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Little Faith, being the youngest of the babies did fall asleep, and Destiny was half asleep on Lucius shoulder, using his jack, the one he had on for the dance, as a blanket, sucking on her thumb.

"She asleep?" Hermione asked. "Almost...But my arm is still achy, I'm not sure...if it should be or not." He said. "I'll get the nurse." Hermione said, getting to her feet. She moved little Ava to her hip, who was awake, but sucking on a pacifier and holding tightly to her jacket.
Hermione walked down the hallway, and over to the nurses station. "Can I help you with something?" Said a male nurse. "Lucius is still having trouble out of his arm." Hermione said. "Is the tot still on his arm?" Ask another nurse, female this time. "No. It shouldn't keep hurting, I'm sure I can Talk him into a more detail exam now." Hermione said. "I'll send a nurse in there." She replied.

Little Destiny whined and reached out for Lucius when he sat her down on Hermione's lap. It woke the toddler, who wasn't happy Lucius put her down. "I'll be back. Destiny." Lucius said, tucking his jacket around her smaller body. She fussed, but Hermione eased her back against her stomach. "I can handle a fussy toddler." Hermione said.

Lucius came back a couple hours later, a sling holding his arm still and the nurse handed Hermione something. Hermione opened the folder and looked down. "When?" She asked. "Normally, as soon as possible, but it's been a long night, and he wants to be sure his wife will be okay. So, somebody will have to stay with the four other babies, but you can take Lucius and the girls to her room. She'll wake up shortly." The nurse said. "Is there not another way?" Hermione asked. "Unless there's something you can do, then no. I'm sorry." She said. "It won't work." Lucius said kind of quietly. "Well, it's a day surgery, you won't even have to stay overnight as a patient." Hermione said. "But that are talking about some thing on my arm for two or three months! How can glass do that?" He fussed. "Because it damaged the muscles it looks like. They have to repair it, you'll need something call physical therapy afterwards, but we can discuss that later." Hermione said. "Ron,can you help keep an eye on the babies?" Hermione asked. "Of course." Ron said.

Lucius frowned seeing the things on her leg. "Wasn't there another way? What the hell is in her leg?" Lucius asked, but sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed. "Rods and screws. It's to stabilize her leg, Lucius. Her leg was badly broken, without it, and without either one of you two responding to other things, it was the only option to keep her from loosing her leg." Hermione said. "for how long?" Lucius asked. "About the same, but her physical therapy will take longer, I feel like, because her leg handles her weight and things like that, but ... Ron and I can stay around, if...your okay with that." Hermione said. "I'm... surprised you'd want to." Lucius said. "People change, Lucius. The best won't be forgotten, but can be forgiven. Neither one of our parents are keen on the idea of a weeding so early." Hermione pointed out. "I'd say they feel your too young..But they were ro young to have children, but it happened. Just like how I know the people here think She was told old to have the girls." Lucius said, as little Destiny fussed out. She ready for her mommy and Lucius eased her onto the bed. Hermione wanted to say something, but choice not to as the toddler fussed out and wiggled under the blanket. "Be careful, little missy." Hermione said softly to the toddler.

A few minutes later, the groans started to be heard and Narcissa slowly opened her eyes. "Hey." Lucius said, taking the hand of hers that was looking for his. "I'll get the nurse." Hermione said, before she left the room. Narcissa kept quiet, but held onto his head tightly, until she felt who was nuzzled to her side. She smiled lightly, putting her other hand on her toddlers back. Destiny yawned and pulled the blanket off his head. Her eyes widen and she wiggled close to her mommy's neck, who locked her arm around her toddler. "...what happened?" She finally asked. "Something called black ice...Harry is still in surgery, they asked permission to give Draco a sedative. Hermione explain it was to put him to sleep, he was getting worked up....I agreed..." Lucius said. "What's...wrong...with Harry?" Narcissa asked. "I don't know yet...But they are going to have to fix my arm, but I want you awake and Harry out of surgery. They have to talk to you about your leg." Lucius said. "Wait...what's wrong with my leg?" She asked and Lucius eased her bed to sit up, Hermione shown him how to early. "That's...just a cast." She said. "It's what under your cast and in her leg." Lucius said, before the doctor walked in, followed by Hermione. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "My leg is hurting, but I'm assuming your about to tell me why that is." Narcissa said, and the doctor walked over. Narcissa watched him inject something into her IV, before grabbing the stoll and sitting on it beside Lucius. "Your leg was broke in several places, Narcissa. We had to put screws and a rod in your leg, to stabilize the bone." He said. "For how long exactly?" She asked. "Eight to twleve weeks, but I'm sure you'll recover, but it does require an additional surgery and you'll need physical therapy afterwards." He said, and she just sigh. "I'll learn about that later, what's going on with Harry?" Narcissa asked. "Harry is still in surgery, once we learn more-" He started. "It's been hours." Lucius said.

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