| 50 | - Carl's Vision

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Seven years into the future, Carl envisioned a life of harmony. A life where Alexandria, Hilltop, the Kingdom, and the Oasis thrived together...with the Saviors and the Sanctuary being allies as well.


Rick Grimes woke up from his slumber. He looked over at the clock, and wondered why it hadn't sounded. He got up, picked up his cane, and began getting dressed.

He walked into the dining room, where he heard music playing. Michonne was sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

Rick: You turned off the alarm.

Michonne smirked.

Michonne: They can manage without you for one morning.

Rick smiled, and gave Michonne a kiss.

Carl walked into the dining room soon after.

Carl: We're all playing hooky.

Rick: What's with this music?

Carl: Hey, I didn't put it on.

In reality, Judith was listening to music. The eight year old ran into the room and hugged Rick moments later.

Judith: They made a big owl for the party.

Rick: Really?

Michonne: People are taking this festival very seriously. Y/N and Clem are on their way here to help set up.

Rick: It'd be nice to see them again.

Judith: Let's go outside, daddy.

Rick nodded.

Rick: All right. Daddy needs to stretch his legs anyway.

Rick and Judith left their house, and began walking down the streets of Alexandria. People were tending to their crops and helping set up for the festival in a couple days.

Judith: Jerry!

Ezekiel's friend and guard, Jerry, was helping Siddiq move blocks of concrete.

Jerry: 'Sup Jude!

Jerry carried Judith to give her a hug, and let her down soon after.

Jerry: Hey, Rick.

Rick: Everything okay?

Jerry: Just came over for the butternut skillet cake you guys make.

Rick chuckled, leaning against his cane.

Rick: You rode out from the Kingdom for dessert?

Jerry: Hell's yeah.

Rick nodded.

Rick: Well, I'll leave you to your masonry duty.

Jerry: Later, Rick.

Jerry waved goodbye to Judith. Rick then walked with her down the street again.

The both of them strolled down, and something caught Rick's eye. He saw you moving crates into a shack. Him and Judith went over to greet you.

Judith: Y/N!

You had just put a crate down, and looked over at Judith. A smile grew on your face.

You: Hey, babygirl.

You crouched down to hug her, and looked up at Rick as you did.

You: Morning, Rick. You seem to get older every-time I come here.

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