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Harry kept the special needs teenagers, the first son of Holly. A woman who had her son at a young age. Harry was in the middle of a photo shoot, when the attention caught the eye of the boy who walked over and pointed to the camera. "Let me finish what I'm doing and I'll let you take a couple, how does that sound?" Harry asked and after the boy thought, he nodded. Harry smiled and continue to take the remaining pictures before pulling Luke over. Luke smiled lightly and the young girl was glad to take more pictures, even if these wasn't meant for her parents. Harry explain to the young girl it was a rough day and he needed to keep busy.
"Mommy!" Said the girl when her Parents return to pick there daughter up. She held one of the photographs done by Luke. "I thought they wasn't going to be ready until this weekend?" She asked and that's were Harry walk over. "That was done by one of my first cameras and I hope Luke how to develop it. Luke is the son of a family close friend and he had a rough day. She said it was okay and I won't keep any, unless I have permission. He just needed some busy work and she seemed to enjoy it very much." Harry said and her mom picked up the picture and she smiled lightly. "Where is the boy at?" She asked and Harry pointed to Luke, who was sitting down drawing in a note book. He was feeling better, and Holly called to let him know grandpa would be okay. That helped made the boy feel better. The woman walked over to Luke, with Harry following her. "I seen you took some pictures." She said softly and Luke looked up and nodded lightly. "his mute. He understands people well, but can't speak." Harry said and she nodded. "I wanted to thank you, for taking this picture. My daughter really liked it." She smiled softly. Luke picked up his other notebook and wrote her a note. I had fun. Harry...said I could start helping a little. The woman smiled. "I'm sure I can bring my daughter back next weekend. Would you like that?" She asked and he smiled and nodded. "Would you mind?" She asked Harry. "of course not. I'd be happy to and she really had fun. Just don't post the pictures, that's all I ask." She said. "You have my word, thank you!" Harry smiled.

A very fast month went by. It was April 22nd, early morning. Draco was a very large 36 weeks pregnant with their triplets, but hadn't really been able to keep off his feet. The quads were taking off clrawing and little ava was walking now. So the four of them were always into something, along with Destiny and Faith. Faith was seven months old and she was trying her best to move and keep up with her cousins.
Somebody who had always been there? Was Luke. A special needs teenagers. It was easier for Luke to spend a evening with his grandparents and the weekends with his mom, but the remaining of the timehe kept Narcissa. Holly was still babysitting the quads, but there was something going on between the relationship between her oldest boy and herself. They didn't want to push it, and they wouldn't, but it was something they did want to know about, just now wasn't the time for it.

Richard was also over this morning, but was still asleep on the couch when Draco made the walk down the stairs. The babies were still asleep, so the craziness hasn't started yet, and Holly would pick them up at the normal time, eight. Harry would pick them up at six, or when he got off work. This happened during the week. The babies loved Holly and she as very excited to meet the triplets like everybody else. Even little Leo was waiting on the babies to be born.
Draco yawned and turned on the coffee pot. Harry and his father both like the coffee, even his mother was drinking a bit. She was a mama to two young girls and a foster mom of a special needs teenager boy. Her other baby was grown, and was about to have his Next three grandchildren. She couldn't feel that old when she had such young children, but it was clear she was older then most woman in the mommy and me class she took the girls two. She felt as if she could be being judged, but the girls really loved their new friends so she couldn't stop going. She just ignored the hateful looks. She and the girls were happy and that's all that matters. Draco would look into come classes, once he triplets were born. However, taking his children to those classes didn't seem like a good idea, because questions would be asked about them. Ones he couldn't very well explain. There had to be other ways the children could meet others without those muggles classroom.
Draco just made himself something simple and ease down at the table after getting his food and juice. The movement he made must have worked Richard up, because the sleep boy yawn walking into the kitchen. "Draco?" He asked. "Good morning, big boy." Draco said and he walked over. "Hi, Draco. Did you just make breakfast for you and the babies?" Richard asked. "I did, but I'm happy to make you something to eat, unless You want me to tuck you back into bed? It's still pretty early." Draco said. Richard thought about it for a minute, but shook his head. "I'm up for the day." Richard said and Draco smiled. "I'll make you breakfast. What would you like?" Draco asked. "Just a waffle, and some milk.' Richard said and Draco slowly got back to his feet. The three babies inside him, moving around a lot more the early. Draco just smiled to himself.

SurprisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora