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Hermione eased down beside him and Ron on the other side. "Harry, we might not understand your choice...but I absolutely love the babies." Hermione smiled lightly and Ron did to. "She was very happy and they are all very friendly." Ron said. "They are good babies. Ava has dwarfism." Harry said and Ron looked very confused. "That's why she's so much smaller then the other three, Ron. It's a condition. She'll be okay. Just a small girl." Hermione smiled lightly. "The... pregnancy?" She asked. "We really didn't think it happened so quickly, or multiples. Triplets this time. Lucius said either we find some form of protection or Draco's getting a chastity belt. He must of read that in one of Narcissa's books." Harry kind of laughed, easing his knees down. "But I understood his voice. Seven babies in a year, on top of their daughters and mum's having a baby too. So that's ten." Harry said. "That's...a houseful. How are you guys holding up then?" She asked. "My aunt is over a lot, and Richard is a big help. Somebody is always up. My parents are awake at night, because my dad doesn't like the sun, I think because less people are awake." Harry said. "Is there nothing that will help your father?" She asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. He was in a rehabilitation center for years, that's really all I know." Harry said, looking at the family of ducks. He smiled and eased his hand in the water for one of the babies to climb on his hand. Hermione and Ron looked at one another and Ron nodded. "They are all welcomed Harry. We really want to start spending time with you again and I want to get to know the babies." Hermione said. "I'd like that." Harry smiled.

A week past by, December 11th, about nine in the morning when Hermione and Ron came through the fire place. "Hello!" Richard waved form the kitchen, feeding one of the babies apple sauce. "Good morning, Richard! Is Harry awake?" She asked walking over to see all four babies sitting in the high chairs. "No, just me. I was careful." He said and she raised an eyebrow. "Nobody is awake?" She asked. "Grandma Nassy, but she's not...herself, so I brought the babies downstairs. They had bottles, but are still hungry babies. I even know how to change the babies." He said. "Ron, give him a hand?" Hermione said. "I can handle waking somebody up, you enjoy the babies more then I." Ron said and she paused for a moment. "Wake Harry up, thank you."

Ron found the bedroom the two shared, the door was opened slightly so he pushed it opened. Harry laid asleep on his back, on the floor. Draco laid asleep on his side on the bed, with the pregnancy pillow. A pillow Ron hadn't seen before, but at least Draco was sleeping comfortable.
Ron lend down, shaking Harry's shoulder who yawned but opened his eyes. "Is it nine, already?" Harry yawned, again, sitting up. "Yeah. Richard is downstairs with the babies. Says Narcissa isn't herself." Ron said. "I'll check on her, and meet you downstairs. I've got to get fully dressed at least." Harry said and Ron nodded.

Harry knocked on the bedroom door of Lucius and Narcissa's bedroom door. Narcissa throw it open. "Hi!" She waved. "Hey, Nass. Is Lucius awake?" Harry said. "I'm awake." Lucius said and Harry walked into the bedroom. "Nass, how old are you?" Harry asked. "Seventeen, I though we was suppose to go to the winter ball?" She asked. "I'm looking for a dress, can you and Draco keep an eye on the girls?" Lucius asked. "We was suppose to go out with Hermione and Ron." Harry said. "Would...it be a problem if you took them with you guys?" He asked. "No, of course not. I was just letting you know the plan wasn't to keep here." Harry said. "That's fine. I'm sure I can find a place to take her to dance." Lucius said and Harry smiled lightly. "Enjoy your time out, I'm taking the girls with me now then." Harry said. "Thank you." Lucius said.

Destiny hide her face in Harry's neck. She was a shy girl and didn't really know Hermione or Ron. "A slight change of plans." Harry said. "Two more?" She smiled. "Narcissa seventeen at the moment, and Lucius is taking her out." Harry said, handing over little Faith to Hermione who looked at her all wide eyed but relaxed in her arms. "How old are they?" Hermione asked. Destiny is 13 months old and Faith is two months. Faith was born pretty early, but she's a healthy girl. Destiny here is a very good big sister and loves to snuggle with her. Isn't that right?" Harry said to Destiny who pulled her head off Harry's shoulder. She looked at Harry wide eyed and pointed to her sister. Hermione eased a little closer. Destiny grabbed Faith's little hand who smiled and destiny giggled. "They are very sweet girls. How do we take them with us though?" She asked. "I have a stroller for the quads and I'll find the one for them. It should be still in the box. So you'll have to give me a few minutes to assemble it." Harry said and Hermione nodded.

Destiny fussed but finally went to Hermione who smiled at holding the two girls. Ron smiled lightly, walking over. "I guess the Rugrats are starting to get to me to." Ron said before she eased Faith over to him. He smiled and took the baby. "Hurry." Said Narcissa, running down the stairs. Lucius just summoned her a dressed, a very beautiful white ball gown dress, her hair all done up, showing the hearing aid well in her one. One Lucius had to convince her seventeen year old, magical mind, to leave it in her head. "Nass, I don't move as fast as you do. I know you don't understand." Lucius said, following his age played wife, down the stairs.

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