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Richard smiled, giving Harry another hug, but hurried off to find the babies. "Are you sure your okay?" Petunia asked. "My blood sugar is a little out of whack, so I have to start seeing a primary care physician, but otherwise I'm okay." Harry said. "You know I worry about you." She said. "I know, but I'm fine, really." Harry said, thankful he was back home.

January 15th came by quickly after the holiday. Harry still had the cast, but was back to working at the shop along side his parents and eight month old Ava. She was being super clingy to Harry. Harry didn't mind his little helper and his giggle box. She brought a lot of cheer to the shop and the customers loved little Ava and she was making a lot of new friends. Holly, the nurse form the hospital was their babysitter. She wanted to spent more time at home with her son, who was disabled. Watching the babies, mostly just the three, for cheaper then a normal daycare center, gave her the opportunity to stay at home with her son, while her partner worked. It wasn't what she was normally making, but Harry and Draco provided everything the babies needed, so she didn't have to spend any money on them. Once they get a little older, Harry will start sending money with them, in case she choices to take them somewhere.

Ava in the last weeks was trying so hard to walk. She didn't like to try and crawl, so James held her little hands as she walked between his legs. She was laughing. "Let her go, see if she can do it by herself." Lily said. "She's still a little young, isn't she?" James asked. "A bit, but she's a big girl! The others are already taking odd crawling, she wants to walk." Lily said. Ava was only able to take a couple tiny steps by herself before she fell on her bottom. She giggled and reach back up for grandpa. He lend down and picked the baby up. "You are such a big girl!" James said and she giggled and nuzzled to his neck.

"Mum can you pick up my insulin?" Harry asked. "Sure, I'll run down to the store. Do you need anything else?" She asked. "No, the doctor just called it in. Wants me to start going back to just the shots, to try and get off the pump." Harry said. "Alright." Lily said.
Ava watched Lily put back on her shoes and grabbed her bag. She always sat it in the same place to the left of the office door. That way she could find it when she needed it, or they left. Ava reached for Lily. Ava wanted to go with. "Let me get ava dressed for outside. She's wanting to go with you." James said.

Lily slowly walked down the road, holding Ava on her hip. The store was close by and she knew about how far it was. Ava was holding tightly to Lily's coat, as it was a cold January day. Ava liked the snow that was falling lightly and giggled when a couple of flakes landed on her face. It made Lily happy. Hearing the baby be all giggly. She was surprised though Ava wanted to go, she had been so Clingy to Harry these fast few weeks.
Lily walked into the store she wasn't really very familiar with. She frowned. Even if she knew where it was, she wasn't so sure we're the pharmacy part was in this store. She slowly walked around, until she heard somebody being cheeked out and made her way to the cash register. A man went to say something, until his woman stopped him. She seen the no colour in Lily's eyes. "Miss, Do you need help with something?" She asked. "I'm not familiar with the layout of this building. I need to get to the pharmacy, I have to pick up my son's insulin." Lily said. "Help her, I'll get everything in the car." Spoke her husband.

The woman took Lily to the back of the store, and stood with her on line. "How old is she?" She asked. "Ava and her siblings are eights months old." Lily said. "Eight months old is a little too young to need insulin." She said. "Oh, you misunderstood who she is. Ava is my granddaughter. My son is 19." Lily said. "I see. She seems like a very happy little girl." She said. "Ava is very happy go lucky baby girl. I'm actually surprised she wanted to go with me. She's been real Clingy to Harry since the hospital stay." Lily said. "Harry? The owner of that photo shop down the road?" She asked. "Yeah." Lily said, moving Ava to her other side and dug out her I.D. Even if she couldn't see it, she knew anybody who looked at it would know she was blind. She was mostly blind anyway. It was better that way for her relationship if she kept without her glasses, and there still wasn't any colour back in her eyes. Scars around them. "He took some wonderful pictures of our daughter on her birthday about a month ago." She said. "You are welcomed to email him. The email on the card. It might take a few days to get to yours, but he does respond to emails." Lily said. "Sure. I can send one his way. Are you going to be okay?" She asked. "If you need to go, you can go. I'll be fine. Thank you for your help." Lily said. "Your welcome. You two have a good day." She said, before she walked off, to join her husband outside.

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