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The day ended too soon and Draco took Harry to the hospital, but truthfully, Harry was exhausted and was somewhat glad to be getting back into bed to rest. He was asleep before Draco loaded the last baby, Ava, into the stroller. She just looked at Draco very upset. She didn't want to leave Harry. "I know baby." Draco said softly to his baby girl and ruffled her blonde hair. She made a fuss noise. She wanted Harry and reach out for the bed. "Daddy needs his rest big girl. I know you don't understand." Draco said softly, getting back to his feet.

Ava was fussing going down the hallway, luckily she didn't wake the other three babies but she did catch the attention of a nurse when lend down to the stroller. "Awe, what's the matter?" She said softly. "She doesn't want to leave daddy...Is there really no way she can't stay? She sleep through the night and I'm sure I can get her to sleep before I leave." Draco said and she let out a sigh. "Harry is doing a lot better. Let...me see her? Let's see if the doctor can really say no to a fussy girl who just wants her daddy." The nurse said.

"Mr. Johnson!" Said the nurse with Ava on her hip. Ava was still a fussy baby, but held onto the nurse shirt. "Holly, what is the meaning of this?" He asked. "Mr. Potter has four little adorable babies." Holly, the young nurse said. "I already told his husband, they can't stay." He said, but Holly put the baby on the desk. "Just the one? She's just going to be fussy and seems to really be upset. Draco is sure he can get her to sleep and she sleeps through the night." Holly said and he let out a sigh looking down at the infant girl. Ava rubbed an eye before she really started to cry. "I can't approve it, but I suppose if she's happen to be left here, because she went to sleep for the night, that would be acceptable." He said and Holly smiled.

Harry yawned waking up a little before breakfast at the hospital, seven. Ava was being played with by Holly, who wasn't clocked in yet. Ava was a giggly little girl, sitting close to her daddy as the Nurse was waving a rattle around. "Hello, Holly. Hi, Ava!" Harry said. Ava turned her head and laughed and reached for her daddy. Harry put her on his lap and Holly smiled lightly, putting the diaper by by Harry. "Draco and the babies will be back about lunch time. I have questions, once you recover, you too should meet me for tea." She said, giving Ava a tickle. Ava laughed. "You know don't you?" Harry asked. "A little, but here isn't the place. Ava is such a sweet girl!" Holly said. "How?" Harry asked. "I have my ways, I do have to get ready though, breakfast shouldn't be to much longer. Does she like milk?" Holly asked. "Apple juice." Harry said.

Draco yawned coming into the hospital room. The babies inside him where kicking his insides out all last night and then the babies wanted Draco this morning. Without Harry being around they were more fussy for their daddy. "You could of slept more, Love." Harry said softly. "I'm okay. The babies are excited to see you!" Draco said, working the babies one by one onto the hospital bed. Harry got a big snuggle by his four babies, before the doctor walked into the hospital room. "I still don't like how your blood sugar is out of control, but everything else? Is stabilized. You'll have to follow up, regularly, with a primary care physician, until it's more stable." He said, but handed Harry some paperwork. "I can go home?" Harry asked. "Yes. Obviously come back if it keeps to high or to low, but otherwise see your primary care physician. I'll have you sent home with some crutches and and refill your pump." He said. "Thank you."

Harry for a huge, but light hug, form both his parents. "Not that I haven't enjoyed working at the shop, but I was so worried." Lily said. "I'm sorry. My blood sugar isn't well still, but I'm okay." Harry said, getting eased in the couch. "And the doctor called the manor." James said. "I'm assuming so. He doesn't want me to go back to work right away, but I can keep off my leg for the most part. Draco can help and Holly wants to babysit." Harry said. "Who's Holly?" Lily asked. "She's one of the nurses. Draco and I are going to meet her for tea, but I think I found a babysitter for the babies. Don't worry, you guys and Narcissa will still get your time. I think a babysitter, non family, would be good for them once in a way. I mean, she has a full time nursing job." Harry said. "She is aware of... Everything?" Lily askrd. "She knows... something. We are meeting her for tea to see what that, something, is." Harry said. "Very well." Harry said.

"Harry!" Richard said, coming through the fire place and gave him a big hug. His aunt walked beside him and gripped his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes, I'm okay." Harry said. "Guess what?" Richard said, easing beside him on the couch. "What?" Harry smiled lightly. "Mama and Dudley are having a baby." He said. "She's tweleve weeks long." Petunia said. "Is that why you are here?" Harry asked. "Vurden hasn't been around since Narcissa had her choice words with him. We was worried." She said softly. "And this." Richard said, handing Harry an envelope. "What's this?" Harry asked. "The babies, you, Draco, grandma Narcissa, grandma Lily, grandpa-" Richard said. "You all are invited to his sixth birthday party." Petunia said and Harry smiled. "Of course we will be there, buddy!" Harry said.

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