| 46 | - Confessions and Decisions

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Lee took out two Saviors that guarded the fence surrounding the outpost using his suppressed rifle.

You, Clementine, and Louis led a team through the fences down to the front of the building. You saw two more Saviors guarding the doors.



Wyatt and Clementine shot the two men before they can react. You then entered the building.

You whistled, and motioned your team to split up and go down separate hallways. You and Clementine went down one hallway, leading a group that included Russell and three other Militia soldiers.

One Savior opened a door and looked at you, but you immediately shot him dead with your silenced pistol.


You keep moving down the hallways, and reach double doors. You see your second group, led by Lee, down the hallway in front of another set of double doors that lead to the same room.

You both look at each other, and raise an arm. You try to listen in, and hear talking inside the room. You then bring your arm down, which signals Lee to do so as well. Both teams go through the doors, and raise their guns.




The Saviors drop dead before they can reach for their weapons. You take a breath, as you lower your rifle and look at the fallen Saviors.

Louis: We still have the East side to check out.

Before you can reply, you hear commotion in a small room. You raise your rifle, and begin walking up to the door. Lee follows closely behind.

You turn the knob of the door, and fling it open. You keep your rifle raised as you look in, and see an Asian man with his hands up.

???: Don't shoot. Please.

Lee: Why shouldn't we?

???: I'm just a doctor. I was sent hear in case some of these assholes needed assistance.

He peeks out of the door, and sees them all dead.

???: Now that's something I can't help with.

You: Jokes, huh? You're still a Savior, you have a gun right there near the wall. They sent you here to fight as well.

???: But I didn't. I don't want to fight. Look, my girlfriend is back at the Sanctuary, I have to do what they say or she dies.

You keep your rifle pointed at him, with your finger still on the trigger. Clementine walks over and puts a hand on your shoulder.

Clementine: He's not a threat.

You look at her, then nod. You lower your rifle.

Wyatt: What the hell are we going to do with him, then? We still have the East side to secure.

You: Russell, Wyatt, you and your team stay with him here. I'll go with Lee's team and secure the East side.

They agree, and you turn back to face the man.

Vince: Thank you, my name's Vince.

You: Don't thank me yet.

You then leave the room, and continue securing the outpost.


Father Gabriel hid behind the door, clenching the handgun he had taken from Negan.

Negan stood on the other side of the door, listening in on Gabriel's confession of how he locked his congregation out of his church during the onset of the apocalypse.

Negan didn't really care, but a part of him felt as if there was a chance the both of them would die there, in the small room. It was only a matter of time before the walkers would break in.

Negan wanted to get some things off his chest.

Negan: My first wife was a real wife. My only real wife. 'Till death did us part.

Negan continued to explain how she was sick with cancer, and how he always lied to her. He always cheated on her. He told him that she died when everything went down, and couldn't put her down.

Negan: That's how I was weak...there were many times in my life were I felt that same weakness.

Negan began to think. He remembers his sister, your mother, and the abuse she was willing to endure from your stepfather.

Negan: My sister kept getting beat by her husband. I could've done something for her. I could've killed that motherfucker with my bare hands. But I didn't. When my sister told me to not get involved, I listened, when I shouldn't have.

He then remembers you.

Negan: You know Y/N, right? I'll admit, I was so goddamn happy to see him alive when I first ran into him. I wanted to give him a big hug. But, I couldn't. I could not show that weakness to my people.

Negan sighs.

Negan: I had to do what I had to do. I had to treat the situation like any other. I had to show him the Negan way...now he hates me because of it. I know he wants to kill me.

Gabriel continues to listen.

Negan: With Rick, I'll be fine with killing him. Same goes with the Widow and the King. I told my men that. But for the Kid, I told them to capture him. So I can show him the way of the Saviors...to be one of us.

Negan takes another breath, as he leans his head against the door.

Negan: If he doesn't want that...then I'll just do what I have to do...kill him like the other three.


The outpost was cleared. You regrouped with your team near the fences, and saw Vince with his hands tied.

Lee: So, what was your plan with this guy?

You looked at him, and rubbed your chin.

You: Take him back to the Oasis, I guess.

Louis rose a brow.

Louis: You're kidding, right?

You: Just for now, then I'll contact Rick or Maggie or somebody and ask them what to do with POWs.

Lee shakes his head, not knowing if it's that right call.

You: I won't kill him, and I won't let him go. So we're stuck with that choice.

They end up agreeing after a moment in their thoughts. You point at two Militia soldiers.

You: Put him in the truck.

Soldier 2: Yes, Chancellor.

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