| 15 | - Personal Losses

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The prison siren began sounding as the two of you ran through the dark cell block.


Clementine killed a walker that was stumbling towards her. You two made a right, and saw two more walkers in front. You give her a nod, and the two of you run up to them.



The two of you stab into their heads, and keep on running.

You: In here!

You find an empty room, and lead her into it. You shut the door, and place a nearby crate against it. The two of you stand around and catch your breath.

The siren continues to sound as the both of you sit there in silence.

You: Fuck!

Your sudden outburst causes Clementine to jump.

You saw T-Dog get bit. You separated from the group, and now walkers began to overrun the prison. That hope you had for a better life was starting to dissipate.

You: FUCK!

You slam your hand against an old fuse box.

Clementine: Y/N!

You: This has all gone to shit! When the fuck can we get a break!?

Clementine grabs your shoulders and looks at you.

Clementine: Keep it down!

You take a breath and calm down.

Clementine: We'll get out of this. We always do.

You nod. The both of you have been taught a few things by Rick and Daryl. You both can get out of this. You just need to keep a level head.

You: You're right. Sorry.

You pace around the weakly lit room.

You: I just hope everybody else is fine.


It was a while until the sirens stopped. With that noise gone, you figured it was time to move. You motioned to Clementine, and the both of you started moving down the hallway.

There was a few stragglers, but the both of you took them down with ease.

You both made it to a door, and went through it. The two of you were back on the yard. You saw Hershel and Beth still at the fenced up doorway.

You: Hershel! Beth!

Hershel: Y/N! Clementine! Glad to see you both okay.

Clementine: Where are the others?

Beth: We haven't seen them yet.

Moments later, Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Oscar, and Axel arrived.

You: Rick!

Rick gave a nod.

Hershel: You didn't find them?

Glenn: I thought maybe they came back.

Beth and Hershel shook their heads.

You: What about T? Carol?

Daryl: They didn't make it.

You pace around and rub your face.

Rick: That doesn't mean the others didn't. We're going back. Y/N, Daryl, you come with me—

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora