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"Somebody is being a nosey little newborn, isn't she?" Harry said, walking over to the cot, but seen Destiny asleep nuzzled to the tiny newborn girl. "Faith wasn't to happy about her check up. The muggle healer stoped by this morning. Requested he give her a cheek up." Lucius spoke and Harry let out a sigh. "I think he knows, but without being told...he still has to be a doctor. Destiny is a very good girl." Harry smiled. "Be sure to watch if Destiny moves though. We don't need her hurting the tiny girl." Lucius frown. "Should I remove her?" Harry thought for a moment, but shook his head. "No. If it calmed them, then let them be. As long as somebody can watch them, it's safe."
Harry grabbed a premade sandwich, taking a bite standing by the table. "Narcissa said her birthday isn't for a few more weeks. Are you still wanting the pictures so soon?" Lucius gave a nod. "Narcissa has a lot of muggle friends. They are throwing this big birthday bash. I don't want to ruin that." Harry was confused. He doubted a picture of their daughter on her Frist birthday, would ruin her party. "I'll do it...On one condition." Lucius looked at Harry, a bit concerned. "What would that be?" Harry smiled lightly. "Your wife has a birthday coming up. I think that locket of hers needs a new picture. I'm sure I can talk Draco into it." Lucius raised in eyebrow. "I don't think I follow, Harry." Harry took another bite out of his sandwich. "A picture of the four of you. You with your kids. I think it would...I know it would, mean the world to her." Lucius got a bit of an uncomfortable look. "I'm sure the picture of the children would be enough..." Harry shook his head. "Do it. You wouldn't still be here if her happiness didn't matter." After a pause, Lucius nodded.

Harry, Draco and the Quads were all out on the town that afternoon. Draco wanted to get out of the house, but wanted his babies close to him. He also wanted some ice cream, so they stopped at an ice cream parlor. The Quads all making baby noises In that special made stroller for Quads. Draco and Harry sat at the table. Draco had a cup of ice cream and Harry had a smaller one. He wasn't hungry, and didn't really want it. Draco had fussed at him about not wanting one by himself. So Harry felt he had to order something himself. "How...do we explain the babies?" Draco's voice was low. "We had a surrogate." Draco nodded, looking at the four very wide awake babies in the strollers who all kind of looked around the Parlor the best they could in their stroller. An older woman, with a small child approached them. She smiled lightly, seeing the giddy babies. "Grandma, there's four of them!" The little boy smiled and Harry smiled at them both. "Hello there." She seemed a little uncomfortable, but gave Harry a smile. "I'm sorry. He has only seen twin before, and wanted to come say hello to them." Draco smiled. "It's no trouble! They really should get used to others, beside family I mean. Just promise to be careful, little man?" The young boy nodded.
They ended up outside the ice cream parlor in the grass. The babies laying around on a blanket and the little boy slowly pulling one on his lap and soon moving to the next one. studying the four of them. "So you do have help with them? I know one at a time is a handful sometimes." Draco nodded. "We live with my parents. Harry's aunt and mother are also there." Harry looked up. "Speaking of my mother, I guess we have been gone too long." Harry for to his feet and walked over to Lily.

"Mom, what's up?" She just turned to face him, even without being able to see him, and give a smile. "Narcissa said you were getting ice cream. I'm sure I waited long enough for you two to spend time with the babies, didn't I?" Harry let out a sigh of relief. "You had me worried. What do you want? Some grandma and her grandson are with the babies with Draco." She thought for a moment. "The have milkshakes?" Harry walked her over to the blanket, and eased her down to sit. "Yes, chocolate?" Lily smiled. "That would be fantastic!"
The little boy waved at Lily, but of course Lily couldn't see. She wore those sunglasses, so her eyes couldn't be see and the scars were hidden with light make-up. She found herself a baby, Ashton, and pulled him into her lap. "Did you at least get a ride?" Draco asked. "Sister brought me, yes. You two shouldn't worry so much about that." Draco smiled lightly. "He'll always worried, Lily." She just gave Ashton a pat, on the second try. The woman looked at Draco. "Oh! Here." Lily moved her head back lightly when she felt the hand. "Don't...They've changed." She kind of mumbled. "I assumed so. However, we have company and a little boy is a little disappointed you didn't wave back. You refuse to speak about it, so at least let him understand why he wasn't waved at." After a moment, she reached up and removed the sunglasses. She wasn't sure when her eyes went grey. It was within a few short days, though. "It was an accident. She hasn't quiet let it slow her down, hints all the broken toes." Draco kind of joked and she smiled lightly. "Hi." Said the little boy. "Hello! Draco I told you to get the babies out more!" Draco nodded. "Yes. They do seem to have a new friend, down they?" The little boy smiled at Draco. "Yes, I like the babies! So many babies!" He giggled and held the two girls on his lap.

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