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Jesse smiled at her. "You don't have to do that. I told you...I haven't...had a girlfriend before and my parents...made me swore to put my education first." Jesse said. Jessica just smiled lightly. "I know...your sweet. I wanted to though. However, my daddy isn't going to let me walk anymore if the temperature is this cold." Jessica said, before the car pulled up and the backdoor opened. The pair seen a teenage boy, Jack, the twin of Jessica, in the back. "Come on." Jack said. "Jessica it's fine." Jesse said, before the window rolled down. "Your coming too. She pitched a fit." Said their father. "Please?" Jessica asked. "Okay." Jesse said.

Jesse was a little uncomfortable, because he wasn't sure what to think about the man. He obviously knew about their brand new relationship. He hadn't even told Harry or Draco about it. Jack just turned to Jesse. "You should ask your parents to join the football team." Jack said. "I get you guys need another player, but I'm...not much for sports, at least...not those kinds of sports." Jesse said. "The yearbook club then? You're locket is covered in pictures of not only those kids but of the school. The headmaster really likes the one you took of the band." Jessica said. "I've...thought about it, but...it keep me after school until six...I don't like being out after dark." Jesse said kind of quiet. "Is transportation an issue?" Their father asked. "Not exactly. I can easily get a ride to school, it just puts me there pretty early...getting home would be a touch more difficult, unless I went to the nanny for the quads. She's pretty close to the school. Pa doesn't...like me home to long without supervision. He agreed to let me walk to school, because I was knew to the school and felt out of place. He keeps...pushing me to ride with him." Jesse said. "The temperature is too cold for you kids to be walking. If you join the club, you can come to our house then after school with the twins. You two, Jessica, are in the living room. Understood?" He said. "Yes, daddy." Jessica said. "I'll...talk to my parents. Mine should be coming in soon and the girls are so excited." Jesse said. "Do the boys not like to make pictures?" Jessica asked. "Not as much, but they will if Ava and Brooklyn asked. Ava is the real model out of them all." Jesse smiled lightly.


Draco? Ended up felling really sick after lunch, so the headmaster covered his class and set him home. Draco didn't go home, he went Harry's shop, who frowned seeing him. He knew Draco was unwell. "Draco, what happened?" Harry asked. "Lunch didn't settle. He sent me home for the day." Draco said softly. Harry put his hand to his forehead. "You are warm slightly. Maybe...you should call the doctor? At this point, you could be getting ill." Harry pointed out and Draco shook his head. "I'm sure after some rest I'll be fine. So, I'm taking a nap on your couch." Draco said. "Alright, love." Harry said.

Lily went to pick up Jesse, like every day since he started, form the secondary school and take him back to the shop. Jesse climbed into the passenger seat. "Jesse!" Christopher said form his car seat in the back middle. Jesse smiled at the boy before he buckled in. "Did you have a good day at school?" Lily asked, as she started the drive back. "Yeah. Er, My friends dad said If I joined a club, that I could just come over afterwards until pa could pick me up." Jesse said. "I thought you didn't want to sign up for anything?" Lily asked. "I didn't want to join a sport, but Jessica thinks I should join the Yearbook club. It's until five, and her father said I could go over there afterwards. It's...not far." Jesse said. "This is a conversation you are going to want to have with your parents, Jesse." Lily said. "What do you think, though?" Jesse asked. "I think it would be good for you to be in a club, but I know you should be home before it gets dark, so...It's something that is definitely going to have to be worked out." Lily said.


Harry and Draco both agreed they'd go talk to the father of the twins, yes that afternoon, because it did seem important to Jesse. "Jesse, are you certain it isn't going to be an inconvenience that we just show up?" Harry asked, driving his mother's car. She agreed to take the kids back to their house, in the van, and get dinner started. "Jessica said he's home by four, so it should be fine." Jesse said. "What brought this on so suddenly, Jesse?" Harry asked. "Her daddy doesn't like me walking either. He's...going to pick me up in the mornings. The twins walk to, but if it's below freezing he won't let them." Jesse said. "You rode with this man?" Harry asked. "Pa. Jessica and Jack are cool. He's their only parent he's cool." Jesse said. "Just...please be careful, son. You talk more about Jessica then you do jack." Harry said. "Jack is more of a jock, Jessica and I share similar classes and she likes my pictures." Jesse said. Draco turned to see the boy looking away, out the window, trying to hide a blush on his face. "Has she been a subject of said pictures?" Draco asked. "Once...or twice." Jesse said kind of embarrassed. "Jessica, is your girlfriend?" Harry asked. "Kind of...it's...hard to explain and I know things are difficult...but she's sweet...and her daddy already knew and I think it's a way he can keep an eye on us because he already said she wasn't coming over without supervision, because he knows you two aren't home tell six." Jesse said.

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