Chapter Seven

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"I will be fine, little boy." Harry said, before giving Draco a light kiss. The smell of mouthwash strong. "I have to worry, Daddy." Draco said kind of quiet as the bedroom door was opened slightly. "I know, but I'm okay." Harry smiled, before Harry took off.

Draco walked into the Nursery, that had been rearranged slightly. "I...hope you wouldn't mind." Lily whispered. Draco DID mind, but after a moments thought, he smiled lightly. Even though she couldn't SEE it, she could hear it in his voice. "Does it make it easier to take care of the quads?" Draco asked. "And little Des." She replied a bit giddy. "Then it's okay. However, between you, my parents and Patunia...I had time and I feel bad about that." Draco kind of admitted, before lending down and picking up Ashton. "A break is always good. It is also good they are used to others. You also should start separating them form one another." Lily said. "Why would I do that?" Draco frown and she give a soft smile. "Because they shouldn't be so strongly depended on one another. It will make going to school difficult or anything really difficult." Lily said and after a sigh. "I don't want my babies apart." Draco frown getting nuzzled to by his little boy. "It isn't forever, honey. It's just to make things easier in the long run is all...and I suppose it can wait until they are a little older." Lily said.

"Does that shot of Harry's make him sick?" Draco asked Patunia when she walked into the nursery a little later. "His body could be having a hard time accepting the insulin because it can normally make it on it's on...I suppose it could be making him a little sick. However, didn't he go to work?" She asked, picking up Brooklyn. "Yeah, he would go to work no matter work. It's just him...He doesn't really seem to want to hire anybody to help him out." Draco somewhat frowned. "I'll...make a call to his doctor. He could just need a lower dose until he gets to eating properly again." She replied and Draco nodded.

Come lunch time, Patunia give a knock to the building door for his. After a moment, Harry turned on the indoor light and opened the door. "Sorry, forgot you were stopping by." Harry said, before he got handed a card. Harry just give a sigh, before slipping the card in his pocket. "You know at this point, you can't MAKE me go." Harry said, opening the door all the way so she could walk in. "That may be true, but this isn't you at fourteen years old with only friends. You are an almost nineteen year old father of four with a very needy boyfriend. It isn't just about you anymore, Harry. If you can't take control over your disorder, then have somebody else." She said, and after a very annoyed sigh. "You can tell Narcissa...Do NOT tell my mother. Narcissa can somewhat understand the muggle world." Harry said, walking to the door of the back room. "I take it, I can't get you to eat lunch." She said. "It wouldn't do any good." Harry replied. "You should have just talked to me, Harry." She said after a moment. "All that would have done was-" Harry started. "So what? I get I didn't treat you like I should have, but I'll be damned if I would have beat you Harry. I love your mother and I only disliked your father because...I didn't really understand him." She said and Harry let out a huff. "Doesn't matter now. I only even told you now because Draco was Freaking out." Harry said, pushing open the door. "I think he has a reason to be worried. That same reason Narcissa won't let me take Richard home." She replied and Harry let out a sigh. "I'll never admit what you want me to do. The Manor is huge, just find a place to call your own. What really do you have there anyway?" Harry asked, before turning around. "See the doctor, Harry. Yes, I will be telling Narcissa about your problem as I feel if it gets to out of control, she can at least just her mumbo jumbo and keep you stabilized, at least to a point." She replied. "Very well." Harry replied.

-Time Skip-
-One Month-

The last might had been a real struggle for Harry and his eating disorder. It wasn't until two weeks had past that Draco had been told...that was only because Harry ended up passing out one evening, nearly dropping Ava form him hip and giving Draco a big scare. Since Draco knew, it made Harry eat a little more, but it was still always a big fight. Harry was also down nearly fifteen pounds in that month, looking a lot weaker and when he wasn't working, he was a lot more Moody. Draco really didn't know what to do, and had been hiding the fact he had been vomiting himself and feeling unwell the past week or so. There wasn't time for him to fall apart when the real possibility of Harry killing himself with this disorder was there.
It was late, and Draco had a hand over his face little the tears fall over the sound of the running water. There wasn't much more they could do for him. He was eighteen so they couldn't force him into more care because the law didn't see him as unfit because he hide it very well. Harry had past out again today, less then 24 hours form the last time. Draco knew soon Harry might not wake up, and he couldn't handle that thought. Harry had woke up unnoticed and stood at the bathroom door. He could hear Draco crying hard at this point over the water...and that wasn't something he was able to handle...Draco being so strongly effected by Him.

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