| 7 | Lost and Found

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You've been on the road for two days. The RV has blown its hose once more as you were stuck on the highway. Shane had told the survivors to scavenge what they could from the abandoned vehicles.

You looked into one car, and found a hat. You turn it over and see it has a Cavaliers logo. You wondered if there was a family from your home state of Ohio who came to Georgia for a trip before everything went down.

Clementine: What'd you find there?

You turn to Clementine, and put on the hat.

You: Look. We're twins.

Clementine: Uh, I don't think so.

You: My hat has C, while yours has D. Ironic ain't it?

Clementine: You're so weird.

You both chuckle as you take off the cap and put it in your bag. You move on to another car. As the both of you look, you hear Dale above the RV forcefully whisper at you.

Dale: Y/N! Clem! Get down!

You look at what he's looking at, and see a herd of walkers stumbling down the highway.

You: Jesus Christ....

You hid behind the car, and Clementine begins to go under it. You follow behind her.

It felt like ages. You and Clementine try to keep your breathing as quiet as possible as the walkers pass by. After a while, you hear Sophia yelling. You and Clementine start getting up from under the car and run to the edge of the highway where the group is.

Carol: Two walkers are after my girl!

You: Where's Rick?

Glenn: He went after her.

Shane: Glenn, Daryl....you two come with me. Y/N, stay here with Dale and watch T-Dog.

You nod, and look over at T-Dog who has a rag tied to his bleeding arm.

You: What the hell happened to you, man?

T-Dog: Cut my arm in a door frame. I know....pretty dumbass shit.

He continues to groan in pain.

Clementine: I'll check the RV for any bandages.

She goes into the RV, as you stand around with T-Dog and the remainder of the group.


You were at the RV with Dale, when Carl came over with a bag of something.

Carl: Shane told me to give this to you. I found it in a car.

He gave it to Dale, and he laid it on the hood of a car and rolled it open. It contained a hatchet, a machete, and other tools.

You: Wow. Good find, Carl.

Carl: I asked my mom if I can have one, she said no.

You: Well, they are dangerous for a kid your age.

Carl: What's safer? This or a gun?

You: That's a complicated question, kiddo.

Shortly after, Rick and Daryl came from the woods and back onto the highway.

Carol: Did you find her?

Rick: The trail went cold. We'll continue at first light.

Carol began crying, as Daryl explained the risks of continuing the search throughout the night.

Carol: How can you just leave her?

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now