| 35 | - Who Are You?

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It's been close to a month since you've first became chancellor of the Oasis.

People prospered and got to live life as they should. It's been a complete 180 of when Carver led the community.

You and Clementine managed the community together. The both of you were respected and looked up to in case of conflict, which hasn't happened for some time.

Within the Air Force base, there were blocks of houses that people could live in. They held up pretty well, you assume the base was taken over immediately after the initial outbreak and was kept in good condition.

You and Clementine had a house in a culdesac. Since the prison, you've felt as if you can finally thrive once again.

You, Louis, Aasim, and Clementine were playing UNO on the coffee table.

Louis: Dude, if you save your wild card till the end again, I'm going to punch your eyes.

Aasim: You gotta do what you gotta do, man.

Clementine: Loser.

Aasim: What?

You chuckle as you shuffle cards. You start handing them out.

Aasim: So, Louis....you mind talking to us about the new girl, Hana?

Hana was girl brought in a couple weeks ago with her mother.

Louis: What's there to talk about?

You: I mean....we've seen you guys walking and talking for the last few days.

Louis crosses his arms.

Louis: My lips are sealed.

Clementine: Booooo.

As the three of you continue playing, you hear a knock on your door. You get up to answer, and it turns out to be Wyatt, one of your lead guards.

You: Wyatt? What's up?

Wyatt: Sorry if I'm bothering you, but there's a problem. It's about that scouting unit we sent earlier....


You and Clementine were in the conference center with Lee, Alvin, and Wyatt. Other people and lead advisors were there too.

One of your scouts began to speak.

Scout 1: They came out of nowhere. We were checking the estates near Westphalia when they began shooting.

You: Were any of you hurt?

Scout 2: Taylor was shot in the arm. He'll recover.

Clementine: Do we know who they are? Were we in anybody's territory?

Lee: We don't know.

Alvin: Did you get any of them?

Scout 2: We killed a couple of them. That's when they retreated.

One of your lead advisors representing the citizens began to speak. Her name was Shel.

Shel: So what are we going to do? You think they might venture closer and try to attack the Oasis?

You had soldiers and guards, not enough like Carver had before, but enough to protect the Oasis. If this group was a threat, you felt that scouting them out near the estates would be beneficial.

Alvin: We should go back to the estates, and secure the area. I'll lead the team.

Lee: You sure about this?

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now