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"I'm sorry...I couldn't save them." Harry whispered, handing her the chocolate, before easing back down at the table. "Harry. It wasn't your fault what happened to either one of them." Lily found his face and rested her hand on his cheek. He slowly let his head drop against her touch for a moment, before removing her hand, giving it a light kiss. "Still...It would have been better...if you had more then a broken kid to come back to." Harry's voice was very upset, and she just shook her head. "I'm thankful I still have you Harry, and in a lot of ways, I have my sister back. Of course I would love your father or one of them around as well...but it wasn't meant to be that way...just like...for whatever reason, I wasn't meant to come back sooner then I do." Harry, after a moment agreed. "Doesn't...make it any easier mum...Thanks are...hard." Lily eased her hand back to his cheek, after drying to tear away that feel. He felt cold and a little sweaty. "I know, baby. Please, you need your medicine as well." Harry after a moment. "I...know it's...childish...but...would you come lay with me? Just...a few minutes is fine."

Draco woke up that very next morning and yawned, and slowly got to his feet. He was used to Harry not being in the bed. His back hurt often, so he favored the floor. Harry had agreed to a blanket and sometimes a pillow so Draco made him a bed in the floor a while ago. Draco walked around the bed and stoped. Lily laid on her side beside Harry on his back. She still ran a hand slowly through his missy black hair, holding his hand. "Good morning, Draco." Her voice kept quiet, afaird to wake her boy. "Good morning. I guess you heard me." She smiled up at him. "You all walk so differently. It's rather easy to tell. I did wake you when I entered the room again? Forgive me, I couldn't quiet hold it much longer." Draco shook his head. "It's about this time I wake up, if I haven't already had a little alarm clock. Mum must have them this morning. Have...you been doing that all night?" Draco eased to sit on the bed. "Most..I slept a couple hours...but... it's not like he's going to want me this close again like a little boy." She sounded almost heartbroken. "I think he would, if you asked. Things haven't been easy...and I know he is thankful your Alive Lily. He's just...afaird to talk sometimes I feel like. Afaird to seem to weak or whatever it is going on in his head that makes him think the way he does." She give his head a light kiss, before she got slowly to her feet. "Everybody knows what has caused a lot of his problems. I also know you guys don't understand why I-" Lily felt the hand lightly touched her lips, to stop her form talking. "If my aunt was alive, My mother would do the very same thing. We understand. Harry does too. He never once blamed her, Harry wouldn't tell her, not until it was way to late to have anything done about it or to where it didn't matter anymore." Lily let out a sigh, and removed pushed his hand back down to his side. "I won't ask Harry to be my little boy. He is grown, but when I had the opportunity, yes...I took it. I will again if it comes too be again. So forgive me if I wake you in the future because of it. I do think, now, I should rest for a few hours." Draco nodded, and eased her over to the bed. "Rest here. I think he would feel better, knowing you never left...I think, if you can find it comfortable enough, right beside him would be better."

When Harry woke up a couple hours later? He was half under Lily. When she was half sleep, unaware of most of her movements. To her, she just rolled onto her side. What she done was, Laid her leg on Harry's leg and was using his chest as her pillow. Nuzzled to him. She was safe, loved and comfortable. Harry? Couldn't bring himself to wake her, secretly enjoyed having her so close to him. He reached for the blanket slowly, and pulled it around her, to keep her warmer as he laid under her. Little her sleep the morning away.
She yawned rubbed her nose. She then realized she was on-top of Harry, and quickly sat up. Harry seen her face get bright red, but she felt the kiss on her cheek. "I love you, mama. Never be afaird to ask me to spend some time with you." She relaxed as she sat on the floor by Harry who was slowly sitting up. "Draco said something." Harry nodded. "He did, yes." She was quiet for a moment. "I...know you have your own life to live...but you are all I have left of your father...of a life I once had, happy with them. The need isn't always so strong...but it was this morning, forgive me." Harry just smiled, and give her cheek another light kiss. "Never apologize for wanting me close mama, I won't loose you again, either." Harry got to his feet, and grabbed her hands to pull her to hers. "Is that lunch I smell?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "You can really smell it, form way up here?" She smiled. "The rest of my senses have tripled since I stoped using that spell." Harry frown. "Why did you stop using it? When?" She put a hand on his cheek. "Don't you worry, Harry. I'm fine. I put it on before I leave...until I am sure the layout of your shop!" She sounded almost giddy.

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