| 32 | - For The Oasis

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You hear a militiaman yelling.

???: We're under attack!

You quickly run over to the campfire where Clementine was. You grab your rifle and then grab her.

You: We gotta move!

Clementine grabbed her firearm and ran with you.


Bullets flew by you. You went behind a tree with Clementine.

The camp was in a panic. Militiamen hid behind cover as they tried to fight off Carver's soldiers.

You peek out, and see one of them advancing.


You shoot him, and pull back the lever.


You shoot at another soldier, but he gets behind a tree.

Lee: Y/N! Clem! Over here!

You look at Lee, who's waving the both of you down with Louis beside him.

Clementine peeks out, and notices soldiers looking the other way shooting at other militiamen.

Clementine: Let's go.

She begins to run, and you follow her. The two of you reach Lee and Louis.

Lee: We have to make it to the trucks. This camp is compromised.

Clementine: Where will we go?

You: Luke set up other camps nearby. Hopefully Carver hasn't found that too.

Louis: Where's Luke?

You shake your head, indicating he didn't make it.

Louis: Fuck....

Lee: Let's get moving.





You hear the distant gunfire as you run to the trucks. You see other militiamen helping people inside the vehicles. Clementine, Lee, and Louis start getting into the van. You also see Rebecca, Alvin, and Christa inside.

Christa: Omid isn't with you?!

Before entering the van, you look back. You weren't going to leave anybody behind. You look at Lee.

You: Start driving.

Lee: What?

You: Get out of here. I'll find Omid and meet you guys at the rendezvous spot.

Clementine: We're not leaving you.



The gunfire was getting closer.

You: Yes you will! Go!

Lee shook his head, but immediately turned on the engine. He drove off, with Clementine looking back through the window.

You look on for a moment, then turn around.

You run into camp, and see several militiamen still fighting against Carver's soldiers. One of them is Omid, who's behind cover with another man.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now