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Harry yawned waking up the next morning, putting Ava on his hip. He had to get his mom ready to go to the doctor, that she wasn't happy about. James was somewhat fussy about Harry making him tag along. He really dislike going out in public, but Harry wasn't having any part of it. James was handed Ava, who giggled out and gave his chest a nuzzled. He smiled lightly, locking an arm around his granddaughter who was being a very friendly letting girl. "Where's your glasses mum?" Harry yawned, grabbing a candy bar out of one of the dressers in the nursery. "Downstairs, but-" She started. "Yeah, Yeah. Draco told me. I'll deal with that later. They at least need to be put up." Harry said, fighting off another yawn. He didn't sleep well last night, and he had no idea why.
Ashton reached up out of the crib and whined. "Now, no fussy." Harry said, lending down to put the baby on his hip. "Come on, let's go." Harry said, grabbing the diaper bag. "Harry." Lily whined. "Mama, stop. Let's go." Harry said and after a sigh, she followed James out the nursery. They left with Ava and Aston to the hospital for a check up for Lily and her baby.

Draco eased the other two babies down on his mum's lap who had just sat down on the couch. "Why, hello babies!" She smiled and they fussed out. "I have to make their babies. Harry left with his parents, Ava and Ashton." Draco whined. "Draco, go to bed. I'll watch the babies." Narcissa said and he shook his head. "I want Harry if I'm going to lay down in the middle of the day!" He whined. "Draco, go lay down!" His father said and Draco let out a whine. "Dad!" He fussed. "Narcissa, leave me the babies and get Draco to bed." Lucius said and after a chuckle, Lucius was handed the two babies. "Come on, Draco." Narcissa said.
"I'm not that whinny!" Draco whined, getting eased to sit on the bed. "Yes, you are son. Come in, lay down." Narcissa said easing to climb into the bed with her son. Draco let out a huff, but lay down in the bed.

Lucius, when Narcissa didn't return, pushed open the door about half an hour later. Draco laid on his side asleep and Narcissa had fallen asleep on her back. Exhausted form taking care of her two little girls. He just eased the blanket over her and turned off the light, hoping she would sleep well and Draco would wake up, not whinny.

"Where's Draco or Narcissa?" Harry said easing his two babies down to the play mat by the other two. "Asleep. Draco was fussy and she feel asleep getting him to lay down. I didn't see the point to wake her." Lucius said and Harry shook off a yawn. "Alright, lunch?" Harry said. "Yeah. I'll wake them up soon. They've been asleep most of the morning." Lucius said. "That's your call." Harry said, walking into the kitchen, his parents not far behind him. "I don't really understand want that doctor said." James said. "Nothing that matters right now, dad." Harry said, opening the fridge. "Go lay down if you two don't want to join for lunch, I gotta eat something...." Harry somewhat mumbled. He wasn't looking forward to eating lunch, just his head being stupid, again. "Harry what's the matter?" Lily asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing that matters. Lucius! What you want to eat?" Harry half screamed. "Whatever you make, Harry. Something tells me you need to eat, do I need to wake Narcissa up now?" Lucius said, but Harry just shrugged his shoulders. "Take your babies and go to the nursery. I'll have Narcissa make lunch." Lucius said.

Harry felt the kiss on his head a little later. "Dad tells me something might be bothering you?" Draco said softly. "Just...a bad head space is all. I'm not sure what brought it on." Harry admitted, easing to his feet. Draco gave him a light kiss. "Come, let's go for a walk? Mum isn't going to start lunch for a bit." Draco said and Harry gave a light nod.
Draco grabbed Harry's camera, before they got ready to talk their walk.
The snow was on the ground and the wind was freezing, but Harry enjoyed it. It was freeing for him, and Draco kept a tight hold of his hand, who brought his hand up to his lips and gave it a kiss. "I love you, Harry." Draco said. "I love you too. Something...that's been on my mind is my old friends." Harry whispered. "I...supposed you haven't had contact with them in over a year, have you?'" Draco frowned. "No, I haven't. Then this came." Harry said, pulling out the weeding invitation. "They are getting married?" Draco asked. "Yeah...but I don't think I should show up...I want to see how they are doing...but I can't hide my life form them...and I doubt they would accept it. So, what's the point?" Harry whispered, feeling the kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you contact them?" Draco said and Harry shook his head. "I don't think it's worth it..." Harry whispered, before the reached the lake.

"What are you writing?" Narcissa asked Draco a little after lunch. "A...letter. I'm going to send it to Granger...Harry doesn't want to contact her, but maybe they are worried. At least this way, they'll know why Harry hasn't been around." Draco pointed out. "What brought that up?" Narcissa asked. "They sent Harry an wedding invitation...and it's bothering him slightly. If there's a chance, I want to be sure he has them, if it is at all possible." Draco said, feeling the kiss on the top of his head. "Let me know if they reply. Harry could use his friends as well. I'm surprised they haven't visited his photo shop." She pointed out.

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