat upset. Harry just smiled lightly, pulling Draco down on the bed. Draco couldn't help but laugh, before he got a light kiss. "We can wait until we know more about this baby, okay? Like it it's another set of quads or not." Harry joked. "I would die, Harry. That's to many babies in just a year!" Draco whined. "Do you know the odds of us having quads again are?" Harry said. "What was the odd of Quads the first time?" Draco then pointed out. Harry just laughed, giving him a big kiss.

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