| 13 | - Jailhouse Blues

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Rick was helping T-Dog put on some body armor as Daryl loaded his crossbow. Rick was getting a small group ready to secure the rest of the block.

Carl was putting on a helmet, mostly to get a laugh out of Beth.

Rick: You won't need that. I need you to stay put.

Rick walked over and grabbed the helmet.

Carl: You're kidding.

Rick: We don't know what's in there. I need you to stay and handle things here with Y/N and Clem.

Carl nods.

Carl: Sure.

You were standing nearby when you heard Rick's request.

You: Don't worry, Carl. You can lead things and I'll be your second in command while they're gone.

Carl gave another nod.

Rick: Great.

Rick then turns to the group that's going with him.

Rick: Let's go.

They leave the cell block, and you close the door behind them.

You turn around, and survey the cell block. You were in charge of watching over Lori, Beth, Carol, Carl, and Clementine. Well, now Carl had that job too.

After some time, you were talking with Carl as the two of you sat against a wall. You were looking towards a cell that Clementine and Beth were in. They were talking as well.

This time, you noticed Carl always looking at Beth.

You: You know....you're the one being obvious this time.

Carl: What?

You smirked, and he immediately knew.

Carl: No. I don't like her.

You: Heh. Okay.

Carl: Be quiet. If you say anything I won't stop teasing your about Clem.

You laugh.

The both of you then hear incoming footsteps and the metal door opening.

Rick: Open the door! It's Hershel!

You shoot up onto your feet and run to the locked door.

Rick: Y/N! The door!

You quickly put the key in and unlock the door. You notice Rick and Maggie bringing in an unconscious Hershel, who is missing a foot.

You: What the fuck?!

Beth: Daddy!

They keep rolling Hershel in, and place him on a bed in a cell.

Daryl: He got bit.

Beth: Oh my god! Is he going to turn?!

Clementine: Did you cut it off?

Rick: Yeah.

Lori: Maybe you got it in time.

Carol began to look over Hershel. Asking for anything that can help treat him. You run over to your bag and bring her towels.

Glenn brings up how he can cauterize the stump, but Carol says the shock would kill him. She says we have to let it heal on its own.

You leave the cell, and go over to the chow area outside the cell block. You see Daryl aiming his crossbow at the open door where they came from, and suddenly a group of inmates walk through.

You pull out your handgun and aim it at them as well.

Daryl: That's far enough.

???: Cell block C. Cell 4, that's mine gringo. Let me in.

Daryl: Today's your luck day fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go.

???: What you got going on in there?

You: That's none of your concern.

The inmate then pulls out a gun from his waistband and holds it. You keep aiming your handgun at him. The other taller inmate starts talking to the main one.

???: Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up.

You and Daryl begin to spat against the inmates as they debate where to go. The main one doesn't want to go outside and would rather stay in the prison.

???: Hey, we ain't leaving.

T-Dog comes from the cell block and raises his gun at the main inmate.

T-Dog: You ain't coming in either.

Rick comes in soon after, and tries to defuse the situation.

The main man, Tomas, explains that they've been here for 10 months. A prison guard locked the five of them in the cafeteria once a riot broke out. He never came back to let them out.

Rick then explains how society has fallen. Half of the world's population is likely dead. This shocks the prisoners.

Tomas: Ain't now way.

Rick: See for yourself. 


It was a busy day. Rick went off with Daryl and T-Dog to help clear out a cell block with the prisoners. You and Clementine stayed with the rest of the group to help with Hershel. There was a couple scares, but Hershel seemed to be doing alright.

Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog had came back.

Carl: Hershel stopped breathing. Mom saved him.

You: It's true.

Rick gave a nod, and walked to the cell to check on Hershel. You all looked at him. Maggie sat at his bedside, and she noticed his mouth twitch.

His eyes started to open.

Maggie: Daddy?

Hershel fully opened his eyes, and saw the group. He held Rick's hand, as all of you looked on in relief.

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