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It was five that afternoon and Harry, Draco and Jesse stood at the door. "You're welcomed to spend the night as well, Jesse." Narcissa said. "We actually have a couple things we have to talk about, but he'll spend the night soon." Harry said. "Promise mama." Draco said, giving her a light kiss on the cheek. "Alright, be careful." Narcissa said, and the pair traded car keys.

They left the manor in Narcissa car, after the removal of the two car seats for her girls. Jesse sitting in the back, watching the road as they drove into town. "Draco tells me, you are wanting to walk to school." Harry said. "Well...You told me the time I'd be dropped off, nearly 45 minutes before class even starts. I would rather walk, yes. The option to walk form your shop isn't possible." Jesse said. "It would leave you alone, even if it is just a short time." Harry said, turning them into McDonald's. "I've been left alone, before. It's not against the law. Just not overnight, until I'm sixteen." Jesse said. "I know you can be left alone, by law, I just, don't know how I feel able that." Harry said, and the three of them got out of the car.

They got settled down with their dinner at a table in the corner of the fast food restaurant. Well, Draco and Jesse. Harry had a cup of water. "I'd just need a key, to lock the door." Jesse said. "I just worry about something happening on the way to school or you not going." Harry said. "Homeroom would call you, if I wasn't there. By fifteen till, you'd know." Jesse said. "Harry, I don't see the harm. We can just get him a phone." Draco said and after a pause, Harry nodded. "Alright. I suppose that will be fine." Harry said.

--Tuesday, September 10th, 2002--

It was a school day, so Harry wasn't expecting Luke, to opened the door to his main photo shop. Harry looked over at the teenager, who stood in a suit and inside step a late-middle aged man. "Hello, are you here for an appointment?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "Holly should of called one in." He said and after a pause, Harry walked over to his notebook and flipped through a few pages. "That's right! Today's is your birthday isn't it?" Harry smiled. "I don't recall ever getting to officially meet you. I know you and Narcissa half shared the caretaking of Luke over the years but I haven't been able to stop by." Harry said. "It's not trouble! Holly tells me you have your hands pretty full. I told Luke he could take today off school, but he would only take the picture if you done it." He said and Harry smiled. "Of course! There's a Television over there, you can turn on, I'll bring Luke to you once we finish." Harry said and he smiled. "Thank you, very much."

--Tuesday, November 10th, 2002.

A very fast two months have went by in the Malfoy/Potter house. Ava was still having some trouble out of lther students, but otherwise she, along side the other three, loved preschool. Ava was a very bright good and the teacher wanted to talk to them about her possible being able to advance in school. Ava? Didn't want to leave her siblings.
The triplets? Overall, liked daycare, but missed their family. So, bi-weekend they went to one grandparents, and the other weekend the other grandparents. It made them all happier.
Jesse? Overall was forgetting about his old life and welcomed his new younger siblings. He was in year 9 at his secondary school and was slowly starting to make friends, friends that where starting to come over often and it did make Harry and Draco happier. Jesse was happier and the boy didn't seem so broken.
Draco? Was actually getting sick often these last two weeks, but didn't really say to much. He also didn't think much about it. He was just feeling run down and his stomach was often upset, so he cut the fastfood (for himself) and was changing around what he personally ate. It seemed to be helpful, at times. He was Certain enought time, it would go away.
Harry? Was looking into opening another shop, on a different city, but it was hard managering the one, he didn't personally work at, but both stores were maxed out, nearly every day and the wait could be two months. Harry wanted to please as many people as he could, so he could ignore his own health. Like, eating. Over the course of the two months, his eating habits went up and down. That caused his body to stop producing its own insulin, again. It caused Harry to have to go back on his pump and Draco was getting worried Harry's depression was starting to win again. Harry swore it wasn't that kind of depression, but eating was once more, becoming difficult.

The morning was cold, so the kids all hurried to the van, that was now well heated, holding their jackets so they could safely be in their car sits. "Jesse, it's below freezing outside this morning. Let me take you to school. You have friends now." Harry sat after shutting the van door. Jesse shook his head. "Pa took me to by plenty of winter clothes, a heavy coat, ear muffs, gloves and those wool socks. I'll be fine, dad." Jesse said. "Alright, alright. Just be careful, son." Harry said, before he climbed in the van and Jesse watched the van disappeared, before he went back in the house, to finish getting ready for school.

Like always, Jesse locked the front door behind him, and put his backpack on before he started the walk to school. He smiled lightly. He really did love his new life and hoped nothing was going to chance that. "Jesse!" Grind a girl, running over to him. "Hello, Jessica!" Jesse said, getting a shy, quick peck of a kiss on his frozen cheek.

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