| 51 | - A Slight Detour

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Back at the Atlanta camp, you were one of the few people I looked up to. At that time, I thought I lost my dad. Shane was there, doing what he could. My mom was there, of course. Dale always watched over us, being the mediator and moral compass when we needed it. Then, there was you.

I never knew what it was like to have an older brother. For the years you've been with us, with me, I now know how it is. You took time out of your day to be with me and Sophia back in Atlanta. On the road before the prison, you helped my dad teach me the ways of survival. You also helped my dad and Hershel make the prison a great place for families to live in.

Feels like yesterday I was always teasing you about Clementine. Ever since you brought her to camp that first week into the outbreak, I always knew you liked her. She's a special girl, and you're a special guy. I know the two of you, together, will keep the Oasis thriving. I know you two will help Maggie, Ezekiel, and my dad keep the unity between the communities strong.

Thank you for everything.

- Carl


You closed the letter, and wiped away the tear that dropped from your eye. You put it into your front pocket, alongside Clementine's letter. You hadn't opened it yet, and we're going to give it to her when you made it back to the Oasis.

You walked over to Maggie, who was near the pen where she kept the Savior POWs.

You: I'm gonna get going now.

Maggie: You feeling all right?

You put your hand onto your side.

You: Better than before.

Maggie: I'll send a few people out to recover the supplies where you were ambushed.

You nod. Suddenly, a Savior named Jared walks up to the fence and speaks.

Jared: The Kid, too? Wow. All four targets are in one place. That'll make it easy for Negan.

Another Savior, named Alden, tries to pull him back.

Alden: Hey, man. Knock it off.

A Hilltop guard holds his rifle at the pen. Maggie responds.

Maggie: I won't hesitate to kill you.

Jared just smirks, and walks back.

You: Bye, Maggie.

You begin walking to the gate, where Kal opens it to let you out. You enter the truck you arrived in, and start driving down the road.


You make stop near a field, and look at the radio on the passengers' seat. It was a radio you grabbed from a Savior who ambushed you.

You pick it up, and listen in. You hear a transmission from a Savior, talking about their convoy and path to the Hilltop.  They reveal that they're nearby, and you exit the truck.

You take out a detached rifle scope, and use it as binoculars to look in the distance. You see the Savior convoy. You keep on looking, and see the last car.

Negan was driving.

You put your scope down, and enter the truck. You start thinking for a bit. You wonder if you should go back to the Hilltop and tell them about the Saviors, or to just go after Negan right then. Going straight back to the Oasis was also an idea.

But no, at that moment, you wanted to end this. You wanted to make Negan pay. For Omid...for Alvin...for Glenn...for Rebecca...even for Carl.

You start the ignition, and floor it towards the convoy.


Clementine was in your office. She was carrying AJ as she paced around. Ever since he was born, she didn't want to leave his side.

Louis came into the room.

Clementine: Did you find him?

Louis: He wasn't there. Soldiers told us that there was a truck missing though. Y/N probably took it.

Clementine was worried sick about you. It's been almost a day since she last saw you.

Clementine: He probably went to the Hilltop...for something.

Louis shrugs.

Louis: He could have.

Clementine: Was it bad?

Louis sighs.

Louis: Everybody was dead. Both Saviors and soldiers. I'm sorry. Fortunately, he wasn't among the dead.

Clementine nods, and looks out the window. Louis decides to change the topic.

Louis: How's the baby doing?

Clementine looks down at AJ. She smiles.

Clementine: He's sweet. Like a little ball of joy.

Clementine keeps on cradling AJ.

Clementine: Y/N and I promised Rebecca we'd help her look after the baby. With her gone...now it's up to us.

Louis: Well, Lee and I are here for the both of you. Aasim too.

Louis crosses his arms.

Louis: Hell, maybe even Vince.

Clementine remembers Vince, and how he helped deliver AJ. He was still in his holding cell. Clementine wanted to wait for you to come back and decide what to do with him.

A part of her appreciated Vince and his help despite his affiliation with the Saviors.

Clementine: Yeah...

Louis: I wonder what we're going to do with him. We could still take him to the Hilltop.

Clementine: No, we wait for Y/N. He should be back soon.

Clementine hoped it'd be soon.


You sped down an alleyway, gunning it towards the convoy. A couple trucks passed by before you saw the side of Negan's car.

You slammed into the back of it, causing Negan to lose control for a second.

Negan swerved and broke off from the path of the convoy, taking a left down another street. You followed.

Negan: Damn it!

Negan looked through his rear view mirror, and saw your truck. You looked on, eyes starting directly at his car.

You kept on chasing him for a couple blocks, until you sideswipe the back of his car and cause him to lose control once more. Doing this move causes you to swerve left, hitting a pole.

Negan's car hit a curb and rolled over, falling onto its side.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now