| 22 | - Fractures Within

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It was a flu.

Not the normal flu that went away after a few days, but a different strain. A deadlier strain. It killed Patrick and he turned, where he then attacked the cell block.

The council, which included you, decided it'd be best to start isolating people so you can treat them. You also wanted to keep others safe, especially Judith.

Rick also killed the pigs. Violet had been sick, most likely from the same sickness. Rick didn't want to take that chance. You didn't want to take that chance.

Now you had another problem. Karen, Tyreese's girlfriend, was found killed and burned. His friend, David, was also found the same way.

You were with Tyreese, Rick, Daryl, and Carol as you stood in front of the charred bodies.

Rick: So you found them like this?

Tyreese: I came to see Karen....and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them.

Tyreese started getting furious.

Tyreese: Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire! They killed them and set them on fire!

Tyreese then turned to Rick, face inches away from his. You and Daryl stood idly by in case it got physical.

Tyreese: You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me.

Daryl: We'll find out who—

Daryl tries to pull Tyreese back, but he pushes him away.

Rick: I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous.

Tyreese: Karen didn't deserve this! David didn't deserve it! Nobody does!

Daryl: All right, man, let's—

Daryl once again tries to pull back Tyreese, but he turns around and pins Daryl to the wall.

Tyreese: Man, I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!

You are about to intervene, but Daryl waves you off.

Daryl: We're on the same side, man.

Rick: Hey, look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down.

Tyreese lets go of Daryl and shoves Rick.

Tyreese: You need to step the hell back!

Rick: She wouldn't want you being like this.

Without hesitation, Tyreese swung and punched Rick across his face, almost sending him to the floor.

Carol: Stop! Stop!

Tyreese punches Rick again. Daryl grabs onto Tyreese from behind, and holds him.

Daryl: That's enough! That's enough!

As Daryl is holding Tyreese, Rick quickly gets up and lands a hook across his jaw. Tyreese falls to the ground. Rick then kicks him in the stomach while he's down. Rick then continues to punch him across the face in a rage.

You: Rick!

You go up to Rick and grab him.

You: Rick, stop!

Rick: Let go of me!

You pull him away from Tyreese.

You: No. No.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now