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Harry packed them a small dinner and they dressed for the cold weather. Harry grabbed his camera before they headed out the door. They held hands making the slow out to the lake. "Harry...you seem to be doing better, are you?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. "The medicine...and the therapy have been helping...I'm sorry it got so bad..." Harry whispered, feeling the light kiss on his cheek. "It's....okay, now. Like I said...if I'm going to loose you...Then that's different. I'm not going to loose you to yourself though." Draco said. "You aren't going to loose me, I'm not going to let that happen again." Harry said. "Harry, I understand depression is difficult. I know a bad day can come again. Just, talk to somebody when that happens, okay?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. "I do love you, more then anything in this world, Draco." Harry said. "I know, Harry. I love you too."

"What do you think the babies are?" Draco asked, once they were sat down in the grass. Harry shook his head. "I don't know. What do you think?" Harry asked. "I...think they are all girls. I don't know why, but I feel like they are. The doctor said we should know next time. As long as nobody is hiding." Draco said and Harry give him a kiss. "The boys will be badly outnumbered if that's the case." Harry laughed and Draco chuckled. "They will be just fine. I really do believe they are girl. Something is telling me this. I can't explain it." Draco said, and Harry smiled, putting a hand on his belly. "Even so, let's be sure okay?" Harry said and Draco nodded. "Of course, Harry. What did you make? I'm hungry." Draco whine. "Um, just sandwiches...I wasn't sure if I would eat anything else, you know?" Harry admitted. "Sandwiches are yummy." Draco smiled.

"Do you care if I get some pictures of you? I really like this spot for picture." Harry said and Draco raised an eyebrow. "Harry I'm huge! Why on earth would you want pictures of me right now?" Draco asked only to get a light kiss. "My babies are in that belly, and I like that. You aren't that big, love. Please? I want some." Harry asked again, and Draco let Harry pull him to his feet. "Oh, okay." Draco smiled lightly.

Draco was frozen by the time they made the walk home. After midnight temperature, wasn't very friendly. Harry started the fire in the fire place and Draco sat nuzzled in a blanket by it. "You really do enjoy taking those photos. How's your shop going?" Draco asked. "Great! The whole month is nearly booked for the holiday pictures! The dates I have available, left, won't let them get their Pictures before Christmas, unfortunately." Harry pointed out, handing Draco a cup of tea. "Awe, that's unfortunate. Still, they aren't okay with getting them later?" Draco asked. "Some are, some aren't. Then some of those still end up making an appointment." Harry chuckled, easing to sit next to Draco by the fire place.
Draco yawned, but laid his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled, locking an arm around Draco.

"What does this mean?" James said, coming up behind them a short time later. He handed Harry the pregnancy test. "She's pregnant. I'll call the doctor. She's going." Harry said. "She's not going to believe me if I show her this. It took all evening just to get her to take it." James fussed. "I'll have Narcissa try again, dad. She's just a pain, like everybody else is." Harry pointed out and James let out a sigh. "Very well. I don't understand how this stick thing can tell you." James said. "It can tell the hormone levels in her urine." Harry said to get a confused looked. "Don't work about it. I'll call the doctor in the morning. Tag along, she'll like that." Harry said. "I...don't understand hardly anything...and I really dislike going out, Harry." James whispered. "They won't talk, you'll be fine." Harry said and after a pause, he nodded. "Very well." James said, and made his way back up the stairs. Draco let out another yawn. "Harry, can we lay down?" Draco whined. "Of course, however, I need to rest on the floor. I'm real achy tonight." Harry admitted. "Alright, Harry. Tuck me in?" Draco asked. "Of course, love." Harry said.

Harry woke up to little hands to his face. Harry chuckled. Ava and Braxton wanted him this morning and was being awful fuss for Draco and Narcissa. "Hi, babies!" Harry smiled, pulling the two babies on his lap. "They wanted their papa. They were being super fussy for everyone." Draco whined and Harry Chuckled, giving them both a big kiss on their cheeks. "I missed you too! Let's get your tummies all full of milk and formula!" Harry said before Draco lend down, to give him a kiss. "Your mama is also being fussy about seeing a doctor. Seems your father and my mother, brought it up this morning with her." Draco pointed out. "Then I shall drag her." Harry chuckled.

"No!" Lily fussed, but got handed Braxton. "Mama! Stop it. Your going." Harry said, gathering the high chair. "Do you realize-" She started and Harry waved his hand, dismissing the comment. "Yes, mother, but I know what the magic says and that pregnancy test shown. Stop fussing. Your going to the doctor and dad's coming too." Harry said, pulling overing the high chairs and put the babies in one by one. "Harry..." She whined. "Mama! Stop it. Your fussy. Like Draco is and Narcissa was. So hushy." Harry said, ruffling Ava's hair who giggled out. Lily just let out a sigh, before she eased down to sit at the table. "I still think it's impossible. Things can read wrong." She pointed out. "That is why we are going to see the doctor. They'll know for sure, eat." Harry said.

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