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"Do you have a hospital bag, then?" Hermione askedl and he pointed to the bathroom door, a larger backpack with his name on it hung beside a smaller one, Narcissa's. Hermione grabbed it, and dug threw the bag for some time, before she pulled out a small object. She turned it on and put it on his finger. "This is?" He asked. "It's going to tell me your heart rate and be sure your breathing is okay." She said, grabbing a small notebook and pen and wrote a couple numbers down. "This is normal, and you see the numbers? Yours is still a little high, so you are going to have to keep resting a little longer so you don't have another flare up." Hermione said, handing him the notebook and pen. "Then...I'll need the baby brought closer." He said and she nodded.

Hermione soon found Ron, who made his way back to nursery when he couldn't find Narcissa. All four babies were awake and sitting in the floor by Richard who was waving a toy and getting a lot of giggles. "Lucius said there's a lake near by that Harry takes pictures at. He says they are likely there." Hermione said. "Can we leave the babies? I mean, He seemed I'll and his just a kid." Ron said. "Grandma Lily and grandpa James are here." Richard said. "Can you go get one of them? I actually have a couple questions for them." Hermione said and Richard nodded, taking Ava, who whined out. She wanted to go with him. So he picked up the baby, that might be smaller then the others, but still oversized for the five year old. who hurried out the room. Ashton fused out. Wondering were his attention was. "Now, now." Hermione said and eased down to her knee. He reached for her and she took the boy into her arms who giggled and grabbed at her face.  "Aw, did you just feel left out?" She laughed. "I take it your enjoying the babies?" Ron asked, planting a light kiss on her cheek. "Yes, I am." She said, and a couple minutes later, a knock was gave to the door.
Lily had the oversized glasses on her face and was dressed like she just came form outside. The the snow starting the melt. "Richy said you wanted to talk?" She asked and after a pause. "I did...were are friends of Harry's, I'm sure-" Hermione started. "I don't have the answers, much of my memories are gone and it took Patty's daughter in law to find me, because they didn't know of her. As for James? He wasn't know here, had no paperwork, so he was treated for years in a rehabilitation hospital until he got strong enough to wonder...finally founds Harry's Photoshop." She said, pointed to a small picture frame. One Hermione didn't see before, but she wasn't really studying the room, just the babies. Brooklyn made a noise and reached for Lily, who slowly walked into the room and lend down, picking the baby up off the floor. Ron went to grab the picture, handing it to Hermione. It was of Lily and James, Hermione smiled. "Did Harry take this?" She asked. "Any picture done within the last couple of years, my understanding is they are all done by him. He owns a photo shop." Lily said as Hermione for to her feet. "Did you just came form outside?" She smiled. "I did, Nass went looking for the boys, she doesn't like to wonder to far by herself." Lily said. "We are wanting to talk to Harry, are they still by the lake then?" Hermione said. "No, they should be downstairs? Check the fire place. Draco has it going." Lily said, taking Ashton who just looked at Brooklyn and whined out. "You will be okay sharing with your sister." Lily said, as Ron and Hermione walked out the nursery.

"You didn't tell me you sent a letter, why?" Harry said, but handing Draco a cup of tea. Draco was sitting close to the fireplace, nuzzling in a blanket. "Because...I wanted to see what they had to say. I wasn't expecting them to just show up either." Draco said, a little softly. "What's that beeping noise!" Narcissa fussed, hanging up her jacket. "Your battery is dying, Nass. Where's your backpack?" Harry asked, turning to face the door. "My bedroom, do I need it?" She asked. "Yes, I'm going to show you, again, how to change your battery." Harry said. "It's not like I mean to forget." She said, looking between her feet. "I know, Nass. Go get your battery. I'll make you a note." Harry said and she nodded.

Harry got a hug from behind. "Hello to you to." Harry said, before Hermione let him go and he turned around. "You really could have wrote Harry, little red is so adorable!" Hermione said. "Ash is very friendly so is Ava, but I got real busy Mione...things wasn't...aren't so simple going on in my head." Harry said kind of softly and their conversation got real quiet, to where Draco couldn't hear. He just sat drinking his Tea until he got a small tap. He turned and Ron held the fussy boy, Braxton in his arms. "Now Braxton, what's the matter?" Draco said, easing slowly to his feet and going the baby. After a second. "The little boy gave them all a bottle, I'm not exactly the best with babies." He said, but Draco just laid the sleepy boy down in his arm, grabbing one of the baby blankets that kept on the couch to tucked the blanket around the baby who yawned. "He is just sleepy. I think Richard got here early and he wakes them up." Draco said, before walking over to have a sit on the couch, and Ron, who could clearly see he was explaining, aided him to sit down on the couch. "Thanks. There should be a pacifier in that draw right there." Draco said.

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