| 62 | - The Three Questions

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•• November 7, 2013 ••

Back at the Oasis, Lee Everett was the man in charge while their leader and his lady were out on the supply run with the other communities.

He didn't envy Y/N's job. Lee would admit, it was stressful, but it was something he could handle too. That is why the young man often handed him the reigns at certain times.

Lee was at the JB Andrew's Library building and joined by Shel. The location was frequently used as a sort of educational center for the Oasis's inhabitants, mostly young people who chose to study. Lee was surprised to see them wanting to read and learn, as it was a far cry from how his students acted when he was a professor.

Not many things to do in the apocalypse, he guessed.

Shel was sorting out books at a table. One caught her eye and she spoke to Lee across from her.

"Oh, wow." She held the book. "I remember this. My history professor made us read this."

Lee's eyes darted at the book and his eyes widened. "Whoa."


He reached for it and Shel handed it to him. Lee examined the cover and turned it around.

"Battle Cry of Freedom." Lee read the title of the Civil War book. "I frickin' love this. I had my students reading this before...well..."

"Before people started eating each other?" Shel interjected.

Lee sighed. He actually was referring to losing his job after being arrested for the death of Senator Hardy. Luckily Shel or anyone he's met so far hadn't realized that...or just haven't chosen to bring it up.

"Yeah." Lee simply replied, then spoke after a pause. "I just really love the Civil War era."

"I know. Louis told me." Shel said with a chuckle.

He shook his head. "Of course he did. Did you know he wanted to be a Broadway singer?"

Before Shel could react, the man's walkie chirped and someone's voice came out. It was Russell.

"Lee? Mr. Everett?"

He unclipped it from his belt and held it by his face. "Here."

"We...uh...got people at the gate."

"Y/N and the others?"

"Nah, no sign of the Chancellor. Aasim brought these folks. A middle-aged man, a woman, and a girl. Only one is armed."

Lee glanced at Shel who was overhearing the conversation.

"Everything looks all right? No funny business?" He asked.

"Aasim said they check out. Kid didn't seem distressed nor any sign of them forcing him to say that or anything."

"Okay. Let them in. We'll keep 'em in the conference center while we wait for the Chancellor. I'll greet them there."

"Alrighty then."

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