| 40 | - Old Friends

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It's been almost a month.

The Oasis has been surviving despite the circumstances. The Saviors have only come twice since their first visit, and Negan hasn't came since that one time. You heard about his problem with another community nearby, a problem he easily dealt with.

You were with Aasim tending the garden.

Aasim: You heard about Louis and Hana?

You: No. What is it?

Aasim: One of Hana's friends told me that they did it last night. After their date.

You simply nod.

You: Okay. I hope he had protection.

Aasim: I'm sure he did. You know how Louis is. He probably had one on him since shit first went down.

You chuckle.

You: Seriously though, people need to be careful. Rebecca's baby is almost out, which will add to the already at-capacity baby population here. Christa's only a couple months along, but still.

You honestly didn't mind if people settled down and chose to have kids at the Oasis, but you also wanted them to be smart about it. To think about the responsibility and risk of having it now.

Aasim: What happened to Alvin is fucked up, man. Growing up with a father? Will Rebecca be able to care for that kid by herself?

You finish digging with your shovel, and wipe the sweat off your forehead.

You: She won't have to worry about that. Clem and I will help her as much as we can.

Aasim smiles as he continues to dig into the earth.

Aasim: That's cool.

You nod, and continue to tend the garden. Then, your radio begins to sound.

???: Chancellor?

You grab your radio as the front gate guard speaks through out.

You: Yes?

???: Jesus is at the gate, he has a group.

You sigh. It's been a while since you've seen Jesus, but he did tell you that he'd bring you any news if something came up.

You: All right. Let them in. Tell Wyatt to bring them to the conference center.

???: Will do.

You clip the radio back onto your waist, and put the shovel down.

Aasim: New people?

You: Jesus and new people. I'm gonna see what he's up to.

Aasim: Good luck.

You nod, and begin walking to the conference center.


You informed Clementine of Jesus and the new group's arrival. Lee and Louis also joined you. You considered the three of them as your closest advisors at the Oasis.

Lee: Jesus brought new people?

Louis: Probably from a new community. Maybe trade partners like the Kingdom.

The Kingdom has also become close to the Oasis throughout the last month.

Lee: If they are, maybe then can help fight the Saviors.

You look at Lee.

You: Let's not bring that up right now. We're doing good so far.

Lee: Won't be long until good becomes bad, Y/N.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now