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Ava wanted more ice cream in her little tummy. Harry smiled lightly at his little girl, feeding her another bite of ice cream. Ava giggled. "Have...your mum pick up the babies. I want you to lay with me...without having to get up, that...okay?" Harry asked and Draco nodded.

Ava wouldn't go with Narcissa, she screamed her little head off, until Harry rook her back into his arms. She did seem to understand fully what Harry wanted. She, once she was sure Narcissa was long gone. She yawned. Draco smiled lightly and rubbed her hair. "Such a good little girl. How... exactly are you wanting to lay, Harry?" Draco asked and Harry was quiet for a moment. "Hold me, Draco..." He whispered and Draco gave him a light kiss.
Draco laid on his back, with his arm holding Harry close to his side. Harry was nuzzled the best he could into Draco's chest. Little Ava laid asleep on Draco's stomach, holding tightly to a couple of Harry's fingers. Harry's leg was up on Draco's. Draco was wide awake at this point. How own mind racing. He came so close to loosing Harry, his family. He had four babies and three babies on the way. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to Harry...There wasn't any way he could take care of seven children by himself. Hell, it was a handful with four. Draco had not idea what's going to happen when babies five, six and seven join the family, of just their own.

He heard the light knock on the door. "You awake, Draco?" Narcissa asked. "Yeah...I can't sleep. Lily watching the babies?" Draco asked. "Yeah. She wanted me to come check on Harry. The doctor said everything for the out patient is set up. They are just waiting to see how his body is handling his... insulin." Narcissa said, as she slowly walked over. She eased the blanket up over them. Yes, it covered Ava, but she'd be okay. "What...do we do, mum? He...about killed himself because of something in his head..." Draco whispered. "I'm not sure, Draco. I'm not. We just have to go day by day...hopefully the muggle potions and the doctors can help him more." She said and Draco just let out a small cry. "I can't do it by myself, mama." Draco said, feeling the kiss on his forehead. "We are going to do everything we can, to be sure nothing happens to Harry. Please, son. Relax." Narcissa said softly, drying off his face. "I'm...scared, mama." He admitted. "I know, son. I know. Try and get some sleep, okay?" Narcissa said.

A couple days later, Harry was back on his shop. His parents by his side and Ava on his hip. "Your fully booked I've noticed." James whispered, and Ava looked at him all wide eyed. She wasn't fully used to him yet, and was trying to learn about him. "Yeah, the parents of the children love the picture. I'm going to take a picture of the two girls for Lucius and Narcissa. I forget though, so I don't really have a time...I suppose I can just stay later this evening." Harry said, easing Ava to sit on the desk. Lily found her head and gave it a pat. Ava giggled out, reaching for her. James just slowly picked her up and sat her down on Lily's lap. Ava grabbed Lily hand and started to suck on Lily's finger. "Harry she's teething." Lily said. "...okay?" Harry sounded confused. "Pick up a few teething rings and freeze them. It will help her gums and she won't always try and bite you fingers." Lily said. "Alright, alright. I don't mind though." Harry admitted, walking over to a small hand held camera. "Get with mum, dad. I...won't put it up here if you want ... But I want some of you and mum. At right now, Ava. I think she'll get upset if I move her. She really likes to be my little model." Harry smiled lightly. "I...suppose you can hang one...if it doesn't draw to much attention." James said, and Harry smiled.

The day was long for Harry at work, so come right after dinner, he was crawling into bed, well the floor. His back was hurting, but he was ready for bed. He heard the footsteps, but was already half asleep.
Draco eased down, planting a light kiss on Harry's lips before pulled a blanket up over hair. Harry yawned. "Can..you lay..down for a minute?" Harry asked very sleepily. "Yeah." Draco smiled, and eased down to lay down. Harry, didn't want Draco to go, and ended up back into of Draco. Draco just held Harry close, listening to Harry sleep. Even if his back was hurting because he wasn't on his back. He wanted Draco more, then to ease his back pain. Harry, back in a half sleep state. Wiggled his hand under Draco's shirt and grabbed his shoulder. Draco held Harry tighter. "I'm staying with you, Harry." Draco said softly, resting his other hand on Harry's head, holding him tighter. "I'm...sorry." Harry mumbled. "Shh. Just get some sleep, Harry. Somebody can watch the babies. Please, sleep." Draco said, giving him a light kiss on his forehead. "Don't...let...go." Harry mumbled, and Draco didn't. "I love you so much, harry." Draco said softly, holding onto Harry until Draco was able to fall asleep, a couple hours later.
Draco didn't sleep but a few hours. He never could sleep well on the floor, but took his hold in harry again. Who was sleeping almost peaceful. Harry wasn't dreaming, but the sleep wasn't the best. It was made better by Draco holding him, but Harry wasn't sure when he would be able to have a truly peaceful sleep. Draco just spent the reminder of Harry sleep, holding him close. He could tell Harry's sleep turned evil, and just held him tighter. Whispering in Harry's ear, hoping Harry could hear him.

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